You've heard of the "Great American Smoke Out" - the day when everyone is encouraged to stop smoking for just one day?

What if, for ONE day, all the bald women in this country (or whatever country you live in) came out in public with nothing on their heads? Imagine the effect! People wouldn't be able to assume that every bald woman they see has cancer. Bald women would become non-remarkable very quickly, just as bald men have. Women like me and other members of AW, who already go out in public bald, would instantly stop feeling so alone.

I'm thinking of making a YouTube video and setting a date for sometime during the summer (when it's warm everywhere). If I picked a date - say a Saturday in July - and put up a YouTube video now urging all bald women to join in on a National Bald Out THAT day, would any of you who don't currently go out in public bald do it for that one day?

Maybe we could get a news service "flash" out there and get TV and print media to pick up on the story! Anyone know how to do that?

I don't know what category to put this's about society, and acceptance, and news, and promoting, I'll just put it in Bald is Beautiful, and hope you all see it.

Please share this with other friends on AW and respond - YES OR NO...would you join in?

April 29
HERE WE GO! I just put the video on YouTube. You can find it under the title "Announcing the National Bald Out!", or at this link:

I hope you all like it! Thank you to everyone for their comments and suggestions as to the content, and special thanks to the lovely ladies who allowed me to use their photos at the end of the video. I think that adds a lot.

On the Bald Girls Do Lunch site,, there are some absolutely amazing T-shirts, buttons, banners...and loads of other fun items with two different National Bald Out logo designs, as well as a great one that says "Bald? So What!" I LOVE IT! Thanks so much, Thea! To view the items, click on "Logo Products", then click on "Bald Out July 19". Remember - 100% of proceeds fund the BGDL nonprofit's national outreach to women with alopecia areata, so your purchase of a National Bald Out T-shirt (or other item) will directly benefit women with alopecia.

The next step is for everyone to join the newly-created Alopecia World group "National Bald Out". Until we get the Group up on the Home Page, you can go to this link to join:

A big Thank You to rj for all his help!

I'll be posting more soon on the National Bald Out group.

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T-shirts ARE a great idea. I've been working on several designs, and having one for a Bald Out Day would be perfect.
what if it was done 2 raise money for charity? I'm in scotland so if there is anyone else in the Stirling area that would be great. I have done it for red nose day but I with with my friends so it wasn't so bad..they have hair though lol.
how do you edit a comment as I would have liked to say the t shirts are a good idea too
I think this is a great idea, I only wear a wig 2/3 times a year, mainly when I dont want to stand out! But so many people feel "safe" in a wig. For those people it may be good to arrange a "meet" on that day, and a group could go without their wigs. It would be easier for those people who are unsure, to have others around them.
I live in UK and was watching the TV a while ago, they have a "Gay Pride" march in London every year, where people make a statement, we could have "Bald Pride" day. Come on you ladies, start off in your home wigless, then the garden (get the neighbours used to it)!
Best way is to go bald on holiday, nobody you know. The feeling of the breeze on your head is amazing, if your in a hot country do put sunscreen on, especially just at the front of the ears, god thats painful to get burnt.
Do come on liberate yourselfs "whip off the wig". Love to all, Happy Easter

Im going to to change my profile pic, its 5 yrs old, a au natural one I think.
Hi Gill,

I'm going to be posting the video on YouTube very soon, and there will be a new Discussion Group on AW called "National Bald Out". The purpose of the group will be to be a place for women in various locations to organize something for July 19. We have a number of UK women who've posted....

You have the idea - why not a "Bald Pride" day?! Maybe you can organize some events in England.

More soon,
Dear Mary;

St. Baldrick's does charity headshaves to raise money for children who suffer from cancer. In addition to having a day when women who have alopecia come out without head covering, why not encourage women (and men) who have hair to show their support by getting it all shaved off. I think that that would give an even greater push to getting society to not only accept, but perhaps, embrace women and all people who have no hair, for whatever reason.

I've had alopeica but I am not bald now. If it seemed that lots of men and women were going to go bald by choice as a way to show their support for alopecians, then I would feel better about getting shaved. I'd rather not be the only "by-choice" baldy out there, even though I really do think that the look is smaching on women, and I like it for myself as well, but have not done so for a while.


Wow what a great idea!!!! I would do it and getting media attention would make it all so much better. The more awareness that our baldness is not cancer the better.Have a wonderful day Mary.
I am in. I do go "topless" quite often when the weather permits, but I'm always there to make a statement (see my youtube video at or type "Joyce on Miami Ink" into the search box at youtube) Anyway, I think it's a great idea.

Joyce...I hadn't seen your amazing video! I just posted a comment to it that they need to add a tag for "alopecia" so more women with alopecia will see it. You are so beautiful, and I love the tattoo! I think the idea of tattooing a bald head makes a major statement that you're not sick, and that you embrace your bald beauty. I may get the courage to do it someday.

I went on you tube to see the video. You are soooo cool ! I love the tatoo! My eyebrows are tatooed since 2000. Hmmm- you have given me inspiration!
Yes! to Bald Day!!
I think this is a great idea. I haven't had the courage to go out in public without my wig or a headscarf and I've had AU for almost a whole year. I'm from Barbados and I don't see anyone here bald... except really old men. Everyone wears wigs, even the people with hair who don't need to, so it's hard to tell if anyone else has Alopecia. It would be a task to ask everyone in a wig why they wear one. People ask me why I wear a wig, just because they remember me with waist length hair, and I tell them... in an effort to promote awareness and so they won't treat me like I'm dying.

Anyway Mary... once you decide on a date, maybe you can post the event on Facebook. Since you suggest July that means I have some time to become more comfortable with my beautiful bald head. Thanks so much for suggesting this. I hope you can take it to all corners of the earth. I have been trying so hard to meet other people with AU in Barbados, so hopefully this will allow me to do that.
Facebook! Great idea. I'm a relatively new member, and would just need to figure out how to post something that lots of people would see. I thought only my "Friends" see things I post.



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