I am starting this discussion for the feelings and experiences of other sufferers towards wigs and hair pieces. I don't need a wig at at the moment, but my instincts are to go (where?) and find out what is available, while it is still obvious what my hair style is like. I hate the idea of wearing a wig, but it looks as if it is inevitable in the long run (barring a miracle cure appearing). At least I don't live in a hot country! One of my concerns is that I have a big head (you may laugh!) and can rarely find a hat that fits. It would be very expensive, I imagine, if I always had to get wigs custom made. At the moment I like the idea of a piece with fringe and bangs. I do get my hair coloured, though, and it does fade over the 9 weeks between colours. There would therefore be a problem with matching. And, as my hair gets thinner, would there be enough left to attach a piece securely?

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I am in Aberdeenshire.

The waiting list for Derms is very long - and not likely to result in expert hair advice, I think! I asked for a private consultation to speed things up. I was told that because of the number of oil related firms in Aberdeen (who provide their employes with private healthcare), the private waiting list is also long. I am going to see someone at Fernbrae in Dundee on the 24th. I can afford only the initial consultation - any treatment would have to be on NHS, I think.

Hello Mairi, I have quite a big head too if I need to wear a hat. I bought a Raquel Welch brand wig a couple of months ago off the internet, it was tight and sort of bunched up at the back because of that... I ended up selling it on Ebay because it was just to expensive to ship it back to the USA to get a refund. I have now got a Jon Renau wig and a Gisele Mayer that both fit - but I have the straps inside on the very loosest setting. I am like you, I don't need a wig at the moment but I am just experimenting to see what looks like my own hair. I have found one of these wigs is very similar to a hairstyle I had 2 years ago, so I recognise myself when I look in the mirror - if that makes any sense. I just remembered I purchased a very cheap wig online, it look very nice in the photo but was terrible quality and totally unwearable, it was like something you would buy in a joke shop for a fancy dress party. I think I have learnt from this to stick to proper name brand wigs. There are some wigs to fit a 'large' head but I hope you find like I have that the average size wigs do come up smaller/bigger depending on the manufacturer. I was in a panic thinking I would not have a good choice of wigs if indeed my head would not fit into an average cap, I do have a large hat size but can get mine into the 2 makes I have mentioned above. I sincerely hope you will be able to as well. I have not looked into just getting a fringe as I thought it was easier to wear an entire wig rather than a hair piece.. but I will check that option out. I have purchase 3 bandana to wear at the gym, can't bear the thought of training and getting all hot and sweaty in a wig. I would be interested to hear what makes of wig you find to fit you as they most likely will be suitable for me as well. Good luck. Debs

That is so useful. Thank you. I will keep you up to date with my wig hunt. I retired about 11 years ago so I have the added problem that I can't afford to make mistakes when buying. I'll be trying to find places where I can shop personally, but don't want to be ripped off for private consultations either. 'Recognising yourself' makes perfect sense. That is what this disease is intent on destroying.

Fashion wigs have come a long way in realism, and the caps stretch quite a bit with wearing or to speed the process up by pinning it to a styro head very tight.

Thanks, Sandy. Will be interested to hear how you get on. Where are you? In the UK we don't always have access to the same choice - and I never know what we have to pay import duty on. I don't know where Pam is - I don't think I'd have the problem of being too hot. A gale blowing here today, which I hate - impossible to keep my hair down!

Thanks - have bookmarked. Seeing my hairdresser next week so will ask if he is willing to style a piece.

I purchased a topper last month. I thought I was going to lose my hair more rapidly and wanted to make sure that I had a solution ready to go. I wore the topper a few times, and those who knew about my condition said it looks great. Those who don't know, didn't even know I had it on my head.

I can't wear it now because my scalp is too sensitive for the clips, and I would like to stay in denial for as long as possible.

I want to be ahead of the game in case my hair suddenly goes more quickly than it is at present. Sometimes I think I think about nothing else :-(
I am messing up on the shopping and all kinds of other things I have to do. I haven't told my friends yet about this - perhaps they think I'm getting Alzheimers!

I think this group is the best counselling we are likely to get, unfortunately. No one could talk me into feeling any different from the way we do. I just said to my husband this week that I feel like a freak. Sorry, I have just gone off-topic for this discussion!

We need another Discussion for weeping, wailing and generally expressing our sadness and any other feelings about friends, personality change etc. etc. Will start one if no one else does - feel I've done enough meddling for a newbie!

Great reply. Thanks



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