Hi everyone,

I was so relieved when I found this site. It makes me feel like less of an outcast. Thank you to all of you for opening up and sharing your stories. Reading your posts have been so helpful.

In Feburary, I went to visit a dermologist about small round patches of hairloss at my hairline. The left side and top are thinning faster than the right. I had a thick widows peak that is completely gone.

At the derm, I got all th proper blood tests which came back normal.

The derm thinks I have alopecia aerata and gave me a prescription for Clobetasol. But I have a feeling it could be frontal fibrosing alopecia because it follows a similar pattern.

I have a follow up visit with the derm in April and I want to request a skin biopsy but I don't know how to best approach it.

As it is now, my hairline is OK and if cant regrow what I lost that is fine but I would like to halt the progression.

I am 37 which is why I think the doc hasn't considered fibrosing alopecia.

Any advice you all can give will be greatly appreciated. I live in North Carolina in the US if anyone has any resources in this area.



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I was just recently diagnosed with scarring alopecia via a biopsy. I'm sure that, more specifically, I have FFA. Ive read that they are histologically identical. I have the receding frontal hairline, and eyebrow loss. I'm only 43. I know it's more common in post-menopausal woman, but I see there are several women on this forum who are younger.
Thank you for sharing your story, Chris. I am in my third trimester and plan to see a new derm after the baby is born. I need to demand a scalp biopsy so I can know for sure. My mom has a similar pattern of hairloss. So I wonder about a genetic link?



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