Hi everyone. I was diagnosed with alopecia in october 2010. My doctor told me to use rogaine to help slow down the process of losing my hair. I've been using 5% but am not getting great results. I have some little hairs growing back but I am still thinning rapidly. Does anyone else have suggestions?

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It won't hurt anything so it is worth a try. I am not sure if it would unclog pores or something.There is not real science behind it but real science does not have a real treatment yet.

Hi Krystin-

I have gone down the route of trying different things myself. Over ten years with AA I only try the things have seems to have been tied to some kind of scientific study. About 6 months ago it just stopped. I only have two explanations, its either something to do with the immune system that has changed, hopefully permanent or, and I think its a long stretch to be honest, but I have not stopped. I read somewhere of the benefit of using a tar based shampoo. There are a number of them, it is used to fight psoriasis, and you can get it at any supermarket. After about a month of using it seems to have stopped. Please, let me be clear, I am not convinced this is what did it. But its cheap and worth a shot.

Hi Krystin,

I have had a package of Rogaine sitting in my closet for a month now and I am afraid to use it bc I hear that it may or may not work, and likely a small percentage of hair regrowth will occur. I guess it depends on the person too though. I read that once using it you can't really stop it or you end up back at square one, and you have to give it about 4 months before you know if it's working or not.
I have been researching a lot on the internet regarding hair loss and there are a lot of varying reasons why it happens. It can be from the immune system suddenly going out of whack and attacking the hair follicles, or from lack of vitamins, minerals, proteins etc in the diet, too much yeast in the body (you don't have to have a yeast infection to have too much) from chemicals used on the head such as shampoos w sulfates in them (use organics only instead), hair spray, hair dyes with ammonia in it. It can also be associated w stress, hormone imbalance, hereditary, and some illnesses such as Celiac disease and others if you check online.

I am at a loss at this point, trying to figure it out, and getting tested for this and that, taking tons of vitamins and minerals, and doing what I mentioned above regarding not putting chemicals on the head. Brush gently also.

I am going nuts trying to figure out why I am having hair loss also. It seems that my GP does not take me seriously either and just says my hair looks fine, and brushes me off. The Dermatologist was useless too, and just said he figures I have female pattern baldness and gave me no real answers.

I feel lost in space on this one. It is one of the worst things that could happen to me in my opinion. :s

Take care and maybe try the process of elimination like I am. :)
From: Any-answers? in Ontario, Canada.

Hey there Krystin and everyone!
I have had very good results from rogaine. I have scarring alopecia which means that the hair I have lost will never grow again in that perticular shaft. But...I continue to use the rogaine for the areas that are not affected by the scarring alopecia. I have encountered no side effects. My hair dresser is always pointing out the inch long hairs that are all over my head. It's something right? I am not sure if the medication to stop the scarring alopecia is working enough to allow the new hairs to grow in and catch up but it's worth it. I have nothing to lose. Just my experience. Hang in there!

Rogaine slowed my shed - from chronic TE and FPB - and I do have some regrowth. I understand if you stop using it your hair loss will resume but I am OK with continued use. I have been using it for 5 % twice a day. Only bad side effect is the product itself leaves a residue and you have to scrub your scalp really good to get it all off.



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