Hi everyone!
So my new (and first!!! ever!!) wig finally got here. It's a gorgeous color and actually looks incredibly realistic! It is synthetic (Noriko) and I am pretty happy about it... except it has about 6x as much hair as I would EVER need. I had a feeling it would be a little bulky, but nothing like this!

I found a salon that swore up and down they were experienced cutting wigs, although the girl who cut it today seemed totally nervous about the whole thing. She was really sweet, but incredibly cautious and asked me to go home and try to flatten out the bulk of it in some way and come back for free within two weeks to continue working on it.

I did tons of research, and the only thing that looks like it would remotely work is a weird trick some sites suggest: boiling water over it. I know I do not want to go that route anytime soon, because this thing was $180. I didn't even used to spend that much on my *real* hair, you know?!

Anywho. I went ahead and washed/conditioned it with wig stuff I purchased at the same time. I let it air dry a bit, flat, and am now wearing it with a tight hat to try to push some more of it down and flatten it out.

Does anyone have any tips & tricks like this? I am sooo tempted to sleep in it (and the hat, to keep it in place) tonight! Is that a bad idea?

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Hot water torture method tutorial to straighten synthetic fibers will definitely take the bulk/bend out of it.

The fiber is pre-set to the shape it is now and even with regular water it'll always re-dry to the same shape.

Only steam ( clothing steamer) and a brush to pull it straight or the hot water method can remove the bulk/bend from it.

If neither of those seem like good options yet, ask on the message board at wigsupport.com.....many women there are buyers of Noriko and similar brands or check with the people on the cos play sites. they take care of their own wigs and change them up often.

There's a solution that will work, it might take a bit of experimenting. I wouldn't have it cut any more unless it's to get it to frame the face better. Leave all the length you have and experiment with the water or steam.
Hopefully one of them will work.

Thanks so much! I actually saw that video earlier today when researching... it made me so nervous! Maybe I should just try it, especially if this hat trick isn't helping. Darn. I even feel like cranking my steam iron and just steaming a few inches away while brushing is a little less nerve wracking than a pot of boiling water!

I just signed up for wigsupport and am waiting on my account to be activated. Thank you again!
I'd be a little scared to take an iron close to the fiber. It will melt in an instant if you touch it to the fiber. There are some videos around on technique with a clothes steamer.

Don't despair...every wig is an investment and a learning experience.

Are you an accessories/ wide stretchy head band kind of girl? that helps change the look of the front. I do that with wigs that have worn out in the front and not worth the investment to have new hair knotted back in. ( human hair types.)

Keep us posted.

Hi there,
I have the same problem, my real hair was fine and the wigs are way too hot and heavy. You should be able to find someone to thin it a lot. I had this done to one wig. You need to find the right person.

I am now waiting for a really light weight wig to arrive that has way less hair on it. I tried it on at the salon and loved it. I forget the brand but I will let you know when I get it if you are interested.
Good luck.
Hi, Can you remember the brand or just let us know when you get it?

Thanks so much!
Hi Martha,

Another good resource to talk to women who wear wigs and help each other is at wigsupport.com It requires a request to log in and then when you have it you'll find it easy to post any questions and get feedback. Most of the discussions are about specific brands and styles. I seem to recall that many also photograph their wigs turned inside out, too. Lots of knowledge and first hand experience.

Another handy one is heralopecia.com for advice and personal experiences about toppers, partial falls, and full wigs of all kinds by women going to salons and internet ordering.

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NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!! Synthetic hair has to be washed to cold water. Do not put it over boiling water, do not cook with boiling water while wearing it either. It will ruin the hair!
I would just try to part it differently. Maybe, put you bangs to the side. Or...if you know a good hairdresser, that neccessary doesn't work with wigs, they might feel more comfortable. The place where I got my wigs, she cuts fro free. But, I think the same thing. She doesn't cut very good! So, I take it to my girl that cut my original hair. I'm her only wig client, but she is confident with her job!! She makes it look even more natural than the wig lady!!!
BTW.... Synthetic hair looks thick and perfect. I was at target yesterday and some lady asked me where I get my hair done, it looks so beautiful. I was caught off guard, so I told her it was a wig. But, I guess its noticeable because its so perfect! Enjoy it and have fun with it!!! We deserve to have perfect hair! In fact... a lot of my friends were like, "oh man! I want a wig now. Your hair looks better than mine!" LOL...
OH, AND make sure when you wash it, you use cold water, fill it in a sink with your special shampoo. I also hear that woollight is good fro synthetic, and let it soak in the sink for an hour or so, and hang to dry. It will last much longer! Synthetic gets so yucky fast, but thats what I'm wearing right now too! :) good luck!
Hi Jennifer,

Scroll back....you can see that we're purposefully wrecking the wave/curl/body that was set into a syntehtic wig at the factory. We're talking about specifically changing a syn wig so it no longer looks the way it came when new. If you like the wave in a syn. wig and want to keep it, use cold water. We use our strategy to change it. We're tying to wreck it so to speak. But we do not use boiling water. It's hot but not to boiling.

I just got my first wig too (Revlon Impressive). I really like the cut and look of it, but it has WAY too much hair for me too. I feel like it looks like a mop on my head from the side. I'm taking it to a hairdresser who's had 40 years experience with wigs to cut it and thin out the bulk. I've heard of people using thinning shears to thin out the under layers of bulk, but I've never done it yet. There's a video on Youtube that shows how to do it, but I want to see how the hairdresser does it first. If it still needs more thinning after she's done, then I'll try it myself. Which Noriko wig did you get?
I hope the wig works out for you!! :)
ladies... i had been wearing about 20 bobby pins to make it sit flat how i liked it. i wore it for five days and loved it. i thought i would be self conscious but it felt and looked so natural.

of course, i thought 20+ bobby pins was too much for every day. so today i tried the boiling water method. well, my advice is don't use this with shorter styles. it looks ridiculous. it's too straight and sticking out in places. i am literally crying my eyes out because i'm back at square one... except now i have to walk BACK into school without the hair i was so nervous about walking in with. so i guess this method isn't for everyone. i am seriously distraught.



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