HI Guys,

Has anyone imported Xeljanz from india via Fedex?

Just wondering if its reliable and if it gets through customs without issue.


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Hello Nicole,

I just got in my shipment from India. It is a generic Xeljanz called Tofacinix (Tofacitinib Citrate INN). It comes out of India from Beacon Pharmaceuticals Limited. It took 2 1/2 weeks to come in from the time I ordered it to the time it arrived at my home in Memphis, TN. It is waaaaaaaaaay less expensive than the name brand Xeljanz and something I believe many people on here can afford. Let me know if you have any more questions. Thanks.



hello me I get it in Istanbul for 600 dollars. this is very interesting I saw also on their site has 259 dollars I think to order a box and have it evaluated by Pfizer if it is legitimate

dont order off bonhoa.

order from:


Click QUICK ORDER on the top right

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on which site to order you your thank you for your answer?

@ kevin,

I ordered from


Its $714 for a 60 pill bottle of name brand phizer Xeljanz.

Good customer service:


They are very concerned though about USA FDA customs clearance. They wanted to know if i had a friend in europe or south america they could send it to.

I will keep you guys posted if i receive it with no issues.

@Mike please let us know how your customs clearance process went and how it goes on the generic!

HI Mike,

So happy to get your response.

So did they fedex directly to you in TN from India?

Did you have any issues with USA FDA customs?

Grateful for your input as I have a shipment about to mail from India.

Let me know


The pharm company told me that they didn't perceive an issue with customs. I am not sure if it was UPS or Fed Ex. It took about 2 1/2 weeks from the time I ordered it to get to me. I'm cautiously optimistic this is going to work. :)

Amazing Mike!

My fingers are crossed for you!

What did you pay for the generic?

so are you doing this as a self-managed project or do you have a doctor in memphis that is working with you on monitoring etc? 

did the guys in india require a prescription?

thanks good luck

Mine is prescribed by my doc here at columbia in NYC.

The indian pharmacy requried an Rx, but they arent very strict about what you show them.

I gave them screen shots of my rx through the columbia docs portal and they accepted that, whereas the canada pharmacy i was working with would not accept that.

Hi, just curious how this has worked out for you so far and if you’ve ordered more pills without issue?




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