so i have only got the steroid shot once (kind of a mistake by the way) and im just wondering if anyone else thinks it some how sounds like someones crunching things in your head? i don't know that was just my experience, it didnt hurt just sounded weird.

i would also advise that anyone considering the shots to research it first because these shots if done improperly can cause the hair follicles to die or become paralyzed making you permanently bald in that area.

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well I havw had three different sessions and I wasn't going to get more but the doctors says it is helping alot I do have regrowth right in the middle of the bald spot , it's baby fine but atleast there is some progress . I go back to get another set on the 14th I'll let you know how that turns out
okays just remember that this is awfuly rare and doctors dont know everything, just go with what you feel is best for YOU =)
Yes...crunch, pain, some bleeding, dent in the head where the shot was...and expensive because health plans usually don't cover it. One can only take so much per session, so if the baldness is extensive, then you are going to have many sessions, much expense, and possibly much emotion over it. The growth only works for some three months after the shots, and only while having shots (More spots can still appear elsewhere. Also, where you had shots and growth, new hair may fall out again once shots cease.) With AA, hair may grow back on its own in three months anyway.

When I went AU I tried the messy cream that turn head and fabic brown...then just gave up. My brunette body hair grew back without ANY treatment, and I got that white, wispy hair on part of my head. After much debating with myself, I finally got a blond wig to match the white sideburns just this August (I was a natural brunette).

My shots in the scalp during teen years did NOT cause permanent hair loss. My hair grew in after I stopped all shots and prednisone pills in college, and I had full hair through twenties dating and thirty-ish marriage, plus childbirths. Hair fell out again after pets, a brief time on birth control pills, and the stress of a mother-in-law...and some work with photo processing chemicals. Who knows what caused this loss?
After three years of shots in my head monthly I did not have hair growth, I had three new friends. Three growths on my thyroid. Having a needle injected while you are awake to test for cancer is not a pleasure trip let me tell you. I know have t do that every 6 months to make sure they stay that way. Normal. What I was doing was not normal, shooting my head with something that was not helping me, it was harming me. It was that day I stopped all treatment with the steroids. I was thankful I was cancer free and I stopped trying to grow my hair back with false hope. If it comes back it will do it on my own. I listened to my body's reaction to the drugs. It was saying leave it alone and just start living with or with out hair.



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