Tonight I was putting my son to bed and he mentioned art class was tomorrow and the teacher is really mean! Then he told me she is still not letting him wear his hat in class which is crazy because earlier in the year we had the same problem with this teacher so I had a sit down with the principal who insured me that this issue was resolved and that every teacher who is in contact with him was aware that he could indeed wear his baseball hat! I asked him several times before he went to bed are you sure? He said "yes,mommy I promise", now I am sitting here trying to get my thoughts together and thought it was a good idea to write on here instead of sending his teacher a crazy email at 10pm at night!lol! I know that I will probably not get to much sleep tonight just waiting for morning so I can call the office and report this teacher in hopes that it is effective before my son has to be in her class again! It just is crazy why? What is the big deal? Let the boy wear his hat!! Idk?.. I know that we are new to this journey and I know we got a lifetime of issues I'm sure this is only the just blows my mind how ignorant some people can be..would it really interupt her class to have him wear it? Is his self esteem not important? Why, would  a educated person deny my son the right to feel safe and comfortable? Idk?. I just don't get it:(   

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I thought the same thing but, after all teachers got an email in October everyone should of been in compliance! It's just hard to be faced with the truth some people are just mean. Even school teachers so sad I think she is in the wrong line of work! LOL..or maybe she just need a hug n a lot of prayer..

It has never failed when I had a big issue or serious issue with my child school that I would send an email copy the principal all the board members and anybody else you can think of I have always gotten it resolved that way It doesn't matter what profession or what the situation is they like to keep things in house. When you shine the light bright and allow their bosses or someone else on the outside looking in it gets results it gets their attention.

Yep, I will be doing group emails in future,,,thnx

As an ex teacher and a fellow Alopecian I know that in your class you can have several children with hats on. In my last year alone I had 4 children in a class of 28 with hats on. One had cancer and was cold, another had a skin complaint that was really bad on  her head and two from the same family kept on picking up scabies when visiting relations. 

As a parent it can be stressful to continually have to  contact the school and go over the same ground all the time. Complain loud and long about this teacher and then if you can send her screeds of information about Alopecia not just once but each time you find something new. If you can become proactive in your school talking about Alopecia do that too. 

I was in my 50s when I got Alopecia. Until I retired I taught at 2 schools. At the first school it was decided that we did not tell the children about it. Wrong! At the next school I told the whole school at a special assembly. They asked the most amazing questions which to me was a humbling experience. My wig was just then to them a small part of who I was---so for you your son's hat in class is just a very small part of who he is and will be. Like you --i don't get it either!!! All the very best to you and your son

:) thank you..

I recently went out to a prosthetic wig shop and bought a number of different head covers.  

They protect me a lot more than a baseball cap and don't create the same impersonal aura that a baseball cap creates.   They might be a lot more comfortable as well.   I have some that keep me cooler and some that keep me warmer.    

As far as the teacher complaining, I'm guilty of this as well.  There's one relative of mine who always wears a baseball cap in the house.  This drives me crazy because she's really attractive without it.   It also makes her seem cold and impersonal.    It's almost like having a pretty picture that's ruined by an object that obscures the view.  I don't think the teacher really intends to be mean.     

You need to get a 504 plan in place for your son. You can get this done through the district and it will have in his file he can wear a hat or beanie without any issues or consequences. This will stay with him til he graduates high school if he stays in the same district. This is definitely not acceptable behavior from the teacher and needs to be taken care of ASAP. 

NAAF has a lot of into to help you as well if you need it for the school, parents and support groups.

Thank you! I will start the process when school is back in session. And yes I have had one other run in with this teacher in the past she isn't very friendly and kinda scarry and  I am an caught me off guard one day when children where lining up she was substituting for my son's teacher in the morning and I had no idea it was the art teacher,,I went up to introduce myself and she barked at me! I was shocked and actually speechless I went to the office and found out it was the ART teacher...omg! Anyways..I'm sure you can imagine how I felt the other day to find out she was doing this to my son in class! That's also why it was such a big deal!! She is a bully honestly I think when I contact the school district for the 504 I will probably mention she is the reason I feel it is so important to have it in place for my son. Thanks again for the great info.  

I recall a incident in school that bothers me to this day, I was in a higshool music class, my classmates not all but some would call me out of my name, I believe it was spot. I really didn't pay them any attention but one day the teacher was calling everyone name but when she got to my name she said spot. I knew she was talking to me but I didn't answer so she repeated it over and over finaly I said if you are talking about me I am here. I was always told to respect my teacher but I lost all respect for that teacher. I never said this to anyone. I think you should talk to his teacher ,it may not stop the kids but it will make them (teachers and the students think and hopefully become a teachable moment) I didn't wear a hat but this was when big hair was in, so l war a wig.

Wow that's awful,,  just can't believe there are teachers out there like this! My father was a teacher and eventually became a principal he loves children and I just always thought teachers where always advocates for children! It blows me away to learn some are really not there for the children! How naive my thinking was to believe that way...very sad. 

I had a similar thing happen. I was wearing a bandana and went into another class to give a teacher a note (running an errand for my teacher) and he said to his class 'don't worry kids it's just a pirate'. Still makes my mom (and me) raging angry to this day! Unfortunately there are some awful teachers out there. Some amazing ones too of course. 

I'm a teacher.  I don't get it either.  



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