Hi im just wondering,

for the people who have lost all there sscalp hair, how long did it take for complete loss starting from first signs of symptoms?
im really concernced because i read online totalis usually occurs within 6 months of first AA symptoms and i have been diagnosed 2 months ago with AA and more small patches have appreared.

will i lose it all? :(

PS, im only 15 man... this is ruff..

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Hi kevin.

My son (13 years old) was just diagnosed with AA at the beginning of the week. He has been losing his hair now for about 3 to 4 weeks. it seems to go very fast. At the beginning of the week, he had a bald spot on top of his head, and about 3 little one's in the back, now he has more bald spots forming on the top, and losing most of his hair in the back. If this continues at this rate, within 1 to 2 months he will be completely bald.

I'm sorry I didn't really answer your question, I'm also hoping for an answer. But I think it's different with everyone, at least from the things I read.

I'm sorry to hear that you are going through this. ((hugs))

Hi, The first time that my daughter had it her hair all grew back and she did not go totallis. It is so tough because it is unpredictable. The cortisone shots worked for her the first time. She was 15 also when she had her first episode. She did eventually lose all of her hair her senior year and it went quick that time. She is doing great in college and having the time of her life. I know alot of it is her great attitude. She has plenty of dates and friends.This condition can make you stronger but the pain of the loss and adjustment is awful. I am really sorry.

Yeah, it it awful. I often find myself asking "Why me?" but to no avail...

how quickly did your daughter lose all her hair in her senior year?

i also am doing Cortisone injections and going again this tuesday for my fourth round.

Fingers crossed

Hey there Kevin.. it is tough being diagnosed with AA but hang in there :) and definitely use this site for support. It so helped me as I felt so alone when my alopecia journey began. I've met some lovely peeps on here who understand exactly what you are going through :)

I was diagnosed in July 2011, had never had any problems ever with my hair (it was halfway down my back)and within 10 days had lost 98% of my head hair so shaved the last bit off. It did move onto the res of my body and my lashes n brows BUT.. on a positive note I've had full body hair-growth, half my lashes are back normal whilst the rest are still white, I have regrowth on my brows and since Jan have noticed a massive regrowth on my head including 4 dark patches.. woo hoo :)

I hope the injections work for you. I never got prescribed that instead used Betnovate scalp lotion for 6 weeks (with no results) and since September I've been attending UVA light treatment sessions twice weekly. Each person's alopecia journey is sooooo different from others that it's hard to know what will happen to you. I don't know if its the light treatment or jus being more relaxed about what has happened to me and taking vitamins that has brought about the regrowth. I may lose it again as again with alopecia it's unpredictable. But fingers and toes crossed that your injections work..
HiPpy hugs shO :)

Thanks for the positive encouragement.
Seems that your alopecia was much more aggressive.
mine started with 3 patches 2 months ago, i find myself still losing hair but more diffusely. i hope the injections work too

Ive had alopecia for a while now but i have like 80% ofmy hair it comes and goes i did lose alot of eyebrows and lashes also but they are slowely growing back. I would recommend take a multi vitamin and a extra biotin vitamin also i like hair growth shampoos like pravana biojin 9 scalp treatments i love tea tree shampoos and conditioners i just rotate them i find that alot of my hair started growing doing all this!  I used to use rogaine and clobetasol when it first started and the spots seemed to grow more and not spread but u have to be consistent! Im sorry to hear tho just keep your head up n try these tips it worked for me :)

She lost all of her hair in about 2 weeks the second time. It was devastating but now she is thriving. Hopefully yours will not go that way. I think it is rare for that to happen. The more severe cases come to sites like this for support so, don't think that is the way it is going to go for you because it did for most of us.If you do lose your hair you will survive but you are allowed to mourn your loss. My daughter says she does the why me thing occasionally but it doesn't help much so she just gets on with life.

My daughter is only 4 years old and she has had 1 small patch for about 2 and a half months she is going for her third round of injections next week, I am also keeping my fingers crossed. I agree with Karen that most people on this site have a more severe case but I do not think that is the majority of people diagnosed with it but like you it seems like all I have heard about is the more severe cases, but I guess those are the ones that people talk about and unfortunately you do not hear many stories of people that had a few spots and then were fine. I hope it turns out okay for you, I have been worried sick about my little girl but then I see so many people that have severe cases that have gotten through it and are better people for it and I have realized if this is my daughters fate I am going to try to make her the most confident girl with alopecia and that is what will be noticed. Hang in there

It all depends on how AA wants to act. I had AA for five years before is progressed into totalis.

Hey guys, just got my fourth round of injections 2 days ago. the derm used one whole dose (bottle) of cortisone and didnt get all my spots. he said he ran out of cortisone, i guess im limited to one bottle per visit. anyway, he bumped me up from every 4 weeks to every 3 weeks between visits just to see if it will help the hair loss. thank goodness i live in good ol' Toronto Canada where health care is universal so i dont pay diddly :D i also can afford to see 3 other derms which im scheduled for. anyway, hopefully remission is near by...



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