
52, Female

Milton, DE

United States

Profile Information:

Relationship Status:
About Me:
I'm a 39 year old married mother of three. I just moved to Milton, DE from Baltimore, MD and really love it so far.

I've had alopecia areata off and on for about 17 years. I used to have bald patches that I could easily disguise by styling my hair differently, but I progressed to alopecia universalis a couple of years ago. I stopped taking prednisone after taking it for 10 years, so I kind of doubt my hair will come back. The hardest part about losing all my hair this time has been also losing my eyebrows and eyelashes. However, I had my eyeliner and eyebrows tattooed on and it was the best thing I could have done for myself!!!

My family and Baltimore friends all know that I'm bald and love me the way I am, but I usually wear a wig or a bandanna when I go out. Now that I've moved to DE, I've been always wearing my wigs, so no one here knows yet. I guess I should've just started out here letting people know right away, but so far I haven't. The funniest part is that I work part-time in a hair salon of all places!!!

Sometimes I get kind of down, but I try to remain as upbeat as possible. Life is too short to worry about the opinions of strangers.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia universalis
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

Comment Wall:

  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hi Daria!

    I wanted to welcome to Alopecia World. I can honestly say that we are a great community here and I hope you enjoy the time you spend with us.

  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    I remember when I bounced between wigs, scarfs and being bald, after a while my friends could not tell me if what I was wearing on my head the night before. With close friends and family it becomes like glasses & contacts. Unless it is something new, they stop noticing. In fact after a while most of my friends and family preferred me without anything on my head, they said it just was more "me"
  • Dee Connelly

    HI Daria,
    We live in Gettysburg PA, but we go to Maryland alot. Hope you have a great day!!
  • rj, Co-founder

    Thanks for complimenting Alopecia World. I certainly hope that you will always enjoy being an integral part of our beloved community. :-)
  • Holly

    Hi there Daria - Great site huh? Things here have been good - getting ready for spring! How have you been?
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Thanks Daria, but honestly this site is only as good as all of its members ;)
  • Ashley

    Hi Daria, and welcome to the site! Yes, I did meet with Peggy Knight first before New Hair Tech. I'm gonna say it was about 8 or 9 years ago, and at that time the cost was $4000, I believe. We never went through with that because I still had a lot of hair then & wasn't ready to shave. Then I went to the NAAF conference about 2 years later & met several people with gorgeous hair from NHT, so I met with them and immediately decided that was the way I wanted to go. They are not as expensive as Peggy Knight, but that's about all I know. I do know a girl who switched from PK to NHT, but I haven't talked to her in a while. I'm pretty sure she was very happy with her switch!
    Also, I got my eyebrows tatooed last year in the Cincinnati area. It has been a huge weight off of my shoulders! :)
  • Cheryl, Co-founder


    LOL! Not too stupid... I had to look! When you click the edit box above the photo's. There is a click down menu. You can chose thumbnail, album or slide show.

    Let me know how it goes!

  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    By the way, I like your page colors
  • Dee Connelly

    Hi Daria, I was invited to one of those lunches but was unable to go. Maybe next time!
  • Dee Connelly

    HI Daria, It would be great if they had one of those lunches in Gettysburg! Glad you had a great time!
  • Alexandra

    Hey Daria! Alex is a great name for a girl :) My wigs are not vacuum. I don't think I could stand one of those down here in the Florida heat. One of my wigs is from rene of paris and the other is from iwig.com. The one from iwig.com was a little pricey but so worth the investment, it's the best wig i've ever had and it's lace front so the hairline is amazing and actually looks like it's my scalp more so than any other wig I've ever had.
  • Nicole

    Hi Daria! The tattoos are great! I am so happy I had it done! I would definitely recommend it to anyone who is thinking about getting it done and I would most definately recommend going to Jeffery Segal...he is amazingly talented!! I will post pictures soon so you can all see the results! I
  • Orbit

    Thanks for the compliment Daria! :-D
    Can I ask, have any of your children developed any forms of alopecia?
  • Gina

    Yeah, last time I went to a hair shop, the girl asked if I was going thru chemo and I explained what alopecia universalis is and she said: "shut up, so you're saying you have a permanent brazilian wax? lucky you". And I said, "yes but I'm bald" and she said "well, who cares that's what wigs are for" ;-)
  • Orbit

    Lucky me too! I'm the only one in my family. My mom is the only other one with any type of auto immune disorder and her's developed as mild psorisis.
    When you were family planning, did you ever take consider passing along your alopecia, was it at all factor for you and your husband? I'm scared that I would knowingly pass it to my would-be children......
    You seem to have a very nice family that cares for you alot :-D
  • Tanya

    Lol love your photos too Daria! You look great! Your kids seem so outgoing. Love the tee your husband was holding too :D

    I remember "Bold is the new Black" was another good tee slogan..hahaha

    Was reading your About Me, and yup, that sums up how I feel!
  • Nicole

    The pain was not bad at all. Jeffery Segal uses 20% novacaine so it numbs it well. You should ask if they use novacaine and what percent. I didn't have any swelling or pain really at all the next day. I got the individual strokes done and they look like individual hairs...they look very realistic but you can have it done either way. If you are more use to the eye pencil look you can do that....jeff gave me the option. I was really worried about the pain and the recovery but it wasn't bad at all. I was fine the next day. I will post pictures soon so you can all see my results!!
  • Gina

    I have mine tattoed. Got them done right after they fell out. I have no time to pencil them in. Many people tell me they look really natural and they get really close to prove they're not. I'm so glad I got them done.
  • Caroline

    Thank you so much for your help<3 I really appreciate it =]
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Looks like you got the slideshow to work! Looks good!

  • Christine


    Thanks for the welcome and all the advice!
  • Tanya

    You'll love the eyebrow tattoo FOR SURE! They really help frame the face, and for me, they are shaped more nicely than the real eyebrows I used to have.

    Eyeliner tattoo does hurt, but it's worth it, especially on caucasian eyes!
  • Trina

    hi Daria,

    I see u are in MD. So am I. I live in Clinton. I saw your profile. I had my eyebrows permanently done and loved it. I am getting the eyelashes next. But a little skeptical of the pain. LOL... and to think I have 4 tattoos...