So here's the new wig I ordered that took a month and a half to get to me. I personally love it, but as I wore it I got a ton of dirty looks from girls in the mall. And when I was in Victoria's Secret, a lady who was working there was just staring at me with a disgusted look on her face. I asked here if there was a problem, and she replied with... "yeah I dont see why you're trying so hard to get people to look at you". I made a confused face. And asked what she was talking about. She said " your hair looks ridiculous like youre trying to hard" I was literally in shock. Like what the hell? I advised her it was a brand new wig and apologized for the "ridiculous-ness" of it. She looked at me like I was a monster....and said "well good luck with chemo" and walked away.
I can not believe people immediately assume I have cancer.
And I can not believe that she said my hair basically looked dumb, when I was so happy about it.
Alopecia you never cease to amaze me.
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ur eyes are amazing!! sure you've heard that.. no matter what u wear on ur head even if it's a plant, lol you could never look ridiculous.. you are too beautiful.
Wow, your eyes pop with that wig! If you love it, then enjoy it. I can totally understand someone thinking I have cancer and at this time I can deal with those questions. But her unprofessional manner not to mention sensitivity was really too much.
Either way, try to understand that people are going to make comments. The trick for you is to learn how to deal with these situations and leave the ignorance with the ignorant people -- don't take it home with you.
Last summer some young women nearly tripped on themselves staring and making comments about my bald head. I can now shake my head at them, walk off and realize I am dealing with small minded people.
I think that you are beautiful.
You should have reported the woman working there. Seriously... do they really want an ignorant employee?
You are beautiful, I can't believe someone could actually say that AND assume that you have cancer. I am still in shock.
Girls will stare, but don't worry... usually they are the ones with confidence issues. :) Just keep being yourself and hold your head high. And don't be scared to be different :)
who cares what she has to say, the wig looks beautiful and you are beautiful !!
OMG, you are beautiful, sounds to me like other girls are jealous!!! Keep wearing that wig you look amazing!! I can never find a wig that looks that good on me.
You need to notify her bosses boss. Call her out. Better yet, I got your back and let me know what Victorias Secret it was and I will give my 2 cents.I know a lot of men and women on here would love to. I'm so sorry she said that to you. I personally would have jumped over the counter and Tae Boed her ass. But that's just me. It stops with you. Remember that. You can't allow people to respond like that. We have the power. Own it. If she doesn't get repremanded for it she will just do it again and again. Report the biatch and get some free panties while your at it. I almost had to breathe in a brown bag after reading this one.Oh my.Breathe...
"Respectless creature." Love it! I totally agree. She was way out of line. Most of the time when girls give other girls dirty looks we are jealous that we can't be that confident and have fun with our looks. They wish they had the guts to try something new and bold and be able to pull it off.
You look great!
I love your wig. I think its pretty and looks natural.
It's great, I love it, where is that one from... don't worry about the other people if you love it thats what counts...
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