I,m Carin and i,m from Holland, my englisch is not That good so i hope it is comprehensible.
I was diagnosed with Ffa in june. I did not came als à schock because i figured it uit for myself.i also have lichen planes.i have spots in my mouth and the nail ridges. In internet i found That Ffa and lichen planes are related.
I found this group and became à member because you all sound so possitive.
I dont want to let THE Ffa take over my life so i dont visite THE site very often but it Gives my à Nice feeling that you are all here when i need you.
I read THE most of your experiances and tips. I,m figuring out whats THE best for me.Thank you for al your stories
Hope my experiances wil also help Somebody else someday.

Views: 149

Replies to This Discussion

Hi Carin - I am Celia and I started this site within Alopecia World in 2012. I was totally desperate. Please keep communicating with us as and when you feel like doing so. It's a horrible disease and there is so little known about it. x

Hi Carin,

Im April, fairly new here too. Welcome to the group: )

Hi Carin- Ive been diagnosed with FFA and lichen planes too. I was very happy to find this site. Its good to share experiences.

Hello Carin and a big welcome to the group. Since Celia started the group last year we now have 96 ladies with FFA joined up and it is a really important part of my coping strategy that I can come onto this site and share experiences. I am very pleased you found us on the internet. Best wishes to you.



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