Having this dz is so horrible....granted I have androgenetic alopecia so I should be thankful for once having hair but people say the most hurtful things at times. In a really bad fight with someone very close to me who in return calls me a bald headed b@@@@ , why would this person ever do that to me....I get that we all say things that we don't mean when we are mad but to say that to me is the most HURTFUL thing in this world u could do. Obviuosly this has hurt me so deep inside and I have cried all day and night becuz of this....is this really how this person really feels towdard me. I am so beside myself sometimes I just want to give up. This dz has caused me so much pain and sorrow in my life and has caused me sooo much depression. Its not fair I used to feel good about myself and loved the way I onced looked. I hate having this dz no one understands unless you are living it. I hate what this has done to my life sometimes I just feel worthless and this dz has ruined my life. I just wish it all would go away. Im soooooo hurt. I know you all understand like no one else doea....just venting to get it off my chest.

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those are the kind of people you dont need to be around. i am not familiar with your gene of alopecia? what is the difference??
Dont let others bring you down people that do that have issues of there own and just want to make others hurt to make there self feel better.

Growing a thick skin is easier said than done... some say 'it's just hair' and it is not, it's a part of your life and identity; how others once defined you... and now the lack of it physically defines a part of you. You are lovely inside and out, it is hard to personally accept that and let rude comments bounce off, but when things like this happen, tell the person to have a walk around the block in your shoes... see how hurtful it is to simply look in the mirror and deal with grief on a daily basis. With time, things will get better my friend. It's not necessarily getting better for me, but I do try to enjoy things little by little, learn more about health and proper nutrition, and try to love other things about myself so I don't fall into a well of despair all the time. Hope some of this helps. Warmly, Sarah K.

It hurts, but in time it does get better. The person you had the argument with clearly, was not thinking when they said those things, but the best thing to do is to move forward stronger with the knowledge that they can’t hurt you anymore. If you’re feeling depressed, there is nothing wrong with reaching out for a little help. Therapy works wonders. Good luck and hugs.-J.

My 3 year old just told me to take my hat off and put my hair on because I look bad and he wants me to look pretty :( This is a bad moment and I am in my room by myself on vacation feeling very down but I am sure this too shall pass. I will be strong again in a few moments and pretend nothing happened.

Oh my thats horrible..... i cannot imagaine how that would make you feel. I empathize with you. I hate this dz and what it has done to my life..... I pray that you will find strenght and have a brighter day!!

We do understand and you may not be able to help the hair part but you had part in an argument.You are depressed so are you taking it out on others? I am just trying to point out to work on what part you can control. The other person sounds like a terrible person so distance yourself from them, there are good people in this world. Meanwhile can you buy a beautiful hair piece, get your makeup done? Try to make yourself look as good as possible.My daughter came home from college yesterday and I had a new wig ready. She left feeling and looking soo pretty. Don't let this condition defeat you!!! It is a great loss but you can control how you handle it.

I disagree with some of what Karen Smith said.....because someone said something nasty to you, why should you have to "put yourself out?" It's Andrea's choice as to when or if she "buys a beautiful hairpiece or gets her makeup done." Yes, she can "control how she handles it", but it has to be her way and in her time.

I can relate to you 100%. Not only do we deal with outsiders that do not understand what we are going through but I also have to deal with stares, rude comments and being looked at as an outcast by my family.

I like to think that people who live in metropolitan areas are a bit more "informed" about things, as opposed to yahoos (no offense to the internet provider meant) in podunk, pa, but I guess not.....



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