Never on a chat board before and I just realized I've been posting answers to questions that were asked years ago, which I assume no one reads anymore. Forgive me if I'm wrong and repeating myself. I'm terrified of going bald and cry all the time these days. I'm currently going for shots,using Olux foam and 2% minoxidil, and nothing is stopping the progression of bald patches. My dr said 5% minoxidil would cause facial hair (that's all I need, to be short, fat, bald and with a beard.) So I'm asking if any women out there have used this strength and what the results were. I also can't decide whether to go out and look for a wig, assuming things will get to that point, or wait until things do get that bad.
Thanks for any info/help/support.

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Where are you now with your Alopecia? I'd like to chat about what you've been doing and what has helped or not helped.

Hi Stephanie, before I answer your question, I want to say that if it's a wig that you're wearing in the posted picture, you look fabulous!!! As for me... the post you responded to was one I left months ago and there's much that has changed. I did use the minoxidil 5% as well as continue with all the rest, and my patches are pretty much gone. My hair has started growing back (so I've stopped doing anything )while at the same time I can run my hand through my hair and get a handful, so it's still coming out in other places. I don't see new spots, so I'm guessing it's just thinning out (I used to have very think hair). That being said, I have no idea WHY it is growing back, as I just noticed short, new hairs in the front, where I didn't realize it had gone away and had no treatments at all in those areas. I did, when things were looking really bad, go out and buy a very expensive wig. Big mistake, I just went to a place recommended on someone on a chat board and purchased the first thing I tried on. I should have shopped around, but I was so very upset I couldn't bear to go through the process again. I had had a terrible experience the day before at a place in the city, Lemetric, and the woman where I bought the wig was nice and supportive (Flora in Teaneck NJ). It's not her fault, I just shouldn't have done it, especially when money is a concern right now. (I'm the type who NEVER spends more than absolutely necessary on anything, Good Will is my favorite store.) I wore it once to walk the dog, hate the way it looks and feels. I've always had very short hair and I suppose anything I tried would look too much hair for me.) I did go to a support group in the city and found it helpful to talk/see others with alopecia, most much more severe than mine, who are doing well. Hope this answeres your questions, hope you are coping as well as can be expected, hope you see new growth, hope this whole thing goes away. If you'd like to talk over the phone, give me your email and I'll give you my phone #.... FYI, I live in NJ, directly across from didtown Manhattan, but have a weekend place in Northwest Ct.
Take care,
Hi Susan,

I just decided to wander around on the site and found your note. When I first joined I always got notification on my e-mail that someone responded to my notes, but obviously no longer. Sorry about that!
I need to put a new picture up. That is my real hair from this summer. What is growing back is black and grey hair, none of which I had before. My "sideburns" and nape are still bald and I still have bald spots all over but I don't panic any more because my wig is very nice. I had it cut by someone who does wig cuts really well and I think that is the trick as they tend to be thick. Everyone thinks that I changed my color and don't notice that its a wig.

I have a feeling that I will never be the same. I am losing my eyebrows (very quickly) and I see myself as having full blown Alopecia. There is no cure and from everything I have read it will come and go so I am making my peace with it. I hate the hair that is growing back. It's just not "me". So, for that reason I spent quite a lot of $ on the wig and cut and the quality is amazing. My e-mail is

I am going into the city on Friday with my girlfriend and two other gals to celebrate her birthday. Do you go in much? I look forward to it. I focus on all that is wonderful in my life and there is a lot, thankfully. There's no question that I wish I did not have this but it could be worse.

:) Stephanie



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