HI Guys,

Has anyone imported Xeljanz from india via Fedex?

Just wondering if its reliable and if it gets through customs without issue.


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That’s the silver bullet to this issue for people in the UK Alex. 
Thanks a million for the link. 
Are you aware if that online doctor will do a “note” for Irish based patients too ? 
thanks in advance 

Hi Bibby,

I’m not 100% sure. However the only restriction it mentions is that you have to be over 18. Plus Ireland is an option in the billing address drop down menu. So I presume you’d be okay! 

Does anyone know or have a recommendation of something like this in the US?

Hi Alex,

Did you do the video consultation via Zoomdoc or were you able to just request a medical letter?  I will need to use this method as well and just curious what steps you took.


I had a video consultation with a GP via Zoomdoc but was told that only a specialist would be able to provide a prescription.  Did you specifically ask for a referral letter? Also, would you be able to share the GP you had your consultation with?

Hello all,

Since (Transfer) Wise doesn't work anymore, or since I last checked, I'm curious if anyone has tried using an alternative like Revolut to transfer for payments to Beacon.

If anyone has any fast/cheaper and more efficient way than bank transfer I'd appreciate some input! Thank you!

Hi Ryan, I used OFX. It's cheap but setting up an account wasn't easy.

Thanks! I also heard about OFX alongside Revolut. I will look into it

Hi Ryan, 

I use Revolut too. Happy to answer any questions.

Hello Alex,

I hope you are doing well. I set up the Revolut account and through the app transfer section, I was trying to do send international, then selected the destination country as HongKong, after which I noticed that if I am putting the amount in HKD, it incurs a fee but if I select to send USD to HK country instead of sending HKD to HK country there is no fees and transfers are quicker too, is it really the case or I am doing something wrong?

Secondly, I have to have the money in Revolut account first then only it will start the transfer process, am I correct? If yes, then it is a two step process, first transfer money from US bank to Revolut account and then send international to Beacon

And, this transfer process can only be through app, as the desktop version as It shows me is very lean and does not give me transfer option, please note that current Revolut account balance is 0 though.

Please advise on above and/ or if any other things I should be aware of while using Revolut which you would like to share by your experience of using Revolut?

Thanks in advance.

Hi Rajeev,

Apologies for the late reply.

Firstly, add Beacon as a new contact by going to Transfer > + New > Bank recipient > Business > Hong Kong > USD and add Beacon bank details. Once the contact is created it will appear as an option when you click transfer. 

You’ll need to add money to Revolut from a bank account and exchange it to USD (if you add the money in a different currency. I always add GBP as it’s free for me being in UK and exchange to USD once added)

I have never used the desktop version only the app so I’m not sure about that sorry. 

My previous transaction of $375 charged me a $1.99 fee. I’ve never had issues with any transfers. 

Hope this helps. 

Hello Alex, thanks for your response and helping me with the guided steps. I followed the steps and completed adding the Beacon as a new recipient. Please have a look at the attached snapshot and kindly help by glancing at it, if I have done it correctly and this is how it looks in your Revolut app, please suggest of any changes if I need to do as I am adding this recipient for first time in Revolut app and concerns me for the address part, I would greatly appreciate your valuable time in helping me verify the attached picture. Thanks once again.




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