
Smooth and Single

a site for the single people here to talk and bond

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Latest Activity: Jun 26

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Why is the group so dead?

Started by Rob Baker Mar 29. 0 Replies

do boys care?

Started by sarah bradley. Last reply by Rob Baker Nov 23, 2021. 14 Replies

To tell or not to tell??!?

Started by tash. Last reply by Ryan Nov 10, 2021. 10 Replies

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Comment by Krissie on February 4, 2011 at 6:39pm
Dating Site Update:::: Plenty of matches, but no takers! Am I doing something wrong? lol
Comment by Ellie V on February 2, 2011 at 3:59pm
Hehe indeed! Wow I am envious of you guys who live in the USA, I would love to live there! xx
Comment by Julie G on February 1, 2011 at 1:09pm
Ellie, I was just going to ask the same thing...was wanting to see if there were any singles in the ohio area. Sick of all of these married people..hahaha!! j/k of course =)
Comment by Ellie V on February 1, 2011 at 1:06pm
Any singles in east anglia?
Comment by Julie G on January 10, 2011 at 8:22am
Solange, I haven't had any luck with eharmony either but I don't believe that had anything to do with my alopecia. I haven't actually mentioned it to anyone on there, so I guess it is just me =(
Although I did go on a few dates but none worked out.
Maybe try out OkCupid, it is free. Worth a try atleast. I am a little worried about the dating scene once I get my wig, but you know what..I am not getting any action right now so I guess it wouldn't be too different!
Hope that things work out for you! If you find a good site, let me know!
Comment by Sarah Car on January 10, 2011 at 8:10am
Hi Solange and everyone! Solange, sorry for your struggles. I feel your pain. I think though I agree with Sandra that the more confident you are, the less people seem to notice. I joined eharmony and got to the communication stage a few times but it didn't work out for reasons other than my hair. I also joined an interacial dating site because that's my preference and I didn't get many matches ike that on eharmony. I did find one guy who's interested. And doesn't care about my alopecia. I had hair when we first started talking, but I told him about my alopecia by the second or third conversation. He didn't care and actually liked the idea of little or no body hair... I think that is the one and only benefit we have over nonalopecians! Anyway, we have been talking over long distance for 2 years. He's in minnesota and not quite able to move yet and I'm not ever moving up there!
So yeah... back to the topic, I also occasionally go out to bars and clubs with my friends. I have had mostly positive responses... lots of good conversation, fun and a few free drinks. I don't really want to meet the man of my dreams at a bar though so I'm just there for fun with no expectation of getting a future date. That helps me just go out with confidence and a come what may attitude. My point is maybe you are setting yourself up for failure by having expectations at all. If you go out with the purpose of just having fun with your girlfriends, then people will flock to you when they see your confidence. I get compliments about the way I carry myself way more often than I get stares or rejection.
Lots of love and all my best wishes!
Comment by Bald and Fabulous AKA Terri on January 9, 2011 at 11:09pm
Hi everyone...I havent tried any dating sites but I did "meet" a guy on Facebook playing poker one night. Two years later and we are still communicating daily (the big hitch in that tho he lives in Australia and I live in Canada) Oh well cant win them all. LOL
Afew of my friends did try the plenty-of-fish on facebook and meet wonderful matches (one is getting married this summer) Best of luck
Comment by Auntie Sheila on January 9, 2011 at 10:06pm
I'm sorry to hear that. I have only hit the email level with 2 guys, and am only currently communicating with one. I just joined. I'm not sure how it will work out, but I'm hopeful. A lot of they guys they match me with are a lot shorter than me. That's not going to work! Even if I were ok with it, I don't think a lot of men would be...Good luck. My friend just met her "boyfriend" from singlesnet. I guess keep trying. Did you ever read, "If your hair falls out, keep dancing?" It's pretty encouraging.
Comment by Paul W on January 9, 2011 at 10:05pm
I tried eharmony once and once was enough. The matches thay had for me lived 100+ mile away. lol. There's other sites out there. A relationship with a bald wouldn't botherf me a bit. Bald is beautiful and sexy to me.
Comment by Solange on January 9, 2011 at 10:03pm
I actually did try it, paid for a month of membership and I had no matches in that time.

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