Has anyone heard of taking bovin colostrum for AA? My stepmother thinks it will help with AA since AA is an autoimmune thing. She had fibromyalgia for years which is an autoimmune thing also. She swears the colostrum is what makes her feel good. She square dances weekly.
Has anyone been taking biotin? If so, what mg do you take? The pharmacy sells it in 1mg and 5 mg and each bottle says to take one tablet daily.

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Yvette, my daughter takes one 5000mg a day along with other vitamins. At the same time she began a treatment that has worked for her. She continues to take biotin and all the other stuff b/c I like to think it is helping and her regrowth is not falling out.
i take 1000 mg of biotin a day. my doctor told me to take more, i use to but now i lowered it bc i dont like taking pills. but it was one of the best things. it made my nails grow very fast and my skin was totally renewed, had no more pimples... it was pretty cool. what i loved the most is that it made my eyelashes grow back. i recommend taking them.

you have to try them, it works differently with everyone.
Hey Yvette,

Great topic- am very interested to know if anyone has tried colostrum. Are you planning on it? I've known people who had cancer and took colostrum for it's anti-tumor properties. It worked well for them. There is a lot of info/research all of which sounds very promising for the benefit of colostrum on regulating autoimmune disease. I just did a search and found lots of info specific to colostrum and AA. Let me know if you start it- I have a wonderful MD/holistic doc I think I am going to run it by him for his opinion. I may try it myself.....
Has anyone found anything new on the colostrum?
I take Biotin 5mg daily (if I remember)
Colostrum? That sounds like it's worth a try. Couldn't hurt anyway. I take Biotin 5mg/day and 1 B12 tablet/day. I haven't noticed a change in my skin but I definately have noticed that I have a lot more energy, which is probably from the B12. My doctor told me to take Biotin, Zinc, Selenium and B12. I have AA also and I've had a good response from the treatments along with those vitamins. I don't know which one, if any, are responsible for the regrowth though because I started them all at the same time.



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