31 Year old, female. I have less than 10% of my hair left on my head. So far its staying on the rest of my body, so far. I keep it covered any time that I go out of the house... My boss has allowed me to wear a bandana when I'm working, which I'm very grateful for!
At the moment, I'm kind of looking to transfer my job to another facility in the same company. What are your thoughts regarding bandanas, scarfs, yada yada for an interview? Currently I am not a fan of the wig look, and I do not even own any as of yet. How does one handle the alopecia thing when getting a new job? Should I invest in a wig just for the interview, and then if I get hired ask for the "okay" to wear bandanas again? I really want switch jobs, just not sure how to pull it off.
Any thoughts would be really appreciated!
My advice is, go to the interview as you would want to go to the job. Be upfront with them, just tell them you have alopecia, dont go into detail unless they ask if it will hinder your ability to do your job (even through it is not something they should ask). It should not make any difference to them how you look, as long as you can do your job.
I do not wear anything on my head, I have AU, my boss asked politely if my baldness was due to medication, understandable really.
Just be you :-)
I do agree that you should go to the interview as you would want to go to the job. Since it’s the same company, I would say talk to your boss about it. I don’t wear anything on my head. I don’t own any wigs either. Although I work from home, I do have to go to the office from time to time (I haven't yet). Our office environment is business casual and I know some people have received feedback about being too casual. I had a chat with my manager about coming to work bald. She’s fine with it and told me to let her know if anyone has a problem with it. Good luck!
I'm in agreement with both these ladies. Go as you mean to go on.
Good luck with getting your new position.
I would say get some feedback (if you can) from your current supervisor. What may work in one area may not work in another, and it would be horrible if you were denied a position because of how you look, not what you can do. But realistically speaking, it happens in shallow American society, and not only to those with AA. "Differences make people uncomfortable", whether they be differences in skin color, weight, height, etc., etc.
I am praying for you.
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