
40, Female


United States

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About Me:
I have been living with alopecia universallis for about 9 years now. I've posted a blog about some of my early experience with alopecia. Now I am happily living with alopecia. I always say, "alopecia has been both the worst and best thing that ever happened to me." I have learned so much about myself as a result of having alopecia and I truely believe it has made me a better person. I don't take anything for granted and I appreciate everything and everyone in my life. I am a very happy person who after having alopecia for about 8 years have completely adjusted to it. It was hard at first but now I am so happy with who I am with or with out hair!!
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia universalis
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

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  • Erin

    Hey! thanks so much! I am glad that you relate.. that we are not alone haha! Yes it is an amazing site and I am so thankful that we have it.
  • Beth

    Hi Nicole,
    I recently went to New Hair Technology to take a look in buying their hairpieces. Is that what you wear? If so, how's the fit for an extremely active person? Thanks!
    ~ Beth
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hi Nicole,

    We do not have a date yet. I am Canadian and rj is American, so there are some immigration procedures that we have to go through first. Once we have the green light, then we will be able to set a date. It will probably be something small... and of course the photo's will be posted here ;).
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hi Nicole,

    One of the things I like about this site is that it is so positive and showing us going on with our lives despite alopecia. I think we all really need to see that.
  • Janna

    I wanted to say thank you for the comment you left on my blog the other day. It means SO much to me when people tell me that I'm doing alright as a mom, and that my little nibblekin is going to be ok. I think she's a pretty wise soul, for a 2 year old.

    Excited to get to know you better :)
  • Susan

    Nicole, your hair looks amazing. What kind of piece do you wear?
    thanks =)
  • Laura Zinger

    Thanks! Blue is definitely one of my favorites! Lots of people get jealous that they can dye their hair blue and still not make it look as good as this wig. I have dreams about being a blueberry in a past life too, so this wig kind of feeds into that. ;)
  • MARIA (mom of Savanna)


    I want to say "Thank You" about the web-site i did check it out and filled out an application, Hopefully i will hear something soon from them. My daughter is so amazing in my eyes, she has more mental strengh then most children her age, she is content with her hair loss, of course she would love to have hair but she knows she may never have hair again. Since she has gotten older i have noticed things that are bothering her more about not haveing hair, I as a parent who doesnt want her to feel sad, I try my best to talk to her and help her, Most the times it helps...

    By the way you are a very beautiful woman, I am glad AA has made you a better person and you are happy with this, It gives me hope for Savanna's future that she will be able to live a happy and adjusted life. That is my most worries is how she will handle it when she gets older. I know all i can do is love her and stand by her... Thank you again it is always nice to talk to someone with a lil support.

  • Liz

    Hi Nicole!
    Things have been going great! Very busy.
    Thanks for the add!
  • Cindy

    Nicole, I read a post on someones page about your expedience with children with hair loss. We are waiting for another one that is a better color match. In your experience with these wigs is it possible to cut the wig so it can be parted to the side and have no bangs. If you look at my page you can tell by hair styles which was her hair , what is her current wig..Thanks for any advice you can give me..My daughter misses her long locks and we want to get them back in this wig.Cindy
  • Tanya

    Hi Nicole! You have a kick-ass attitude! :) Best luck with the eyebrow and lashline tattoos! Jeffery Lyle Segal seems to have good skills. For me the first day or two the eyebrows looked darker than they should be, but don't worry, they'll get more natural-looking :)
  • Ashley

    Hey Nicole! I got my eyebrows tattooed last summer, & it was one of the best decisions I made. I know you will love it! I know I do! & its a whole lot easier than trying to pencil it on.
  • Lucas Quimby

    I live in Me. I was just wondering what part of the state you live in.
  • Lucas Quimby

    I live in Me. I was just wondering what part of the state you live in.
  • Lucas Quimby

    I live in Me. I was just wondering what part of the state you live in.
  • Lucas Quimby

    I live in Me. I was just wondering what part of the state you live in.
  • Lucas Quimby

    I live in Me. I was just wondering what part of the state you live in.
  • Lucas Quimby

    I live in Me. I was just wondering what part of the state you live in.
  • Lucas Quimby

    I live in Me. I was just wondering what part of the state you live in.
  • Beth

    Hi Nicole,
    How did the tattoo work out?
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Nicole, your hair is beautiful.
  • brian kirchman

    really when i say i miss my eyebrows and lashes its mostly the functionality that i miss i work in the oil field and sweat alot and it just flows right in to my eyes
  • Daria

    Hi Nicole. How did the tattooing work out for you? I've had aa for years, but just recently lost the brows and lashes. Drawing the brows on every morning is such a pain! I'm considering the tattoo thing, but am nervous....not so much about the pain, just about how natural it'll look. I'm curious to hear about your results! - Daria
  • Lucas Quimby

    I'm from Albion. I don't know if you are familiar with the town. It's near Waterville.
  • Daria

    Glad it went well. Tell me about the pain levels (I'm thinking the lash line would hurt more?). Also, did he do individual strokes that look more like hairs or more like a penciled in type brow? I've placed a couple of calls to people here in MD, but haven't scheduled anything yet.
  • Ashley

    Aw, good I'm so glad you got them done! I know you'll love them just like i do! I can't wait to see pics! Thanks so much for the compliment on that picture of mine. I took it a while back whenever i still hadn't quite come to terms with my alopecia, I still took it, & i knew I'd want it someday, but it took me a while to be able to let other see it. I know even have it on my myspace for everyone to see! I've come a long way lately.
  • Daria

    Cool...thanks. I've actually got an appointment with Susan Davis from Permament Cosmetics of Maryland next week. I want the individual hair look, too - as natural as possible. I think I'm more excited than nervous. I also want the eyeliner, but we'll see how the brows go first! Take care :)
  • Ashley

    Thank you so much! You're so sweet!
  • Elizabeth

    Excuse my bluntness, but where did you get that gorgeous wig from?!
  • Lori

    Hi Nicole- I was wondering how your eyebrow experience went.... my daughter doesn't have eyebrows, but seems as though no one notices.... yet. Anywho, just curious... I showed your picture to my daughter who has AA and is about to get her first wig and she couldn't believe you were like her because you are so beautiful.... I think she came to a realization that she can be beautiful with or without hair. Thanks. - Lori
  • Lori

    Hi Nicole- Can't wait to see the pictures of your new look. I live in Laconia, NH.... probably have heard of it because of Bike Week at Wears Beach... Wears is like 5 miles from my house. Cheers. - Lori
  • Lori

    Love the picture above--- those your new brows??
  • Babe

    hey nicole! you seem pretty outgoing, kinda like myself! whats your story?!
  • Babe

    hey nicole! ive been living with alopecia totalis for a little over a year now! started to fall out right before my senior prom and graduation! but it doesnt botter me as it use to becuase i cant control it and there are bigger things going on in life then hair! are you going to the convention in june?
  • Antoinette Fernandez

    Hi Nicole! Than you for your welcoming! You look great!
  • Daria

    Lookin' good, Nicole! I'm going for my consultation with Permanent Cosmetics of Maryland tomorrow. Fingers crossed! If I like her portfolio of work, I'm gonna get it done right then and there!!!!
  • Dina

    Hi Nicole, It is so nice to meet you! I am from Rhode Island and yes, we have had a long, cold winter here. Looking forward to the Spring and Summer so much. Nicole, I love your wig, it really looks beautiful on you. I am in the market for a new one but want a change. What kind is yours? Thank you for the message and I look forward to chatting with you!
  • Katey

    Your eyebrow/lashline tattoos look amazing!! I also am writing to ask you something. I was just curious what type of wig you have and where you got it. It looks fantastic! I like the ones I get... but they are very pricey so I don't get them as often as I'd like. So, I am just looking at some other ones out there. Have a good day! :)
  • Donna Evans

    I never would have known that your eye brows are tattooed on. Excellent job by the tattoo artist! I hope that if my eyebrows fall out I will be able to find someone who can do such a beautiful job.
  • Dee Connelly

    HI , I hope you are enjoying the cosmetic surgery you had done. I too have had my done. I absolutely love it.
  • Babe

    oh well congratulations on your big day!! thats so exciting!! and i think im going to go this year, its my first year but its a lot of poeple ive talked to first years so it should be lots and lots of fun!!
  • mary

    Your story about when you first experienced alopecia sounds so familiar. I'm sure it sounds familiar to alot of people. For the past year there has been no one I could talk to that truly understood what I was going through. I feel so Isolated and actually paralyzed. Your story has given me some strength. So, thank you.
  • Dee Connelly

    HI I am glad that you love your tatoos too. It just give one definition in your face, especially when you have not put any makeup on yet!
  • Katey

    Thanks Nicole... I will read it. :)
  • gerald

    You are very pretty. You look fantastic with hair. You look even better bald, I am willing to bet.

    I know I love my wife in a wig, or a headscarf, but she is even more beautiful bald. You can really see her feminine features without hair.

    There is nothing quite as beautiful as a pretty bald lady, and like my gorgeous bald wife, you would qualify as being a beautiful bald lady!
  • Stacie Duda

    I can't wait to see a picture of the new brows... i might want to get them done
  • Alberto

    You are Georgeous
  • Daria

    Well I did it! I'm SO HAPPY I did.....I can go back in a couple of weeks and she'll touch up anything that I might want touched up. Love the brows, but I think I might actually get the upper eyeliner a little thicker. It looks good, but I always wear the upper liner kind of on the heavy side to give the appearance of lashes. I love it were right, it didn't really hurt. Kind of reminded me of an annoying mosquito buzzing around my eyes that I wanted to swat at, though!
  • Stacie Duda

    Simply LOVE the tattoos! They look so wonderful and fit your face perfectly. Perfect arch and everything! Good for you that you went through getting them done. The only thing that really matters is that YOU like them!

    I'm so happy to be part of Alopecia World! Thanks for telling me about it and thank you for the support!
  • Alberto

    Thank you so much for make me feel welcome you guys are gifts from God