Hi All,

I am 55 year old female and I'm having super bad anxiety right now.  I have been experiencing hair loss at my temples for as long as I can remember...probably back to my mid-late 20's.  It has been getting progressively worse over the years and today, I finally went to a hair doctor to see about maybe getting a transplant.

They suspect that I might have FFA (or FAA)...not sure which one is right.  Or they mentioned scarring alopecia.  I looked up pictures and the scarring one with the patterns of loss I'm seeing don't fit so much but then I saw pictures for the FFA or FAA and I'm worried it might be a fit.  I'm super scared.  They took two biopsies and are sending them to UCSF for analysis.

Other than my temples I have a full, thick head of hair.

The other possibility (and the one I'm hoping for) is male pattern balding.  They checked all my blood work and that turned out to be fine.

I don't get my results for most likely at least five days and maybe longer because of Memorial Day weekend.  

I wanted to ask you all a few questions and get your opinions.

But before that, I am so sorry for me and all of us that I are having to deal with this...especially as women.  And, I appreciate any time that you can give to me with your responses.

1.  I've used Rogaine off and on for many years.  When I use it consistently (2x day, mens strength), I do get hair growing back and it comes in okay...not like my natural hair, but enough to where I'm okay with it.  If I had FFA, would the Rogaine grow back my hair?

2.  Regarding the itching and pain I read about....  I've noticed for many years that if I let my hair get dirty, my entire scalp is super tender to the touch.  Please note that I wash my hair regularly, but if we go out of town, I try to just touch-it up because doing my hair takes a while.  I don't notice itching, but I notice tenderness in my scalp.  I saw on some areas where tenderness is a symptom so I question this.

I would send a picture but at this moment, I'm too embarrassed.  I'm sorry.

Thank you and I hope to hear any feedback.  I should get my results within 5 days they said.


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Hi, Carrie. Please try to stay calm and don't look at too many pictures from the internet. First, reach out to an organization called CARF Internatioal. They have a lot of good information on their website. Second, please know that if you start treatment right away, you can halt or significantly slow the hair loss. There are several treatment options, and Rogaine is one of the choices.

Your hair will not come back once the follicle is scarred over. You might see some hair come back because the follicle is still open and the Rogaine is spurring it on. It is important to treat the inflammation causing the scarring.

Get to a good doctor, wait for the biopsy and contact CARF!

Hello Carrie,

It will be interesting to see what your biopsy shows.

1) Some people can have both male pattern loss and FFA.  Rogaine may stimulate those hairs affected by male pattern loss.

2) FFA seems to affect everyone differently.  Some have only hair loss, others itching, and still others may have tenderness, pain, or burning.

Yes, go to www.carfintl.org.  If you subscribe you can view their newsletters which are full of info.  

It's not always a fun, but is an interesting journey.  I hope you get your diagnosis and treatment started.  BTW, you are in San Fran?  There is a support group there - check it out on Carf's website.

Hello Pam and Wyobalance and thanks so much for your reply.

I couldn't believe it when I received a call yesterday that my biopsy had already come back in.  It came back and indicated androgenic alopecia.  So, for me that is good news since I knew something was going on and my fear was that it was FFA.  So, they are starting me on finestride (sp?) and I am most likely going to do a hair transplant down the road a bit.

They were so sweet because I was so upset during my appointment and they wanted to tell me the good(?) news before the weekend.

I'll keep you all updated and have a great weekend.

That is great news!!  You should get good results.  WB

Hi Carrie, I just joined this group and was diagnosed last week with FFA. I think I've been losing hair around my face for a few years but it is finally noticible. Lots of tears but at least it doesn't hurt! Like you, now I have to spend more time covering with my thinning bangs. I just ordered a half Boho Bandeau that I'm going to try. Sure not looking forward to a wig. Glad to have this group!



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