Having alopecia for over a year, this 52 year old single gal has come to accept that what I have, is nothing compared to what others have been handed in life. Yes, it's very hard to put that in perspective at times, I know, but don't let that stop you from what you enjoy in life. Seize the day, live your life, it's just hair. Who cares what others think, as they are going think whatever they want. I now don't care if people see me bald. I jazz up my face with beautiful make-up and really cool, fun head gear as that is more comfortable, and more me, then an itchy, uncomfortable wig. Friends and family love me the way I am and are in awe of the strength I have going through this. I just call it surviving, but now am positive and hopeful that all will work out for the best. Alopecia can't bring me any further down, as I was already down long before it struck.
Stay strong, smile, laugh, as that says more then having hair ever could. You feel it, you own it, you can do it. And who knows, your hair may come back, and that would be the cherry on top.....
Too strong, heavy thinning with the nail bed exposed through cracks on thumbnails and toenails. Had to do something as I was given no advice from a dermatologist who only wanted to check out my moles and bill me for it. Went to him specifically for advice, after challenging his non cooperation, and not going along with the check out the moles routine, he said he didn't know anything about the disease. He was #1 of 2, and the 3rd time was a charm, but by then, things had turned around and my blood numbers had returned to normal and some very fine hair was growing in strange places, I could feel my eyebrows in the wind. Haven't visited the issue since, am happy with the young guy look and shave once a week to remove the little thin hairs.
thanks for the info. I have soft nail with little ridges in lines across my nails, but nothing like yours. interesting that even after this many decades I can still learn more !!!!
Thank you for sharing. While this is a great forum for venting and sharing the misery over hair loss, I think we are all likely to be happier if we can accept that it is just hair. If I don't like the person I am or the life I am living, having hair or not isn't going to make much difference. In the realm of possible autoimmune conditions, I'd take hair loss any day over some of the more debilitating options. Sure, I wish I had my hair, and, sure, I sometimes mentally balk about presenting myself to the world, but I'm also not going to be a gorgeous 25 year old model for the rest of my life (oh, wait, I never was, apart from the 25 part).
Thanks for your comments on "liking yourself". Thanks too, for reminding by your comment, one of the many books we've read on personal development, Maxwell Maltz, plastic surgeon, Psycho Cybrenetics. Long story short, he was to do a nose job on a girl who thought her nose was ugly, and when he finished his job, a masterpiece, and showed the patient her new nose, she said she thought it was ugly. No change
This conversation is good to have every once in a while. I received a great compliment just today I wanted to share. I was in the elevator at work, and this lady says "You don't know this but you inspired me go without wigs during my cancer treatment." I talked with her a moment . I shared it was alopecia, but it is MY choice to wear my baldness. This was a great comment I wanted to share. I have been told too many times to count that I am encouraging others by my freedom!
And once I had to try very hard to pass the essay because I didn't do it myself, but I was asked to retell it) I was given the task to write it on a free topic, and instead I was fooling around and walking with friends all week) At the very end weeks remembered about him and had to look for someone to write it to me. Found custom essays for sale and ordered from them. The quality turned out to be excellent, so the teacher doubted and asked to retell) Well, I naturally got caught))
You are an incredibly strong woman! Hold on because you have already made a huge step and never cease to enjoy life even when it seems that there is no longer any joy in it. A positive attitude will support you and give you the desire to go further, which you really need at this stage. If you think that there is little that can bring you sincere happiness, I recommend that you look for videos on YouTube in which people who have overcome various diseases tell how they learned to enjoy life in a new way, unfortunately I do not remember the name of this video, but I remembered that he had there were about 75 thousand views! I'm sure its authors used the services of https://soclikes.com to buy views.
Not really positive, but kinda uplifting: https://womanlylive.com/marcia-cross-speaks-about-her-anal-cancer-j... If she managed to overcome the disease, almost everything is possible
You are an incredibly strong woman! Hold on because you have already made a huge step and never cease to enjoy life even when it seems that there is no longer any joy in it. A positive attitude will support you and give you the desire to go further, which you really need at this stage. If you think that there is little that can bring you sincere happiness, I recommend that you look for videos on YouTube in which people who have overcome various diseases tell how they learned to enjoy life in a new way, unfortunately I do not remember the name of this video, but I remembered that he had there were about 67 thousand views! I'm sure its authors repeatly buy youtube views to increase their ammount,
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