Where do you get your scarves and bandanas from for your children?

My Kayla is 5 and has been wearing hats outside since she was diagnosed with AA in December...the weather in the NorthEast is starting to warm up though and she keeps taking her caps off...she needs to wear something outside since her medication causes her to be sensitive to being in the sun. Everytime I try to look for places online, they all seem REALLY expensive. Thanks!

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what kind of thing are you looking for? I crochet my daughter wide headbands and hats. A scarf would be pretty easy to make even if you don't sew (I am hopeless LOL.) The fabric stores have tons of really neat fabrics (even popular characters) - they also sell tape that you can iron on to "hem" the edges or even fabric glue.
oh!! that is a great idea about the tape and fabric glue!!! She uses her hats as accessories and they HAVE to match or compliment her outfits...I can only imagine that she'll be the same way with her bandanas! I'll have to check out the fabric store for the iron on hems!! I CANNOT sew worth my life... even a button!
We got a bunch of the quilt squares and I am going to make the triangle covers when I find a pattern to use. We let Mya pick 12 different patterns and she loved doing it. I looked through all the catalogs, but really couldn't find a pattern, so we are going to wing it the best we can.



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