
Smooth and Single

a site for the single people here to talk and bond

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Latest Activity: Jun 26

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Why is the group so dead?

Started by Rob Baker Mar 29. 0 Replies

do boys care?

Started by sarah bradley. Last reply by Rob Baker Nov 23, 2021. 14 Replies

To tell or not to tell??!?

Started by tash. Last reply by Ryan Nov 10, 2021. 10 Replies

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Comment by Auntie Sheila on January 9, 2011 at 10:02pm
I guess they don't give you matches for about 24 hours. I was very upset that there were no matches for me in the ENTIRE USA! Then, they started rolling in! I get 5-8 a day. You should give it a try.
Comment by Solange on January 9, 2011 at 9:56pm
Sheila Lynn, I filled out their extensive application form and was told at the end of it that they had no matches for me.
Comment by Auntie Sheila on January 9, 2011 at 9:54pm
Solange--have you tried I haven't tried any of the other sites. I'm hoping that if we are matched on some compatible level, then maybe it won't matter so much. I have been chatting with one guy, and told him right off, and he said he still wanted to communicate, and was very positive and encouraging! Just an idea...Good luck to you!
Comment by Margo on January 9, 2011 at 8:43pm
Solange - I'm so sorry to hear your frustration and feel for you! Unfortunately I can't tell you it will get any better only because I haven't experienced the getting better part myself but also haven't put myself out there enough to feel the rejection. Since being on an on line dating site I've only experienced the rejection once so far. I commend you for trying and trying again! So keep trying and I'd like to think that your/our time will come when that someone special comes along to accept us for who we are inside! I know we all have friends and family with hair that love us but I don't think they will ever understand what we go through no matter what they say. Hang in there Solange and I want to thank you for venting about feelings that you and others like us feel!
Comment by Solange on January 9, 2011 at 8:15pm
GRRRRR!!!! I have about had it with being judged solely on my looks. Men on dating sites take one look at me and never speak to me again, I go to a bar and am selected as the boobie prize, the one that the frat boys bet each other to see who can talk me into dancing with them or even more. The rejection seems to be getting harder to deal with the more it happens.

I am sharing this partly to vent but also wondering, how do others deal with it? It's one thing when my friends with hair tell me that it is the other person's loss and such but still, I am the one on the front line dealing with rejection each and every time I put myself out there. Does it ever get any easier to deal with?
Comment by sarahlee on January 5, 2011 at 5:29am
Hi everyone. Im 22 and Alopecia just hit me when i was 7 . I have tried countless treatment except for steroid jabs but nothing works. I wasn't devastated or feel sorry for myself. I just feel that im different. I always think im special. Yea. Maybe i am special. I excelled in my studies and got good grades but none of my friends knew bout my condition. I hate lying bout my condition but wearing a wig on a daily basis to school throughout my teens had people asking me whether im wearing a wig or not. All this has taken a toll on me with those countless remarks. Especially with my raging hormone on that age when i just hit puberty. Lots of pimples and acne just flared on my skin. Having bad skin and bad hair or no hair almost mean the end of the world for me. but thank god, i have supportive parents.As much as i tried to be positive, but there is always this something which swallow part me. As shallow as i am, i never go out publicly without my wig. Is already part of me and my wardrobe everytime i went out. Life would be much more better if only im in the States or some European country as the awareness on Alopecia is much more wide-spread compare to my current place.

Just a random post up guys. Have a nice day.

Lots of love.:)
Comment by John R on January 3, 2011 at 10:43pm
I agree with Heather, if you wear a wig don't tell anyone on the first date- my humble opinion. I think however, as soon as you feel the person is interested then you should tell them...soon. I have not dated many people that did not have something to hide, there is always something that comes out. It doesn't matter what that skeleton or issue is, we have to decide if it's something we can deal with.
Comment by sarahlee on January 3, 2011 at 2:48am
Hey guys. Im new here.!! Hope to meet more more friends.
Comment by Artemis88 on January 2, 2011 at 1:52pm
@ John R- Thanks! :-)
@ Angie- yea, last thing I need is some sort of reaction :-/
*sigh* and so I continue.
Comment by Frank Pratt on December 28, 2010 at 11:28pm
Well, my male pattern and spotty alopecia doesn't stop me from posting on dating sites.......BUT.....I believe it's my thin frame, among other things (go look at my profile, you'll understand) that keeps things from, there's shallow people out there, both sexes, that affect many people outside of our little corner on the web. I've been told many a times I'm one of the strongest people (emotionally & mentally) that people know of, I'm very respectful, very accomodating, and so forth. Yet, here I am, the sole single person in my immediate family, and one of two singles in my circle of friends here in south Florida. The other single is my best pal of nearly 30 years, before you say anything, heh. So, I dunno. To sound a little selfish, I have paid my dues many times over, yet everytime I go check the pot at the end of the rainbow, it's empty and the rainbow disappears.

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