It's been less than a week. So many questions and emotions. I am a female who is 65 years old. I knew something was up when two years ago I went to try on glasses and was shocked at how much of my scalp I could see, but thought well maybe it will thicken back up. Spent tons of money on product. Now, I have no bangs and a receding hairline.

So next step was to go to the Doctor. I was floored when Dr. Said very difficult to treat. Doing Rogaine,Finasteride,Clobetasol solution and received an steroid injection. Anyone one have head sweating problem? Glad to have found this group. That's all for now.

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Welcome to the forum - it is really useful, as it makes you realise you are not alone in this creepy condition. And it is creepy - it just creeps up on you. One day you feel 'normal', then the next you realise you are balding!

Every time I log on to this site, I seem to find yet another person with a symptom that hasn't been mentioned before, and that I have. A sweaty head is one of them. One of the key drivers to me actually finding a solution that works for me (Intralace System from Lucinda Ellory) was going to business meetings and having my carefully arranged hair completely flattened into thin strands by the amount of sweat pouring down from my forehead/top of my head - only the areas that have been affected by the FFA. And nothing to do with air temperature - I get it in the winter too.

Have you looked at other threads on this website - I would suggest you do, as there are so very many stories.

Good luck!


I am so sorry Bu, I have just been diagnosed too and was told the same thing,  that is rare and difficult to treat, this not what you want your doctor to say! 

As far as the sweating, I feel like I am sweating all the time! When I go in to get my hair done and have a nice blowout, it is usually gone by the end of the day & a frizzy mess because of sweating :-(

I was blaming it on menopause, but now I am wondering if this is yet another surprise symptom of FFA.

I just posted a discussion on head sweating . I am having a terrible time with this. I seemed to get it more since I started using clobetasol. I am visiting my dermatologist next week and will ask her if it might cause the sweats. It truly is one more embarrassing thing to cope with and my heart goes out to you. I have had this FFA for 5 years now and it is an ongoing struggle to cope. Just recently I bought a wig - human hair and so when I have a bad hair day ( which is quite often ) , I wear it. I feel helpless with this disease but still am trying new things. I take a hair and nail supplement daily - might step it up to double dose . 

I was thinking of our sweating heads this morning as I was getting ready for my day, getting dressed, makeup, doing my hair, you know, all the normal things that are done. Except I have to add stopping everything to try to cool down & STOP SWEATING so I can continue getting ready!! It is an incredibly frustrating thing, I hate it and I hate having to go through this every. single. morning.



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