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Thank you for sharing this!

Thank you for this

If I have understood the presentation properly it is recommending Vitamin D assessment and supplements

Does anyone routinely take Vit D?


Marytee, After seeing this the week after it was released, I started taking Vitamin D and it's been about 3 months later and my hair dresser swears I have regrowth. She pointed out that baby hairs around my temples which I thought were just short wisps remaining, unlike my other hair, had no gray which she says are new. so.  I guess that could be right. as of now, I am having difficulty seeing the possibilities. I fear that even if there are new hairs, I still have a noticeable reduction on my hair line and significant amount of hair loss in general from the top of my head causing my hair to fall in ways that frustrate me.

BUT....Of COURSE I'm going to continue taking the Vitamin D.  Could be the finasteride finally started working, but seems pretty clear to me that suddenly after adding Vitamin D and a multi vitamin packed with D and other things for women over 40, I'm getting even hints of regrowth.

Hopefully this is it!!

Dragon&Fox, this is great news.  I take Vitamin D sporadically.  I will have to become more consistent.  I am curious about the new hair not being gray.  Is the rest of your hair gray?  About 80% of my hair was silver gray before I started losing my hair.  Now, my hair is pretty much a steel gray color that has no silver in it.  It seems my hair changed color as I lost hair.  I do think the silver hair fell out, but I didn't lose 80% of my hair.  

I wonder if others have seen their hair change colors.

Also, how long have you been on finasteride?  I've been on it about six weeks now.  I think the amount of hair falling out has diminished since I went on finasteride.

my roots are grey, yes. honestly, I have No clue how much of my hair is grey. I'm 53 yrs old. I had 0 grey until I was like 45. since I've written this message i've been paying attention to my hairline and I'm sad to say, I may have some tufts that are new but my hairline is most definitely reduced significantly and even the hair around my ears and towards the back of my neck has declined. 

I'm sad.  this whole things sucks and I'm down about it right now.  There's not enough stress? i have to also worry about my beautiful hair?  sorry to be such a downer.

I totally understand.  Totally.  I am hopeful that because you are on the finasteride and are seeing some new growth that you might see the condition go into remission.  A bonus would be that you regain some hair.  

I am also hopeful for myself on the finasteride.  

I first saw evidence of loss ten years ago, but didn't start really losing until 2011 and 2012.  That is around the time I learned what was going on and was told there was nothing I could do.  I have lost a great deal of my hair line, over 2 1/2 inches back.  I also have a large bald spot on the crown.  I now must always wear a hat or a hair piece.  Scarves and headband no longer hide the problem.  

Having said that, I must say that the lowest times I had were over the last two and half years.  When I finally lost as much as I have, or realized my worst fears had come true, I became a bit more accepting.  Worry about the loss was worse than actually losing it.  I lost more sleep when I worried about how much I would lose, than I have since I actually lost it.  I even sometimes think I don't look so bad bald in front.  I never wear hair at home or around my close friends or family.  I just wear something when I go out in public.

I still mourn (yes, I mourn) my beautiful hair.  I loved my hair, but in many ways the fear of losing it, and the wondering how bad it would get was worse than losing it and living with it.  

I am 71.  I pray that you younger ladies have a chance for a cure.  I hope I have chance too, but I have had the disease ten years now.  I only learned what I had in 2013.  Remember, we were not really given any options even three or four years ago.  I think the finasteride is the best hope we have.  

I am fighting it.  I am hoping what I am now doing will help, but if it doesn't, I at least have figured out hair piece options for when I am in public.  That has also given me more freedom to accept the disease.  

Thank you for sharing Sally.  Really, only those of us suffering this disease completely comprehend the feeling of loss and the struggles we experience with "letting go" of a part of us that so many people (even ourselves) might have taken for granted.  I also hope they come up with a cure, but I can tell you, it's not happening in 2016. :(

I take vitamin D. I had my blood tested, and mine was really low, so my doctor put me on 2000IU a day. I haven't noticed any change in my hair loss, but I haven't gotten sick this winter:)



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