WOW ! what a feeling. I Lost my eyebrows about 2 yrs now. Ordered a pair for $50.00 put them on Monday morning and felt like I won the lottery. I no longer looked sick, you know that look. I take em off on Sunday nights to air out my skin and put them back on Monday am. What a feeling. I just ordered a 2nd pair to have a back up cause you never . It is 4 wks now and I love em. I am careful when washing my face. I touch up with glue a smidge if they start to come off. For anyone who felt like I did you must check out Hope this helps. Cheers Denise :)

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headcovers too. I love em , I use the glue that came with them and touch up once in a while. I workout in them, sleep in them I am careful not to rub or wash them with a cloth I wash around them. and gently tidy them. I am so thrilled with them.

Sounds great! Have you done any significant perspiring in them? I'm constantly looking for the best brow options that will hold up to significant sweat. When I'm dancing, I always need to do a brow touch up about half way through a practice session. I really hate when they "melt" off!

Hi Lori, You may want to look up "Stamp Me Fabulous" on line.


When my daughter's eyebrows disappear (this happens regularly), she wears what we call 'hairy eyebrows' or what you call wig eyebrows. If you go to my page there is a photo of her after she has gone swimming with her 'hairy eyebrows' on. She loves them too and I think they look amazing.

At the moment she has once again grown back her eyebrows... but who knows for how long.

It is great when you find something that really helps! We don't get ours from headcovers, we go a little closer to home (Australia), but I think they are all very similar.


I am going through the same thing. I just received my #12 light brown brow today and I am so excited to wear them. I, like you, am so tired of looking sick. It is amazing how eyebrows just light up your face. How did you hide the gel backing. It seems that it kind of looks like a sticker because I can see the outline. Also, headcovers was out of glue when I got these. Do you use any other brand or just the one from headcovers. Any advice on putting these things on would be so appreciated. Thanks

BMG omg I love mine, I use the glue that came with them. Ye sthe odd time you can see the outline but I gently push in with my nail lightly and it sticks again. I liek the liquid glue thin & light. yes I jsut followed the directions online just slightly apart from the nose . :) it took me a bit to do it, now once awk I take em off that is it.

So happy for you! I saw these for the first time when I went in to a salon for a new hair system. I was amazed by them, I'm going back tomorrow, maybe they will let me try on a pair??? Hope so. It's great that I know how much they are through, so If I like them I can order them up if they are alot more. Thanks for the input:)

I just got in my second pair, as a back up pair in case I ever lose one or something. I am on a month now with this pair and as I take really easy care of them I bet I can get at least 1/2 yr maybe longer. will keep you posted. now if my new head would just get here it would be great, I am down to one good one left, back to real hair for me. it lasts way longer and feels better.

OMG!! I never heard of this, I have been with AU for 6yrs and I need to order this and see how it is for myself. Any other helpful tips you have please share.


All I can say is that, that morning on Monday July 23 , 2012 at around 8:00 am when I opened the pretty wrapped package holding my new found freedom. & I put on the eyebrows. I felt like I had won the lottery. I felt like a million dollars.................My self esteem came back ten fold........... :)

MsG no sorry I only have used the glue with it.. How long does one pair last for you, I am on pair # 1 and wearing them since July 23 and they look great still.................they are lighter than my wig but they say it should be that way....... but not sure.............



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