I have been suffering from AA since September 2015. I have been getting injections monthly, but my hair loss continues to spread--roughly half of my hair is gone. Even the hair that has started to grow in appears to just fall right out again.

My question is-- is Prednisone worth it? My doctor says she could put me on it for 6 weeks, but filled me in on the side effects. She says it works for some, but not for others. If my hair loss is stopped in its tracks, will it just fall right out again after the 6 weeks of treatment is up? Is 6 weeks even long enough to experience the roughest of the side effects?

For those who have tried it, what was your experience?

I'm wondering if I should forgo the Prednisone and embrace the beauty of wigs-- I just don't want to completely write off Prednisone if it has been worth it for some.

Thank you!!

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Hi, I lost all my hair in 2009. While I have never tried prednisone, I did the injections for about a year. I honestly think the injections and the prednisone are just short term solutions for a (potentially) long term problem. I had side effects from the injections and my hair would still continue to fall out...when I stopped the injections all together, my hair fell out completely. I literally just cried it out one night, let go of trying everything and anything to fix my hair loss, and learned to adjust to wearing a wig. It's so hard in the beginning. I wish you all the best.

Hi there,

Predison does not work and is a harmful chemical they are injecting you with and will actually slow the natural regrowth of your hair once your system begins to balance and heal itself. That is exactly what happened to me. The spots I received injections in were the most stubborn to regrow.

My advise to you is to look into the alopecia anti-inflammatory diet. Consider what you are eating and if you have any allergies. What is happening with alopecia is tied to the gut, it's called Dysbiosis and Leaky Gut Syndrome. The condition can be healed and reversed once the toxins have been removed. Stay away from gluten and preservatives.

Organic food is medicine :) take care

In health and wellness,

Melissa B.

Totally agree with you Melissa B. I try and live this but it's so difficult as I have two kids and love baking ; it relaxes me! Lol. When I do the Paleo diet, I tend to feel better.

On a different note, are pictures only able to be uploaded here or can we also do this on a private message? I don't want to scare all of you when I had full blown predisone moon face!

I have had alopecia since I was 24. I am now 60. Back then all I wanted to do was get my hair back . I tried everything. I was on Prendisone, on in month off one for 6 months to a year , I don't recall exactly.I also had cortisone shots in my scalp. Prendisone thins the bones.i did get my hair back , but in the month off it would fall back out..very disco uraging. Broke my foot, in my 30s. In my early 40s I had avascular necrosis. I was told i needed My first hip replacement. The other leg was bad also. That one was 8 months later. 10 yrs later I bumped into a chair and fell to the floor.. I broke my femur. I fell on carpeting. It broke right above the knee almost protruding the skin. . that was two yrs. To heal.. I am overweight so I'm not saying it was totally the Prendisone, but very strange. I also have osteopenia. And now both knees need to be replaced. If I had to do it again. I would not do the Prendisone.

Hello Claire, Here it is from a mothers perspective, cover all your bases. If you believe that you want to give it a try, the Prednisone that is, try it, but also learn about the different type of wigs for Alopecia. My mission has been to help women not make the same mistakes I did along the way when it came to finding the best fitting and most comfortable wig. I just do not want people to make the same mistakes I did that  cost time and MONEY. The right type of wig is a comfort to many that wish to wig wears. If you have the time to read about my trip to China to find the best factory possible to construct my daughters wigs you might find it interesting. I am here to help if you should go in that direction. I sent you a friend request and look forward to hearing from you, My daughter 27 has AU and is living an amazing happy and loving life with great friends and a wonderful boyfriend, All is good again. 

no, I don't think it is worth it....was on it for a while back in the day, gained weight, hair still did it's thing, fell out.... I quit doing any type of treatments years ago.  I am much happier now too... still no hair, but happy.  just my life.... I have learned a lot about myself through this long journey of 34 years dealing/coping with alopecia.  You know what they say, hind sight is 20/20, if I knew then what I know now, I probably wouldn't have wasted my time or money trying to hold on to my hair, but each has to make their own decision on what to do.   My best to you, and God bless.


My recommendation would be to avoid prednisone. I tried it in very large doses years ago and regrew my hair (I have AU). I was on it for a lot longer than six weeks though. However, I also developed stomach problems and many of the other side effects. When I stopped the prednisone, all of the hair fell out again. Prednisone is not very effective against alopecia and your long-term health is far more important. 

My advice is to take no chance on hurting your baby by taking any meds while breast feeding. Just because a doctor says it will be safe doesn't make it so. Everyone is different. Any chance,, no matter how small, is not worth it, for your baby's sake. Everything you ingest affects your child.
My daughter lost 3/4 of her hair from AA when she was 12. She has had two episodes, since then with very minimal loss and I think it is because of the Prednisone. At the onset of hair loss she is prescribed oral Prednisone for about 2 wks. She starts with 5 pills a day for a few days, then goes to 4 pills, then 3, then 2. This course of treatment prescribed by a specialist at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia has worked for my daughter. She uses Chlobetasol foam to stimulate regrowth.

Each person will respond differently and you won't know until you try.  I would not take for more than 6 weeks.    For me, when I was 24 back in the 80s, I had one small AA patch.  The dermatologist at the time treated aggressively, shots, cream and high dose prednisone for 4 wks.  Cleared up with regrowth in 2 weeks and didn't think about it again until a high stress situation two years ago (30 yrs later) started a flare-up.  I went to two dermatologist, neither would repeat the treatment since they say studies found it doesn't work. Lost all my hair in 8 weeks as the doctors continued to assure me that it wouldn't happen.  Took another year before I found an expert in the field who said based on my past experience, if they had treated aggressively with the highest dose, I most likely would not have AU, but they would have had to treat immediately with first symptom.  You've been dealing with this for 6 months so I would definitely give up on the localized shots. As for if it will just fall out after 6 weeks, you won't know until you try.  Worked for me first time, but once AU or AA is well established I don't know if it would work.  After the second year of AU once I found wigs I liked, I really don't think much about it anymore. It the lesser of autoimmune disorders. Good luck.

It's a tough decision.  My daughter grew up on prednisone.  The side effects for kids are different than adults...they are affected much less.  However, there came a point in time where we had to stop and her hair immediately fell back out.  Everyone is different so your response won't be the same as others, but if you want honesty -- I would recommend no simply because of the long-term side effects.  Hair isn't worth compromised health. 

I saw your post on my email and thought I'd quickly write something before I head off to my morning commute. I haven't written or been on this site since I was completely bald and lost my hair three months after giving birth. My hair fell out all in one month due to a combo of Alopecia Total and pregnancy blood loss. I was breastfeeding while bald and given prednisone then full steroid injections for 6 months ( every 6-12 weeks) . I have one picture of myself and couldn't even look at the camera. I didn't recognize myself and pretty much missed the first year of my daughter's life. The injections made my body gain at least 25-30 lbs and I had a puffy face with thin skin; so my complexion was super dark. The side affects were not worth it!! I bought a wig but at the time , we lived in Hong Kong, so the humid weather was not good to wear a half wig or whole wig. I wore a beautiful scarf on my head instead. The first day I wore my scarf, I rocked it! Then when I sought the injections, I looked miserable and depressed. Everyone is different but in hindsight- I'd forgo the steroids and just ROCK my baldness with a scarf, half wig or wig and be proud. People can't tell you're wearing a wig these days as they make them beautiful and affordable BUT wearing a wig when you have a steroid Full moon face is no fun because you don't even recognize your self wearing long hair like you had before the Alopecia. That was the hardest part for me. Rock the wig and your beautiful face and smile will still be shining bright in this difficult time. Long story short... My hair grew back after I stopped the injections. My finger tips had sores and ezcema for over a year due to thinning skin; that finally healed! For me pregnancy hormones and stress triggers my Alopecia..... I try to live a stress free life these days.

If you'd like to see a picture of me during treatment( I'm not looking at camera ) pm me... I can show you a before and after, so you'll stay away from injections. Stay positive and beautiful.




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