Hi there. I haven't taken either of these drugs, nor do I wear a Freedom wig. I just wanted to comment that when my hair first grew back, it was after years of having no hair and then it spontaneously grew without any treatment at all. Alopecia is just so fickle. It's possible the drugs will help and you'll have regrowth, but you're right in thinking about the long term effects (bone loss, weight gain...). Good luck with your decision. I'm sure a Freedom wig-wearer will comment about their experience soon.
Some of these drugs can also cause cancer later on.......having hair is great, but having good health is better.......I 'd wear a wig before I would subject my entire body to the deleterious side effects of these drugs. But that is just my opinion.
Hi Elaine,
Years ago I got steroid injections monthly in my hip along with multiple shots in my scalp. I continued this regiment for 12 years with no growth. My derm presented me to a state-wide meeting to discuss using meds for AA. End result was every derm said "get off steroids" warning that in future there could be damage to bone density, weight control & early onset cataracts. I stopped all treatment after hearing them. 20 yrs later, I have bone loss & cataracts - telling me that it wasn't worth it trying to grow hair. Have been very comfortable w/my AA since then, accepted it completely & continue wearing my gorgeous Freedom Wigs. Pls consider the long term side effects before starting any treatment. Best to you.
If you try the drugs don't stay on them for more than a couple of months and have close monitoring. The treatments work for some people some of the time. Steroid shots worked for my daughter the first time but not when it recurred.
Hey there,
I was on Prednisone and CellCept for 2 months when my hair first started falling out to try and prevent me from going into AU. Unfortunately, we coudln't stop it. But to be honest, the side effects of the medicine were worse than the hair falling out. I actually lost weight because I was nauseous most of the day. I was jittery and moody (which is really hard for a surgeon with a husband and a 1 year old at home). I just didn't feel like myself. As for the long term effects, as long as you don't stay on the meds for more than a few months, I wouldn't worry too much about them. Chronic steroids can increase osteoporosis but not so much with a short course. The bottom line is that I went into AU when I started treatment because that was my disease course. I couldn't stop it so the medicines didn't help but at least I know I did everything I could to try and help.
As for wigs, I wear a custom lace front European hair wig that looks really nature. I met with both the Freedom and Follea reps and decided to order a Follea gripper. There are so many different types of wigs out there and it's a matter of what wig fits your lifestyle and price range.
Hi Elaine
Ask your Freedom Independent Agent as many things as you feel you need answered. There is a lot to investigate when it comes to a good hairpiece.
Ask about security, exercise, hair quality, different styling options, swimming, cost effectiveness (what is a reasonable time you could expect your Freedom Hairpiece to last), how to look after a Freedom hairpiece etc.
Have fun.
Hello Elaine, I understand what you are going through. I've done many a things to get my hair back including a total of 5 cortizon injections in each eyelid to grow back some eyelashes and 10 in each eyebrow to grow some brows as well. Not to mention all of the ones in my scalp. The pain was pretty bad and I can definitely tell you that any kind of side effects are not worth it. It was really hard for me during the first 3 years of my 10 year ongoing struggle, but New Year of 2006 I decided to let everyone know that I have Alopecia and I'm not scared to hide it. When I finally accepted what is happening I got results without any treatment. Although my eyelashes and eyebrows have not grown back in the slightest, my scalp has fully recovered. I think because I experienced a lot less stress after coming out of the Alopecia closest and let the world know that I'm bald and beautiful. I read one of your other posts, and friends really do have a hard time understanding what us Alopecians are going through. That's why this great site is here, and we are all here to hear and listen because we truly understand.
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