Hey there, this is only my first proper post, so sorry, but its gonna be long :) I started wearing wigs about 2.5 years ago. Starting off first with a synthetic Jon Reneau & quickly moving on to full lace human hair wigs. I have androgenic alopecia or diifuse alopecia areata (they couldn't decide!) Had been loosing my hair since I was 16, so after years of lamenting, I bit the bullet, shaved the head and got into wigs :) Having lost a lot of my confidence over those years, I'm only now starting to sort of gain it back. I've always wanted to learn how to swim & surf, so have been trying but am struggling to find the right set-up of wig (or wigs) to get me through easily. Since I bond my full wig with tape,I don't really have issues with how secure it is, my question moreso is: Is it possible to continue an active lifestyle, including waterpsorts, whilst maintaining a decent looking wig (ones thats attached to your head I mean :))? I can't afford a Follea etc type wig, plus I think most people would scream if I suggested swimming or surfing in them! I buy cheaper FL wigs from China online, thats all I can afford,theres not a lot available n my area plus I like the lengths & realistic part lines of them. However, I could see them easily being ruined by all this water activity + extra washing; my current wig is already drying out and matting a bit.Also, I don't think freedom type wigs would suit due to price and the presence of head stubble :) Does anyone else do this kind of stuff? And how do they maintain the wig or wigs? It's possible I asking for too much, but I'm still not ready to go au naturel :( any suggestions welcome xx

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Dear Suburban Mom,

In my new book, "Sex Wigs and Whispers" available on Amazon.com you'll find many answers to these questions that will help you in this area. I wrote it to give women freedom.

BTW:Wig tape and wig clips are a great way of securing the wig.

Blessings,  Amy

Hi Amy
No tape or adhesives are needed with freedom wigs. They are custom made for your head and the vacuum holds them on, but thanks for the input!

Yes!  We did the "California Screaming", "Thunder Mountain" and all other coasters available at Disneyland...no issue!  Intimacy...no issue.  Waterslides...no issue.  The Freedom Wig was amazing in all cases.

That sounds wonderful! :) 
I'm a little scared because i am very active. I even want to skydive! lol

Also, do you sleep in it? Shower with it? How long does it last? 

I don't sleep in it but I box, swim and do yoga in it. You can shower in it. My last freedom wig lasted 8 years

Wow! 8 years with daily use?  I can't always find that perfect fitting.  Is their any tips that you can offer?

i have two pieces and alternate them.  do you have a freedom?  i find that putting it on while bent over works best and then i kind of shimmy it until it is in the right spot.  takes about 2 seconds

If bond a human hair system from HairDirect and get a new one every 3 months so if I were going to do watersports I would wear an old system that I have "retired" to keep my current system looking its best.
I have taken a belly dancing class in my bonded lace system for
HairDirect and there was no problem I also do yoga in it.

My friend always uses an older wig for sports but for water activities she also has a swimming hat that is more comfortable for her.

There is no need to take notice of what kind of wigs you choose and for what purpose, a high quality wig is always the best choice for you ! If you can't find where to buy good wigs, I suggest you to visit Prettywighair to choose your ideal one. I'm sure you can find the best wigs with an affordable price!



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