Any hair pieces with natural looking sideburns? I miss mine (which I used to hate).

I just miss wearing my hair pulled back so much (I live in North Carolina and it's hot). I can still cover my bald spots a little with my own hair but it doesn't look as good. Any ideas for hair pieces would be great!


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Hi Ammie!  I miss my sideburns, too!  There are some tape on options, though I have not tried them.  I usually cover up the side hair loss with scarves or my wig.  Just wanted to touch base with you to ask where in NC you live.  Always nice to meet fellow Tarheels.  I'm about an hour SE of Asheville.

I live in Raleigh. I love Asheville such a great city. ... What wig do you use? Any recommendations would be great.


I started with an inexpensive one, named "Beth", from the Paula Young catalog online.  I still wear it now and then for casual cover up.  My best one is a Raquel Welch one, named "Winner".  It's a great fit, and even after 2+ years I still get compliments every single time I wear it!  Sometimes from complete strangers!  I bought this one from a retailer in Asheville.  If you're going to spend good money, I do suggest a shop where you can try several on.  However, I have never regretted getting my first one online, if only for practice, learning to live with it, care for it, etc.  I did this for several months [while a wig was not yet totally necessary], and wore it with select groups and friends so that I could get emotionally comfortable with it.  But for physical comfort, nothing beats a cute hat or pretty scarf/headband.

This is great advice! Thanks so much. 

I have been using a wide headband when I want to put my hair back. It covers the part of my forehead that used to have hair. Try looking up buffs.

Headband is a good idea. I'll give it a try. Thanks. 

I had looked into getting just the side pieces from Lucinda Ellery- they would have been taped in, but the problem is (for me anyway) that it would be too much hair and would look out of place with the rest of my hair, I would end up looking out of whack with thin/fine hair on top and big hair on the sides-

In the meantime, I clip or use bobby pins in my hair low and behind my ears and use hairspray and matching hair powder that is more or less the same as my hair color and sort of arrange my remaining hair in front of my ears and spray again to keep it in place- wow, after writing all it all out, it really does sound like a lot of work doesn't it :-/  Anyway, I know some people make their own "side pieces" cut out from toppers or wigs and tape it in- I am not brave enough nor creative enough to try that!

I have been using a dry shampoo with color that works OK but it rubs off when I sweat. I don't feel brave enough to try to make my own side pieces either. 

I am missing my sideburns and the whole front 2 inches of my forehead. I have never tried a wig or hairpiece. I wear headbands across the front of my head and that mostly covers the sideburn area. I wear them with or without pulling my hair back into a ponytail. Or wear a baseball style hat when I'm outside. I've had to experiment with several different types of headbands - some more stretchy and athletic looking and some more fabric -woven types for a more casual style. I sometimes go without and wear my bangs long across my forehead, but when it's windy outside or I'm going to be outside for a long period I wear my headbands.

Thanks so much. I've never been a hat person but I'm starting to wear more of them now. 

Hi Ammie,

I've been thinking about getting my eyebrows microbladed, and out of curiosity, I Googled "microbladed hairline." This actually appears to be a thing, and some of the results looked pretty impressive. Not sure if this is something that would work for you, but try Googling it and see what you think.


I will keep this in mind for the future! So far my eyebrows are hanging in there. They have thinned but I can still draw them in and they look natural. 



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