
Smooth and Single

a site for the single people here to talk and bond

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Latest Activity: Jun 26

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Why is the group so dead?

Started by Rob Baker Mar 29. 0 Replies

do boys care?

Started by sarah bradley. Last reply by Rob Baker Nov 23, 2021. 14 Replies

To tell or not to tell??!?

Started by tash. Last reply by Ryan Nov 10, 2021. 10 Replies

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Comment by Angie P on December 19, 2010 at 10:42pm
@Artemis88: Anyone who doesn't prominently display their FULL ingredient list, makes me suspicious.
Comment by Heather L on December 19, 2010 at 10:33pm

Hey Julie, 

 I also have a ton of scenarios running through my head when it comes to dating and AA too!  If it were me I wouldn't feel the need to tell a guy about my AA until and unless I felt there was some potential there.   I'd put alopecia/wig in the same category as anything else personal - only share when YOU are comfortable. 


Are you looking at wigs that would look similar to your hair now?  Would it be a big noticeable change?   I wouldn't wait to meet him - wouldn't let alopecia take away your opportunity to meet a potentially great guy! Easier said than done... but worth the risk.

Comment by Julie G on December 19, 2010 at 8:40pm

Ok, so I have a dilemma.  I am on a few dating websites and really haven't gotten any hits, but I kinda got one today and it has me thinking.

I am planning on getting a wig within the next month or two.  How do I go about telling a guy that I have a wig?  And do I wait to meet him until after I get the wig?

I am worried about meeting someone and then getting my wig and freaking them out.  I know, I know..if they are really worth it they won't care.  But I just don't know what to do.

Even if I were to not meet someone until after I get the wig, I am still worried about the time of telling them and when to tell them.

So many thoughts going thru my head and possible scenarios.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

Comment by diane cocks on December 18, 2010 at 5:55pm

hey everyone im new to this site. Im 29 and i have been living with alopecia for 13 years but this is the worst it as ever been and im learning to try and work through the hard points. if u wanna chat message me. xx

Comment by John R on November 30, 2010 at 9:57pm
I know this group is scattered throughout the US, are there any group events? Would be nice to meet others in a group setting. Anyone...?
Comment by Margo on November 28, 2010 at 8:15pm
Good Job Marisa and very brave! Just this morning I added into my on line dating profile that if anyone was really interested in finding out more about me to Google "Alopecia" and go from there depending on their comfort level around that. Most of my profile photos are with a hat or scarf....I just havn't been brave enough to put one of me totally bald yet like you! I like your positive thinking/dreaming! You go girl!
Comment by Marisa on November 28, 2010 at 7:57pm
Well I decided to put the "real" me out there (this picture) on a dating it will be interesting to see what happens...I just think if nothing else it will be quite guess is nothing will happen cause even with hair I am no great beauty and that is what most dating sites are all about ...looks....I still think love is right around the corner always...and I won't have to find will find me...(always have been a dreamer and I like it that way)...xoxox alopecians!
Comment by Norm on November 28, 2010 at 6:50pm
A 88 - you're right, you never do know. But I wasn't "having a go" - I just saw the thing about Snake Oil and almost wet myself.... I had to say something!!! :)
Comment by Artemis88 on November 28, 2010 at 2:55pm
@ Norm, yea that is pretty much what I thought. But sometimes you never know. There is enough stuff like this that has Drug-drug-interactions that it definately does something. :-/
Comment by John R on November 27, 2010 at 9:36pm
Artemis- I fight this like you, as new spots appear I get them injected, and use minoxidil. In regards to alcohol and dental school, my guess is that it is all stress related. I notice a correlation between my AA and stress. I am not sure if there are any other things beside stress that can increase or decrease AA, I haven't come across anything like that. By the way, that is a beautiful picture, your are very lovely.

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