How long does regression typically take? And any natural remedies found to work at all?

Hi - I am new to this site and unfortunately newly diagnosed with FFA. My once thick, rarely plucked, eyebrows began thinning about 2 years ago. I was REALLY freaking out a first, going to 4 different dermatologist and a Holistic Practice trying to find out why and how to stop it. I tried injections once and countless creams (licoid, desonate, clairfoam, etc.) Eventually I noticed it would cycle with dryness, fall out, then regrow - although not to original, but I learned to deal and would just fill in with eye shadow when needed.

However, about 6 months ago I noticed that my hair line was thinning. Particularly on the sides at first, now the top. I mentioned it to a new dermatologist I was seeing at the practice I was going to and she seemed very interested, saying she suspected FFA , told me how rare it is and that I was like the 4th person around my age (40) that she saw with it recently. She recommended I see Dr. Jerry Shapiro in NYC or Dr. Amy Pappert, NJ. I made an appointment with both.

Dr. Shapiro's appointment was first (@$800 and he doesn't take insurance)but I was glad I went. He did some measurements of my hair line and said it was between the normal limits and also measured how many hairs I have per square cm and the hair shaft diameter. He said that I had miniaturization but my other measurements were within the normal limits. He actually did not think I had FFA but rather androgenetic hair loss. I was of course happier with this result. He prescribed 50mg Spironolactone, Minoxidil 5%, Nizoral shampoo for my hair (and face and brows - think that did help with dryness in my brows). However, I was too scared to take the Spironolactone after reading the pamphlet and I did the Minoxidil reluctantly for about a month but got panicked when I saw all the shedding and the increase of shed from my brows and even eye lashes, and my ears were red and irritated so I went off. Dr. Shapiro said I could have been allergic for the ear reaction. And another doctor said it wouldn't help for this type of alopecia anyway.

I then had my appointment a month or later with Dr. Pappert and she suspected FFA and was surprised Dr. Shapiro did not (apparently he is an expert in this field) so she recommended a biopsy, which I did and confirmed it was FFA. In the couple of weeks since the biopsy I notice a difference on my hairline and wonder if it could have sparked more loss. She recommends Pacquenil (400) and Cellcept (sp?)and thinks the Cellcept would be better for me. The problem is I am kinda an organic non GMO type of person and the thought of taking something that can make me blind or give me disease that can kill me, is not a risk I think I can take. Maybe I will feel differently as this gets worse - dunno. Dr. Pappert was great, so asked the doctor in the room with us to look into any medical literature on more natural remedies, said we could start with a topical cream (although she wasn't optimistic) and we could do shots (but again, she didn't see that working much - and from posts, I'm afraid of that as well). So I am going back in a couple of weeks to meet with another head doctors that apparently comes to town every couple of weeks and meets with all the doctors there so they will have me meet with them to.

On my own research, I am trying this Paleo Autoimmune diet (which I am not too happy about but I'll try my best - any body do this and know how hard core you have to be?). I will also be going back to the Holistic practice I go to from time to time and get her thoughts. My iron, D and testosterone are all low as well. I am wondering if anything to increase the testosterone would be helpful - I ordered some organic borage oil that I read may help. I also ordered some organic tumeric and some JustNatural organic hair loss shampoo and conditioner.

Oh - and I have been using Latisse - recommended by one of the early Derms I went to see but didn't start until about a month ago. I was putting on my eyebrows (but around the time the minoxidil shed hit, so hard to tell true results) and also started putting on my hairline. I actually think it may be helping. I do see regrowth but the hairs are super fine. Now, I also notice more thinning, so hard to say if its causing that or the re-growth or what I have to hang on...

Tomorrow, I go back to Dr. Shapiro, so I will bring the biopsy report and see what he recommends. I am trying my best to remain calm about this. My husband has been great, saying he doesn't care, will shave his brows and head too but who knows how he will feel when it really happens. One big fear is that my kids will be embarrassed and feel different about me one day although my bigger fear is to take something that will take me away from them.

So that's my story. With the thought I may not do anything major to stop this, I wonder how long the regression of hair line typically takes and if anyone has had success with any natural remedies?

Sorry this is so long. Good luck to everyone. What a crappy thing to deal with. I certainly did not see this one coming :(

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Hello Sam, welcome to our group. Celia started this group up just a year ago and our numbers have now swelled to 91 ladies. This FFA is not a rare type of alopecia, more and more ladies are being diagnosed unfortunately. Like you I am someone that does not usually take medication and try to use diet and exercise to keep well... I have however been taking plaquenil for almost 6 months. It is a drug that has been used for many years in the treatment of autoimuune conditions and the macular degeneration that can effect eyesight is extremely rare and if it does happen it occurs slowly so you can stop taking the drug to prevent further damage to sight. It has been shown to help approx 50% of women with FFA.

Turmeric is proven to stop inflammation in autoimmune conditions.. I take that as a supplement and also ginger - another proven anti-inflammatory.

Please check out the Joe Cross re-boot juicing website. He is an australian guy that had a very painful autoimmune skin condition. He was actually using many of the drugs we are being given for our FFA. He has a one hour documentary called 'Fat Forty and Nearly Dead'. He was at his wits end and used a juicing diet, supervised by a doctor to re-boot his body. Dr Joel Furhlman in the USA was his doctor. I did a 5 day juice fast in July this year. Since then I am doing the anti-inflammatory diet that the american doctor Dr Weil recommends and i also include at least one fresh vegetable juice a day and I have lost weight (an unexpected side effect) and I feel my skin looks fresher, younger and my front hairline is calmer. Of course the plaquenil may be working too but I feel I am doing everything in my power to help my body heal itself. I go back to my derm in Novmber, like many of the ladies in the UK I go to Dr Harries. I may take antibiiotics if he recommends them but I will not do anything more extreme with my medications as like yourself I don't want to make myself ill with drug side effects.

I therefore suggest the anti-inflammatory diet approach of Dr Weil, turmeric and ginger supplements and of course exercise. Oh and I also have made my own concoction for my scalp. Essential oils: 4 drops turmeric, 2 drops lavender in 10ml of marual oil (I use marula oil as my carrier oil because it has fantastic healing properties and is used in east Africa to heal wounds and burns) I apply this essential oil blend once or twice a day with a cotton bud. It sinks in so does not leave a oily residue. I prefer this to a steriod lotion.

I think many of use really would like to have more natural options to fight FFA with.

Good luck with your treatments.

I also use essential oils. Are they working for you? Have you noticed any regrowth?

How much turmeric should one take? I am just feeling horrible about this diagnosis. Some people's posts seem so calm and rational but I am not there yet...I am panicky and miserable and cry a lot. Thanks.

Hi Debs! Thanks so much for the great information! I will definitely check out/try your recommendations. I think I will also start juicing. At this point the diet change is all new so it's hard to figure out what all I can eat and I'm all for a weight loss bonus :). It's great to be a part of the group and by no means does my own paranoia on medicines mean I think anything of someone else taking them. I certainly know, never say never, and maybe I will end up trying something more aggressive once I have all the information.

I do wonder how common this is as now that I am on hairline alert, I do notice many women with receding hairlines, even friends of my own. Maybe it is more common and just not diagnosed but perhaps stops more often naturally? Who knows. Well cheers to you, have a great rest of your day and thanks for taking the time to respond. Sam
Hi Carol, Thanks so much for your reply. I actually went back to Dr. Shapiro in NY today and ended up doing 30 shots in my much for completely natural but he seemed to think that maybe with the shots and cream maybe I would need meds. Interesting he recommends doxicylomine while the other doc I am seeing thinks ceptcell is better for me (and spoke of paquenil). They also differed in what lotions, Dr. Pappert said clobetasol but Dr. Shapiro thought that is too strong, makes skin too thin and veins stick out. he recommended another but I forgot the name. I am getting both and will research.

I like them both doctors though, so I will continue with both. I will have to look into the injections more now, I was concerned that they can cause hair loss as I thought that happened with my brows but I just did it once and stopped so maybe that is not enough. He did say that shots could cause regrowth in eyebrows but not in hair but could hopefully stabilize.

He said he uses a low dose and did 30 shots from behind my ears arching around my head. He said it could make the dent but it was a cm back behind my hairline so it wouldn't be seen and would go away after. Does that sound right to anyone that tried the shots?

My plan is to do next 2 rounds of shots w the other doctor then go back to him in 3 months. What I really like about him is he brings up an image of my scalp on a computer screen that is crazy magnified and counts how many hairs I have in an area and the thickness of my hair shaft. So at least we will be able to track it.

So fingers crossed the topical and shots (if I continue) work and I'll keep up with the Latisse and the natural route too.

The dealing actually feels easier already. I am going to try my best to live life and not focus on it until I really have to. It's great to see there are a lot of head/hair options and luckily I already like hats and headbands :)

Any thoughts/recommendations always welcome and I'll be happy to share if I have anything good.

Hi, Sam. You are lucky to be able to see Dr. Shapiro, he is very well known. One thing I tell everyone to do is to get onto the CARF website. This is an organization that has a lot of information about doctors, treatment and research about FFA.

I am unlike the others in this group and willing to try any pill that I could swallow or use any cream that I can apply. I have been on plaquenil for a year and use clobetasol 3x a week, and also take the supplements of revesterol and turmeric. When I was first diagnosed, I was given the antibiotic doxycycline. This antibiotic has anti-inflammatory properties and is prescribed for other skin conditions such as acne. My understanding is that cellcept is given if plaquenil does not work and is a pretty powerful drug because it suppresses the immune system which can cause other disease. I have also gone gluten free, and avoid whenever possible, sugar and dairy.

I know losing your eyebrows can be stressful but most of us have gotten permanent make-up tattoos and are very happy with them. Good luck to you.

Hi Sam, the treatment you are having is the same drug protocol that the rest of us are using in the USA and in the UK. Please be reasuured you are being treated with the most up to date info the doctirs have on FFA. I have my eyebriws tattoed. A few months ago i also had my eyelashes enhanced. I still have eyelashes but less than in the past. Eyelash enhancement is a very fine kine of tattoo round your eye, really subtle not like you get with an eyeliner pencil, it gives definition to your eyes so if yiu do lose more eyelashes you have this in place. I feel greatly relieved to have this work done. It doesnt hurt and it normalises our faces.

I was diagnosed in Dec 2011. I am now pretty much back to normal psychologically. Taking control by getting my tattoos done and finding practical solutions of scraves, buffs, bandanas and wigs plus having treatment with dr harries and doing my juicing and anti inflammatiry diet has pulledcmy confidence back up and i do feal like my old self. It dies take time to adjust to rhis condition but you will get there.

Enjoy your weejend. Xx
Deb, I am thinking about lash enhancement. I know you said it was painless, but does it have to be touched up yearly like our brows?
Hi Pam, the lash enhancement needs to be touched up approx every 2 years. I had 2 treatments to begin with and then i get them touched up in 2 years. The procedure was very easy although the thought of someone coming close to your eyes and tattooing sounds horrific... You are laying on your back and you look up and into the cirner so you dont see the technicians hand or the needle. You just keep looking into the corner of the room ( rhe cirner of te ceiling) and there is not really any sensation. You have an anaesethic gel applied first. The effect really subtle and it does not look like i am wearing eyeliner... The line is so thin and in the lashline. I had black because that is my eyelash colour. I can thiroughly recommend this for FFA.
Thanks Deb. I will discuss this with my technician when I go back in for my eyebrow touch up.

Is the Plaquenil working for you? does it prevent progression and regrow the hair. I'm afraid mine is too far gone now that nothing but the Grace of God could fix this.

Sam, I was recommended to take Plaquenil, Methotrexate, and Griseofulvin by different MD's. I decided that at my age that I did not want to take any drugs with the side effects. Methotrexate is used to treat cancer, Plaquenil originally for malaria. I am in the medical field and I have seen bad things by using drugs "off label" which means using them for things other than what they were made for. In fact, I feel my autoimmune disorder started from a dermatologist prescribing a cream for precancerous spots on my back. The cream activates your immune system to fight the precancer lesions. Terrible stuff. My alopecia started about a month using that stuff. Maybe a coincidence. I went to a new dermatologist and she said I should have never used that on my back. It is made for the head and face only and to be used in bald areas. I decided to forego the meds and use essential oils only.

This weekend is the first year anniversary of wearing hair. I spent six months in hiding, having a huge pity party, felt the joy in my life was gone. This weekend, I went to a wedding and reception and had a great time. I live my life with wearing hair, as it was my own now. I decided that am not going to let alopecia ruin my life or run my life. It is hard to get through. I used essential oils for emotional healing, which is huge. I've always had a strong faith in God, and my spirituality is even stronger now. It was a definite wake up call.

I think of that Kelly Clarkson song, What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Alopecia definitely does that. I wish you Peace and God's blessings! Watch the you tube video from NAAF keynote speaker Ali Lambert I think is her name. (NAAF National alopecia foundation)



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