  • Female
  • philly, PA
  • United States
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Thickest wig ever! Tips & tricks.

Started this discussion. Last reply by juliepeach Oct 27, 2009. 10 Replies

Wigs. Where do you start?! & Philadelphia

Started this discussion. Last reply by kimberly dean Sep 27, 2009. 9 Replies

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wishing for a thick head of hair for christmas :)

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About Me:
i was ATL, GA born & raised for eighteen years before packing up and heading to philly, PA for art school. after a year and a half, i changed paths and started applying to universities to study environmental science (hopefully going to be a wildlife technician some day!)-- after much debate, i decided to stick it out in my new city instead of moving home where all of my lifelong friends & family are. my first week of my new university, i began to lose my hair. this, of course, made the first doctor i went to write it off as stress- though i was feeling very fine about everything!
soon after, the little awful round patches started to develop. i went to my dermatologist here, and she diagnosed me with AA. we did oral & topical steroids, as well as steroid shots (i'm guessing upwards of 300 total). nothing helped, and it has been over 5 months. my oral steroids were making me totally nutty, but as soon as i went off of them my hair loss got unbearable. it all came out, but luckily it's making a return.

i feel incredibly vain and petty, because i know things always could be worse. but i am now at the point where i have nooo self confidence, and have made no friends in my classes because i cannot look anyone in the eye. i am used to being popular (ugh, cannot believe i said that! ha!) with lots of diverse wonderful friends. now i feel like a mean tuff girl, since i have tattoos and what appears as a buzzed head. eeekk

so all my hair fell out by december of last year (when that info was first posted). then it all started to slowly, patchy, grow back for a few months. i actually had a full head of hair for about two months, but in the middle of the summer it all started coming out again. i am now back at 60-70% loss. what a rip.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
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At 8:59pm on September 29, 2009, Sarah said…
im not real sure what the brand is. i bought it about 2 years ago. since then i had my old hairstylist cut it that way. it used to be super long. and the pink is just an extention.

but if your looking for some good looking wigs check out "forever young."
At 4:40am on September 28, 2009, Sarah said…
i just read your story and i can say i know what you mean. when i went to college it was really hard for me to meet any new friends. eventually the so called "best times of our lives" got to much for me to handle. lets just say college wasent what i thought it could have been. i lost my hair for the first time when i was a senior in high school, so i thought i knew what i was getting myself into when i ventured out into the real world. i was totally unprepared and outnumbered. as a result, i stopped attending school a year and a half later. i moved home and started my life again where i left it. after 2 years my hair was almost completely regrown and i was able to get extentions. then about 6 months or so ago i started loosing again.

now i find myself in the same situation. i have since moved to a bigger city and have yet to make any friends. im still not in school, so there is one obstacle i dont have to traverse. i just keep telling myself that everything will fall into place and get better again.
At 12:00am on June 11, 2009, JeffreySF said…
Hi Julie,

how are you?
ran across your page tonight.

At 6:04pm on December 30, 2008, Nants the Rebellion Dog said…
I'm new to this, as my hair started falling out in one spot 6 months ago but I kept ignoring it. I finally went to the doctor when I noticed it had started falling out in another place. So now I know its alopecia, and AARRGGGHHH! It makes me crazy they don't know how bad it will get, what causes it and what helps it! (There are those who say I'm already crazy.) Anyway, don't let anything external define who you are. You're fabulous!
At 12:28am on November 29, 2008, Marie said…
I feel exactly as you do. I have universalis and have lost everything in 2 months. I'm getting married in 5 months and feel really petty that I'm so upset by it. But at the end of the day this really sucks and people to some extent judge on looks but I think not as much as we believe they do. All we can do is get on with our lives and try to enjoy the small things. It's so hard to be yourself with this because you always feel judged. Good luck
At 6:53pm on November 10, 2008, Shana and Taylor said…
I have lost about 75% of hair also....it is terrible...I am still coping though....I have a wig of course...when i take it off I just wanna start screaming at myself!!!!!!!! Well Thank god I have it on all the time mostly....

At 6:50pm on November 10, 2008, Shana and Taylor said…
oh and i forgot....why do u call yourself julie peach?
I see that u have a tattoo....
At 6:50pm on November 10, 2008, Shana and Taylor said…
How old r u? 20 or something??????????
At 4:57pm on November 10, 2008, Lia said…
hey there! no, the patches are not a very pretty site. sometimes i'll stare at mine in disbelief. anywayyyy, forget about those people who are telling you your spots look "sick and disgusting". honesty sh-monesty, it's only going to make you feel worse, right? when my spots r no longer concealable it will definitely be hats & wigs for me! i guess the only thing we can do is focus on our surroundings and psych ourselves out to not obsess about the dreaded bald spots =/ i wish i had better advice. i'm a newbie =/ anyway! forget ur hair, u're so pretty!

take care!
<3 lia
At 5:58pm on November 9, 2008, Cheryl, Co-founder said…
Hi Julie, I wanted to welcome you to Alopecia World. I can honestly say that we are a great community here and I hope you enjoy the time you spend with us and we look forward to your input. Cheryl, co-founder


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