After the shock of last week's dx, I was just a mess. Even after meeting with my hair dresser who was so nice and helpful - I wasn't okay. He said something like "wear bright clothes to distract people" - no not okay.
I didn't feel better until I went on YouTube and saw the lovely women with alopecia and how they are dealing with their wigs. I'm sure you know of these videos, but this one helped me so much: Thank Goodness for people like her... this is what I have but she makes it Ok:

And somehow she is so bright and funny and sunny and moving, that I just felt so much better.
Not that I am like "hey now it's all cool"... actually am wondering what I'll do in future summers - it's awfully hot here right now, and it's never hot here. I will take it as it comes now. I am very wary of taking any more medicines internally, so we shall see. I am one of those who gets every single freakin' side effect.
Hope you all are okay today : )

Views: 231

Replies to This Discussion

Glad to hear you are feeling better, keep up the good attitude, it is hard to do sometimes, but we are stronger then FFA!

What a beautiful soul!  Thank you for sharing this inspiring video.

Yeah I think I will need to watch this again. Today - noticing hairline on top of head growing thinner. I am going to start an autoimmune diet program...

Hi, I've JUST started to wear a wig and I feel so so much better about things. Also looking at the fund ladies have with their wigs, this lady is also great:
Jill Lynn Beauty Therapy (you tube)
I just wrote a hugely long post on how much this forum has helped me over the years.
Watch out for a discussion called 'Counselling !"



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