I recently had to renew my California ID,so I went to the local DMV office and filled out my form and paid. When I went to take my picture the lady asked me to please take off my scarf. I replied that I had a hair loss disease and I had no hair. So she said that I had to write down what disease I had and why I wasn't going to take my scarf off. The lady wasn't rude or anything but when I left I got very sad and cried. I just felt weird of the whole situation. I do understand It is probably for security reasons but I just felt a little degraded. Has anyone ever came across an experience like this?

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Hi Shawna,

Sorry your trip to the DMV wasn't a pleasent one. As if it ever is lol
I had jury duty last week and the baliff told a man to remove his hat. The man removed the hat and he was bald. I couldn't tell if he had alopecia or not.

When I moved down to Florida I had to switch my VA license to FL. When they took my photo, the woman asked someone else about it. All that was said was as long as it isn't covering my face it is fine and it was left at that. I find it weird that they made you write down that it was because of alopecia. Sorry your DMV trip wasn't better.
Yes, early on when I was looking for hats I tried to take some into a dressing room in a TJ Maxx. The attendant forbade me to, pointing to a mirror in a very public place. I explained why I wanted privacy but she stuck to her guns. I, too, felt belittled & degraded. Plus I was very newly alopecian so it was really a downer.
Until 2yrs ago, my passport picture was of me with long red hair, no glasses, and 50lb lighter, the last 5 yrs of use, I went through the airport security, with glasses, no hair and never go stopped. Two yrs ago I got a new passport that had me wearing a short wig, glasses and "the weight",it was very close to me without hair, but I have been stopped everytime. Makes me chuckle, as the old one didnt look like me at all.
I aslo seem to appologise when people make a mistake with my gender, why I really dont know, maybe because they look so embarrassed, They look at a bald six foot, overweight "person" with no makeup, and assume I am a man, I do feel hurt sometimes, but there is nothing you can do, some people are just thoughless.
For awhile I wore a hat to cover my head and when I went to get my license renewed I couldn't wear the hat at all, so I had to take it off. I cried too when I left. The said the same thing- for security reasons, so they could see your face and such, but still I agree. I felt totally degraded standing there in front of everyone.
First off, I never leave without a wig on and if they made me take it off, I would leave and drive without a current license....period.... Then I would call a lawyer, the state of Ohio would certainly be sorry I was born a buckeye. Second, I did have a similiar experience, when I went in the hospital to have a back surgery, the nurse tried to make me take off my wig for the procedure, I told her NO, that was NOT happening, she then told me I could not have the surgery with it on. I told her fine, I will go home, she went to talk to the doctor, he relented and had them cover my head wig and all just like they do with people who do have hair.

Why on earth should be be treated differently, just because our hair is removable does not mean it will be removed in public. I an argumentive person, I had a very similiar argument with a nurse when I was in the hospital delivering my first child when it came to my wedding rings. I won that argument also!!!!
I have had problems mostly with people not thinking my ID is me because I change my hair color a lot. I have even almost been turned out of a place because they said my ID looked fake and too weird because of my hair looking so barbie like. It is rediculous. Don't other ppl dye their hair anyway?
I had to have my license renewed and I had on a wig.. I was just embarassed by the wig because the wig didn't look right.

But I am sorry that you felt so degraded. It is embarassing and a lot of people are not very sensative to what it is like to not have hair.



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