Hi....just wondering on others thoughts on whether I can/should/ or shouldn't bleach/dye the dark spots that are coming up..... After Losing all hair and going bald, I now have Snow White regrowth all over....but there are lots of dark patches too...which I'm thinking I could just dye to blend in?
Any of your experiences, thoughts on this would be greatly appreciated!! Thanks,
Snowflake :-)

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I had a very great doctor tell me that alopecia isn't attacking the hair, but the pigment in the hair, so if the only way your hair could find to come back was to go white, congratulations to your hair for finding a way around the problem! If it were me, I would embrace the funky. It is weird, how it can come back; my hair was straight when I was younger, now it's curly, what there is, and if it wanted to come in green, I would just buy it a nice accent sweater.

Love your positive approach... i know im very lucky that i have got regrowth.... im just finding my way to that positive thinking...im getting there :-)

Hah! That's funny; those are almost the same words I used about having the bravery to shave it off---"I'm working on it." I've had to live with it all my life. If I didn't have a positive attitude, I would have locked myself up a long time ago, or given up. I see a lot of people on this site who are very defensive, and believe me, I understand that, I've done it, all of it, over 40 years, teen times being the toughest, and dating ... god. But it's tiring, and never got me anywhere, so now I cover it the best I can, and talk about it openly. It's not like I could hide it, unless I got a wig, which I won't do for my own reasons (although I do have an extensive array of very adorable hats). It's definitely not easy, but when you start seeing that new hair---wow, there's nothing like it, even if it can't decide what color it should be.

yeah..working on it...its the only way really, isnt it? I still find it quite confronting to talk about it openly face to face..that i gotta work on too! I do feel terrible that i wasnt "excited" when regrowth happened... its all just happened so quick ya know.. i am trying to embrace the new wild color, and i have even taken the step to buy some beautiful thick headbands to possibly wear with it in public... but thats a whole other step! hehe Thats so true, its tiring thinking and worrying about it, and what others think when they see me... i so not wanna care and be free to just go out there...its a big step for me. i WILL get there! :-)

You WILL get there. Sometimes it's easier to tell people when you're in a growth cycle; that way, IF you experience another cycle of loss (and I hope that never happens; it doesn't for a lot of people, you know), you can talk about it at a time when you really need to, when you really need the support. I have always been open about it. And quick regrowth! Great for you. Do you mind my asking what your treatment was? I always like to hear what worked for other people, as I find that mine reacts different in different cycles. However, if we could get these doctors to treat it more aggressively, and in some cases take it more seriously (I actually had a doctor tell me to get a perm so my hair would look thicker! What an idiot), I think a lot more people would have a lot better results. And how long you went without growth. That seems to make a difference too. Headbands sound like a great idea, lots of color and fun. It sounds like you're doing pretty well with your steps. Maybe there should be a 12-step program for alopecia---first step, itchy; second step, hair all over the bathroom ... 12th step, buy pretty headbands.

i just find it really confronting still.. even now when someone comments on how wild and cool the color of my hair is.. it just takes me back and i go speechless and shy. cos i think if only you knew.. i know i am very lucky to have this regrowth and i am grateful..i dunno...
My treatment you ask. Nothing. I did nothing. It all happened so quick Christine, that when i saw the specialists most of my hair was gone at that stage, and they said they couldnt do anything for me, as it was such an aggresive hair loss in such a short time. I am very sensitive to most medications, so didnt want to go down the path of meds anyways. And i certainly didnt want to do injections into my head. I also had/still have another immune disease, but really no treatment for that either... so it was what it was... i just tried to focus on eating healthy etc.. thats about it! yeah the step program sounds good! hehe when i read about all these brave people on here and how they deal with it i someone dont think im doing too well.. im just doing the best i can at this moment. i did to a courageous thing though recently and FINALLY went to the salon to get these dark patches blended in with my crazy snow white color! that was a big step for me to go there! so i am doing it.. step at a time.. next step for me - going out in public with no hat or bandana on, but a pretty headband.. hmmmmm :-)

That is a huge step. It sounds like you kept the beautiful white! The scariest thing for me, aside from when it grows in waiting for the next loss cycle, is going to the salon. They say they understand, but I haven't found one that does. I'm glad you did what makes you feel right. No shots, no meds, full regrowth, and beautiful white. I like your world. None of does well with the loss, it's crazy how important hair is! I would say silly, but I know better. Just talking, learning how to be open about it---here is a great place to start---with people who know what you're going through, is huge! Of course I don't know you're full story, but to me it sounds like you're doing great! Don't underestimate yourself, be proud, walk, sit, and sleep with confidence: you have now been through and, look, survived, a very confidence-shattering episode, and come out a stronger person. You are beautiful and confident and strong, with beautiful, BEAUTIFUL, white hair, and a handful of colorful headbands (but not to cover, just for fun and color). I think excellent chocolate is the only thing more you could ask for.

yep definitely keeping the crazy snow white...:-) i must admit that is a scary thought for me too...that at any time, it can all drop out again. im trying not to think about it, and will deal with that IF that ever happens again. I can only deal with the present, no use worrying what "might" happen...not good to think like that. Thanks for your positive words Christine... had a bad panic or anxiety attack when i was out today which really shook me up.. i was in a new shopping centre, helping my brother help, and i was just not good... so was nice to come home and read your message. thanks :-)

I'm going through the same transition! I had white hair for 2 plus years and now dark patches are growing. I'm wearing a cotton cap to cover the change. I'm afraid to dye it. My eyebrows are back fully and I'm even afraid to wax them.

Hi again. I read your exchange with Christine. Beautiful! So supportive and touching. I love this resource/support. It's strange, my original nonwhite hair is growing back and somehow I'm in a funk. I'm tired of being sick. AU is just one of my issues. Blah! I would love to hear whether you decide to dye your hair. When/if my patches get bigger I may just toss the hat. :-)

Hi Liz!
Lovely to meet you.. :-) Yes, they were beautiful words..some lovely people on here have said such lovely things to me, very encouraging. Nice to talk to someone with this crazy snow white hair! :-) I finally did get the courage to go to the salon and get my dark patches dyed in to match the snow white color. Everyone seems to love this color of mine... they all think its wonderful...im hoping i will love it as much one day! I was so scared to do anything to the hair, considering it had decided to grow back after losing it all, but thought, well better try now whilst its short, whats the worst that could happen - i could lose it all. Well been there, done that! So we bleached the dark spots, and she toned in to match the best she could to the snow white color. They dont have this color on their charts, so she could only try match the closest she could. IT worked a bit... however you can still see some dark spots, they are just not as obvious. She said its the actual follicles near the scalp that are dark, so she did color all the hair that was dark, but cant color the scalp obviously! i dunno... weird. But it looked a bit better. And, it didnt react to the bleach or toner, so all good at the moment.. Next step Liz is stepping out and showing this wild color and style off! Step at a time for me unfortunately... One of my eyebrows went too, but that has grown back, i havent gone to wax it (to keep it in shape), but have just been using the tweezers myself to give it shape. so far thats ok.. still not fully grown back, but go over with eyebrow pencil!

Hello! I can also relate to the hesitation in revealing the white hair. I was such a wreck about that. I have always leaned toward blending in rather than stand out in any way. Now, I just go with it. I don't really think about the hair color anymore. I have white hair with dark eyebrows and now I have about a 1/2 a head of dark hair growing within the white. Crazy! I can't believe you were able to get it colored to meet somewhere in the white area. My colors are so extreme, I'm not sure what they would do with it. Also, I'm allergic to everything :-( Enjoy your new style. I'm sure you look fabulous!



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