I've been losing my hair for the past year but not really recognized what was going on. Now my hair loss has sped up, my hair is disgustingly thin, hair is EVERYWHERE and I don't know where to even start.
I'm not losing it in chunks, its just thinning like crazy and I'm only 22! Where do you start? I plan to wear wigs when the time comes, but when do you start? How bad do you let it get before covering your head with a wig? Do I shave my head or leave what hair I have left?
I'm just about to start my career in engineering and I don't want people do doubt my capabilities because I have nasty thin hair. How do you transition from thinning hair to "poof", the next day you show up with a full head of hair (aka a wig).
By the way, this website is FANTASTIC!!

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Yep. Go for the quickest fix and get it over with. The sooner you feel good about your choice and are confident, the better. You just have to go for the POOF with this condition, cuz in-between is stress-producing! Pick something and get known by it: bald, wig, hats, scarves. You will make your mark, and they may not even remember the stage you are at now.

You could get a topper and then transition to a full wig. I order my daughter's from a couple of different chinese sites. If you have some hair then you use a partial for now and blend it with your own. People are really not that observant.

I've didn't even knew there was such a thing, thanks so much for the advice on toppers! How do they handle on windy days?

They blend with your hair and clip into it or tape to your scalp so as long was you have hair it should not be a problem. Once the hair loss is severe then you need to move to a wig. They are good answer with partial loss.

Start at the beginning if you can find it took us ages to but when we did things were much better.

Lauren-- At this moment I am in the exact spot you are in (except I'm nearly twice your age) and have been wondering these very same thoughts! Took a look in the mirror this morning and decided that "poofing" with a new head of hair is better than "poofing" with obvious bald patches-- I'm going for a wig consultation tomorrow. If I learn any useful tips in addition to what others share, I will indeed pass them your way!

Its comforting to know there are others in the same boat as myself. Tracey, keep me updated on your consultation and "poof" experience.

Hey, Lauren-- I noted my experiences with my first wig consultation on my blog at http://www.alopeciaworld.com/profiles/blogs/first-wig-consultation-... But in short, I've decided not to poof until a TBD date. :-)

I agree with Dorothy-- hopefully there is someone in your neck of the woods (stylist or wig stylist? what are they called anyway?!) who can help provide you with tailored, practical advice. You may wish to consult local cancer treatment facilities for references. That got me started. Best of luck!

Hey there Lauren, sorry to hear what you are going through at the moment. I suddenly lost 98% of my hair to alopecia within 10 days and decided to shave off the last bit because the hair shedding had upset me so much. It felt strange but good as at least it was over and done with. After this you will then get your head round things (pardon the pun) and decide whether its scarves/hats or wigs that make you feel positive and able to get on with life in general. It's tough but hang in there and continue to use this site as there are fab peeps on here that will give you such great advice,support and encouragement :) I dunno where I would be if I hadn't joined.. (((hugs))) shO :)

Hi Lauren,
I'm feeling as you too. After 2-1/2 years of losing hair (really bad in the past two weeks), I found a hair salon that specializes in hair loss and set an appointment where we can discuss my options. I feel a lot better now knowing I have done something positive, rather than focusing on the negative, which isn't easy. Good luck.

Hi Lauren. I am in the same boat as you. My hair has been coming out since Jan and I don't know when to start. I just feel awkward wearing a wig because I keep thinking they won't look real, especially like you say, you go from having thin hair to having a full head of hair. I also have a smallish head, so I'm not sure how wigs will fit. Good luck and I'd love to hear what you decide to do.

That is right around the age when I started losing my hair. Sorry for your loss. I completely understand and hear you. With you starting this new career you should focus your thoughts on that. And looking back I wish someone told me that. I spent the next 10 + years stressing about my hair loss when I could have furthered my education. That is how consuming it was for me. Shave it off sister. Move on. I know easier said than done. But like I said I wish someone would of told me way back. After I shaved my head my husband turned to me and said "I'm so glad you did that I said really why ? And he said well I'm taller than you and it was looking really bad on top. I was like OMG ! Why didn't you tell me ? He said I didn't want to hurt you. You have the world at your feet my dear. Don't let this be a road block in life. It is after all just hair. Right ? Give em hell not to mention if wigs are something you choose, they have improved so much over time that my wigdar is getting rusty.



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