Just curious as to those of you who wear "helper hair" or are contemplating it- at one point in this FFA hair loss did you decide to go for the wigs/hair pieces/etc.,,? Some days I look at my hair and think, I'm just being vain and silly, why I am putting myself through the hassle and expense to get extra hair, it doesn't look so bad, if you just met me now, you wouldn't even know I suffer from hair loss, you would just think I have fine, thin hair and a very large forehead!
Other days, I see the shiny reflection bouncing off my skull and the almost 2 inches gone from my hairline (along with more definite thinning at least and inch into the hairline that I just noticed this morning, great!!) & if I could, I would get a wig, hair piece, anything for any amount of money right then and there. So do you wait until your hair loss is very much noticeable & visible, or do it when it is not so very noticeable to the "general public" but is to yourself?

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Replies to This Discussion

I got a synthetic topper October of 2015.
It was hard to go into the wig shop, but it was
the best decision I ever made. It cost $188 dollars
and still looks good. It matches my hair. It has
survived Africa and Hawaii. Looking at my hair
you cannot tell, and I get lots of compliments.
It has given me the freedom to not have to think
about my hair all the time!

Cheryl, it is awesome that your topper has treated you so well, especially on your exotic travels!  

As for me, it has been a while, but here is a quick update on my helper hair quest.... after a wonderful consultation with Lucinda Ellery last month, I was all set to go for it, but, after sleeping on it a few days and sitting down with my calculator, I decided to wait it out until I absolutely have to do it.  The initial outlay is something I can handle financially, but the commitment to the long term maintenance and replacement costs are what somewhat scare me!  So, I will wait and start a helper hair budge/savings for the future. 

In the meantime, I have decided I will treat myself to a bit of botox and a nice facial and I am going to go to an upscale salon while visiting London next month and get a nice hair makeover with cut and color.   I have also been thinking of going to get a make up lesson from ??? to learn how to contour my face properly to help minimize my now very large forehead- it is all smoke and mirrors for the foreseeable future  !

Minter, I like your idea of a make-up
lesson. I do wear a foundation that evens
out along the hair line and the rest of
my face. I do think there might be some
other suggestions a professional upscale
make-up artist could help with.

That sounds like a fabulous plan.

Thank you sallylwess, I think, well this is happening for me anyway- that this FFA can bog one down and everything else goes to the wayside once you start getting involved with treatment and wigs and hairpieces and most of all the sadness, for what is being lost- so because of all that, I have decided, that being fabulous to myself is exactly what I need right now!  

Cheryl, I sort of contour, but I really have no idea what I am doing and if I can get a one on one lesson to do it right, it would be worth it- not to mention, now that I am a woman of a certain age ;-) the way I've always been doing my makeup isn't working so well anymore, between age and FFA it is like I have a new face that I now need to figure out how to bring out the best of it again!

I so agree with you.  I think we have to do what makes us feel that we can recapture our confidence.  Otherwise, all the aspects of FFA can quickly become overwhelming.  

How is your topper attached?
My topper is attached by 5 clips. They
stay in place, and very seldom do I need
to adjust during the day. My hair is colored
to match and I get lots of complements.
It blends perfectly. It has made me feel
more comfortable. I no longer find myself
checking my hair all the time. My topper is
made by Raquel Welch, and I have had it for
1 1/2 years.
Have just got to the stage of deciding to get a wig. My hairline has now receded by about 4-5 centre meters so it is rather noticeable!! Has been getting worse for about 6 years and has got to the point where I am sick of being stared at. Have always held my head up high and thought what the heck, it's just hair loss - but am finding it very hard to continue with that approach. Seeing myself front on I know it is bad but it wasn't until I recently saw a photo of myself side on at a work event that I realised just how 'unusual' it looks to put it mildly - to be honest it looks hiddeous! Since then my confidence has slipped. Went to see the fabulous Deanna and Libby at Freedom Wigs 7 days ago and now have a big decision to make. Seriously thinking about shaving off what is left and getting a real hair wig. Will mean about 4 months of no hair until the wig is made, so not an easy transition. I stupidly thought that you could possibly get partial wigs - well with all the advances nowadays it seems reasonable to me. Some days I just wish what is left would fall out and then I wouldn't have to make this decision. I'm 51 years old and do quite a bit of presenting and group work in my job so loosing confidence will be a problem. Oh and my eyebrows fell out 20 years ago so might get them taooted on. So, that is how I have got to this decision point.

Sorry you are losing your confidence. I also wonder if anyone just shaved it off. Why couldn't you buy another cheaper wig until the good one is made? Have you seen microblading for the eyebrows? I am thinking about doing this. The tattoos turn green over time.

Hi Helen M

The Lucinda Ellery system they talked to me about is a partial wig but attached to your head. It seems an excellent solution but a costly solution. Like many on here I am hanging on until absolutely necessary.

I am also looking into contouring makeup to see if I can disguise my increasing forehead.

The contouring makeup dots keep the shine and whiteness down. My recession goes back to middle of top of m y head though. Thanks for the tape tip. I'll try that



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