So here's the new wig I ordered that took a month and a half to get to me. I personally love it, but as I wore it I got a ton of dirty looks from girls in the mall. And when I was in Victoria's Secret, a lady who was working there was just staring at me with a disgusted look on her face. I asked here if there was a problem, and she replied with... "yeah I dont see why you're trying so hard to get people to look at you". I made a confused face. And asked what she was talking about. She said " your hair looks ridiculous like youre trying to hard" I was literally in shock. Like what the hell? I advised her it was a brand new wig and apologized for the "ridiculous-ness" of it. She looked at me like I was a monster....and said "well good luck with chemo" and walked away.

I can not believe people immediately assume I have cancer.
And I can not believe that she said my hair basically looked dumb, when I was so happy about it.

Alopecia you never cease to amaze me.

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Hello - you look lovely - especially lovely because you enjoy being yourself. xx

your hair looks lovely,and like on a few other comments it is just jealousy,i have had one similar,not quite as long,it took 3 weeks to come,i have wore it and people look. let them you are the same person with or without hair.sharon x

I love it! She's just hating cause your cute! I get the same thing.. Keep your head up girl it looks amazing:)

Wow, I am sorry that you had to go through that. It really sucks for people to react that way when all you are trying to do (I assume) is to avoid comments about your alopecia and feel good. The wig really isn't ridiculous at all and I just can't believe how insensitive people can be. Perhaps they are just jealous and you had the misfortune of bumping into some crazy people.

It looks really good. Some people are just stupid.

Hi there,
I am happy to see all of the supportive comments. Female competition is unfortunate, but this probably not the last time you will experience it. Sometimes when a woman sees another pretty woman, she tries to find flaws in her to reduce the perceived threat. The wig is an easy target. It suggests to them insecurity and then they think YOU are an easy target...which is a recipe for disaster if they feel threatened by your beauty and don't have the awareness to admit it and refrain from acting on it. I am sorry you had to go through that. I support you, sister. Find other women who support you as well and surround yourself with them...and consider having compassion for the women who stare at you. This quote comes to mind: "They know not what they do" thanks for reaching out.

its beautiful, dont listen to them there just jelous because your beautiful with and with out hair <3

Don't worry about it. Even adult women have problems with my wig. I get dirty looks. My mom says that sometimes people stare because the hair looks so nice. Have you tried the human hair wigs?
You have beautiful blue eyes--focus on that feature of yourself; and your great smile.

Keep living your life and doing what you need to feel beautiful.

Report the bitch to the manager (excuse my languege but that is uncalled for treating someone so rudely) others are jealous because you are beautiful!

Ignorance never ceases to amaze me; & rudeness is just plane rudeness period.
Regarding your cranial prosthesis/wig the one opinion that counts is YOURS.
I think you handled yourself very well.
Sadly untill our disease is really brought into the forefront we will continually be mistaken for undergoing chemo/radiation. Yes it is frustrating but again until the public is educated the cancer thing is out there.
I know many Alopecians get really angry on this & finally explode at someone. I can't do that no matter how frustrated I get, the person asking has no idea they are one thousandth or million to ask. I look at it as a good to time to educate & get the word out. Our disease is not easy & there is a time & place to strike out at ignorancen & rudeness; but, again my Alopecian Sister you did well hold your high for you are a beautiful Alopecian Woman, well done my sister well done. You also taught her lesson, she went out with a whole lot to think about she certainly opened mouth & inserted foot big time.

Ohmygod, you're gorgeous!! And the wig looks totes amazing! <3 I can't believe that people can be so ignorant, well actually, yeah I can since people always assume people with alopecia have 'cancer.' Do you know how strong you are? I would of never said anything if someone was staring at me, I just would of walked away crying. But yeah, people suck sometimes! Anyway, don't listen to ignorant people, the wig is beautiful and you're gorgeous hun! :3

People are so rude. They just dont get it.



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