baricitinib has come up in the big xeljanz thread a few times, but it's hard to follow topics and posts in a large thread like that so we should try to keep things organized. 

There was a user here, aladdin, who had attempted to obtain some research-grade baricitinib for himself. But he is no longer a member here so I was unable to follow up with him. 

Google doesn't have a lot of information about it as of yet. Please post any questions, information or news articles about baricitinib in here

original study

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Thanks Mike, 

Please do keep us updated on this thread or the main thread and good luck with it ! The couple of years is crucial for us alopecia sufferers.

I have recently just joined a clinical trial currently enrolling for alopecia patients at UPMC in Pittsburgh. It will be a double blind study using baricitinib. If anyone has any questions please call UPMC Dermatology Clinical Trial..

it's great to hear that this drug is still being pursued. if you have a trial number, please post the link to the page for it

thanks for participating!

I am participating in and taking Baricitinib for Alopecia Universalis. When I started the study I had alopecia universalis, no body hair or hair on my head for a year or so. I am a 27 year old female. I was definitely on the placebo for the first 36 weeks of the trial. Neither me or my doctor know, but I believe at week 36 I was placed on the 2mg dose. I saw no regrowth through week 56. At week 56, you will get the strongest dose in the trial, 4mg, if you haven’t had any regrowth. I am on week 66 with very minimal regrowth. I have had very fine and light baby hairs grow on my scalp in random spots, but they haven’t gotten any longer and the majority of my head still does not have hair. Recently, I have experienced full regrowth of armpit hair, leg hair, arm hair, pubic hair and I even have peach fuzz over my entire face. I have a few blonde eyelashes coming in within the last two weeks. I am hopeful that these are all good signs and it just takes 3-6 months of being on the drug to see significant regrowth. If I do not see regrowth by week 76, I will be eliminated from the trial early. It’s been disappointing but my doctor tells me to hang in there as they’ve seen results with other patients. I have experienced minimal side effects, the only thing I have noticed is more frequent headaches. Lab work has all been normal. 

Elizabeth, thank you for the update and for subjecting yourself to the trial! 

I hope you get the results you want and remain relatively free of side effects. Please keep posting as your trial progresses, good luck!

I'm in the baricitinib study and seem to have had the exact same results as the other two people who posted in this thread.  Im in week 75, started with 2 year old universalis, and have had 20% regrowth of scalp hair and peachfuzz body hair.  This regrowth only started at about month 6, and has gotten very slowly thicker.  I believe tomorrow will be my final appointment, as my doc said that without 80% regrowth, ill be kicked off the study. 

If you don't know, baricitinib is being trialed as a therapeutic for COVID-19.  I've felt pretty safe being on it for the course of the pandemic.  It has also made my eczema disappear and I believe it has made my seasonal allergies more mild.  I'm starting to believe my allergies and eczema have been an 'outsized immune system response' to outside stimulants.  Baricitinib reduces this bodily response, which must also be what it's supposed to do for the inflammation attacking out hair follicles.  Im sad it wasn't more effective, as it has been very well tolerated.  Im on to the tofacitinib study next.

I’m sorry to hear that you did not have luck either. So strange! I did notice that Baricitinib reduced my allergies as well. I have been taking tofacitinib for a few months now and I am seeing more growth than I ever did in the baricitinib trial. Fingers crossed the tofacitinib works for you!! 

thanks for the update! 

Hi guys,

not sure if this thread is active but said I would give it a shot. I am 26 year old male diagnosed with AU about 7 months ago. I tried a few immune suppressant but didn’t work. About 5 weeks ago I was put on baracitinib 3.4mg daily. I’m in about week 5 now and iv noticed small thin blonde hairs growing in the top of my scalp, my eyebrows, chest hair and pubic hair. They are all blonde light hairs that can only really be seen in the light on front of the mirror but I notice them. The thing is that I’m a brown hair person. Should I be worried about it been blonde or is this just a stage of the regrowing?? Any help would greatly be appreciated it’s hard to find many information about this!!! Thanks 

Joseph- that’s exactly the first stage of hair regrowth! It comes in white or blonde but it will darken up once it’s a little longer. Congratulations!!

Hi Elizabeth,

thank you for the response. Just wondering did you go through this treatment yourself? And do you know how long it usually takes for true colour. Thank you 

Just wondering how you were prescribed this drug?  Outside of a trial I didn’t think it would be available for treatment t of AU



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