
Smooth and Single

a site for the single people here to talk and bond

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Latest Activity: Jun 26

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Why is the group so dead?

Started by Rob Baker Mar 29. 0 Replies

do boys care?

Started by sarah bradley. Last reply by Rob Baker Nov 23, 2021. 14 Replies

To tell or not to tell??!?

Started by tash. Last reply by Ryan Nov 10, 2021. 10 Replies

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Comment by Ali on August 28, 2011 at 12:39am
hey evry 1 i liv in libya i lov me country but sadly ppl do judge by look not all of them but girls do care about bald i've dated som & they like having tim wiv me but that's it ,,,,,, they neva lov bald guys
any way there was a gal & she was n lov wiv me after i start lose hair she left me with out evn look at me since that i felt lik i should remove my heart
i neva felt som 1 lovs me a girl lovs me 4 me
year ago i hav a frnd she lied 2 me coz she feel sorry 4 me but n the end she confis she neva care about my bald but she did a bad thing she lied
aa started wiv me sinc da end of 1994 so i was fightin 4 years 2 keep me head up i lost many things now am alone and i really feel da needy of woman but wot should i do just tnx god for evry thing
my god made me like this & am oky wiv that
Comment by Izzy on August 22, 2011 at 3:56am
Hello everyone .. how are yall doing? message me if you would like to chat : )
Comment by Nathan Paul Prince on June 5, 2011 at 6:58pm
If anyone in MOntreal wants to hang out sometime, feel free to poke me a note ;)
Comment by Buddy on June 1, 2011 at 7:30pm
I don't have Alopecia but have always found men with it intensely sexy. I dated a gentleman for a while some years ago who has it and still remain in contact with him. We just weren't meant to be. But, I honestly love the look and feel of a man who doesn't have hair...anywhere, always have. It's a fascination I remember from childhood. There was a neighbor who had it and seeing him, talking to him, getting to be around him was always intensely stimulating for me. Yes, I too, would love to find a local buddy with Alopecia and see where it could go! I'm outisde Los Angeles and also male. Buddy
Comment by Tom on June 1, 2011 at 2:31pm
Yea, i usually tell them asap, just to get it out of the way. Sometimes i start off with: "hi, my name is tom. I dont grow hair anywhere" in a sexy voice. Some girls dont like the baldness, some do.
Comment by Giorgio on April 21, 2011 at 9:50am

I´m a great admirer of guys with alopecia and would love to find one just for me! I live in Montevideo, Uruguay and unfortunately here we don´t have any website that even mentions alopecia as a way of emotional sopport and social aid.
It would be nice to create the spanish version of Millions of hispanish speaking alopecians are awaiting for someone´s iniciative.

Comment by Bald and Fabulous AKA Terri on March 29, 2011 at 8:46pm
Couldn't agree more Shereka
Comment by Heather L on March 29, 2011 at 6:53pm
Ditto Shereka!! :)
Comment by Shereka Moore on March 28, 2011 at 11:20am
I love being loved for who I am that includes my alopecia. LOL. I hope that I find that person one day.
Comment by Julie G on February 15, 2011 at 9:29pm
So I took the big step this past weekend and buzzed my hair and got a wig, which I am very glad that I did. And I know that I am going to have my ups and downs with my decision. I guess tonight I am just lonely and then the thought comes to my mind if someone out there is really going to accept me and my wig. I know that we all have this problem(either a wig or bald), so I know that I am not alone in this feeling, but I just wanted to vent and put that out thanks for the ear! and now I am rambling, so now I am going to go to bed. goodnight AW!

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