
43, Male

KW, Ontario


Profile Information:

Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
About Me:
I figure I should fill this out a bit.

So yeah, I'm 28, going on 18. My invisible business cards list the occupation "computer programmer" in a bold, but tasteful font.

I ascribe the following adjectives to myself: Geeky, reserved, goofy, quiet (ninja-like), romantic, lazy.

My body first expressed its desire for hairlessless at age eight with the complete disappearance of my side burns. Yep, that looked a bit weird. But hey, I was eight. My mom was much more concerned about it than I was. After a few rounds of painful cortisone injections, my hair returned and I was officially normal again.

Five years later my body decided it would try the no-hair thing again, but this time on a much larger scale. I mean, if I was able to live with out side burns, I'd be able to live without any hair at all, right? I assume this was its line of thinking.

Over the course of a year my folicles slowly shut down and by age 14, with a little help from a razor, I was ready for my starring role in Powder (

Aside from a bit of transient fuzz on my ears and the occasional bit of chest hair (woot!), I've been super-smooth ever since.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia universalis
Are you age 18 or older?

Comment Wall:

  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hi Matt,

    Nice to see you here. I am from Montreal, Canada.

    We look forward to getting to know you and please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

    The other co-founder ;)
  • Orbit

    Hi Matt, I lived in K-town for a few years, that's my old stomping ground! Nice to have aboard!
  • Carol

    Hi Matt,

    I'm new here and I was looking through the members and noticed you're nearby. I'm in Guelph! Nice to meet you!
  • Carol

    Guelph is okay, the summer is pretty quiet with the university kids gone. I'd recommend the south end (it's nicer). The highlight of living here was when we finally got our Walmart and I'm happy there's a Tim's going up across the street. Have you met anyone else with alopecia before? I haven't even though I've been like this forever. Although I found someone else in here from Guelph, maybe we should all get together sometime?
  • Carol

    There are a few of us in Guelph. There are 2 or 3 women I've heard about and at least one man. I was thinking awhile ago about starting up a local support group, the closest one is in Toronto. I just couldn't seem to find enough people around here online to get things going. So, what floats you boat?
  • Ashley

    Hey Matt. Welcome to the site.
  • Roger

    Hi Matt.
  • Carol

    So I suppose you'd be the one to ask why my computer clock keeps going off track?? I try but sometimes I think I do more harm than good?!?! The last place I worked at I was an electronics assembler but I've been a welder, tour guide, manager, waitress, etc, etc... I'm actually wearing a part of my african lion safari uniform today lol How do you like the lovely spring weather we've been having?? :p Superhero huh? Sometimes I wish!!!!!
  • Ashley

    No problem at all. You know, i looked at your picture & i thought "this guy can pull of being bald" & then i read some discussions & in one you talked about not having eyebrows, & i had to look again because I hadn't even noticed that! Thats the honest truth! But you look good bald, thought you should know. =)
  • Ashley

    Haha, craptastic, i kind of like that word! I think the glasses do take away from it, but I also think you look good bald, so that takes away from that too. haha
  • Roger

    Everything alright back in Canada?

  • Carol

    Nope, the clock is just messed up! If I turn the PC off the clock is 3 hours behind when you turn it back on. It really messed me up the other day cause I thought my kids were coming home early from school LOL. Just curious, why do you retype my question to you when you reply??? :p If I ask you alot of questions will you write each one down? Do you have a pet? Do you have a car? Do you smoke? What do you do for entertainment? Hmmmm, hold on, I'm looking for 20 questions.... ha ha Sorry, I'm feeling rather witty today, slap my wrist and send me home. ttyl8r
  • Roger

    Are you going to Louisville?

  • Carol

    LMAO So you do have a humourous side! Good to know. I may take a rain check for the shopping bit though, at least until I know you enough to say I don't know you. I love coffee too, probably drink way more than I should. I hate commercials too, TV really. I mostly watch a lot of movies in bed at night. Although I don't exercise I get tons of it when I do laundry (no stairs in our building of 4 floors). I like to hike and go camping and when someone will go with me I like to canoe. I'm brave enough to admit I like karaoke but no one else seems game, I tried out for Canadian Idol without my hair but they didn't like my "image". Oh well, their loss. Do you come into Guelph much?
  • Dee Connelly

    HI Matt, Welcome to the site!! We are having a great day today. It is about 64 degrees today.
  • Carol

    lol I don't drink much myself but do indulge in the occasional beer or bailey's with coffee. I am suprisingly a great drinker though (I think being a newfy has something to do with it). I don't use air matresses when I go camping, it kinda defeats the purpose of roughing it.
  • Dee Connelly

    HI Matt, Such a beautiful day yesterday, today it is around 40 degrees. Go figure!
  • Steve Wolf

    Damn, Matt, we look a lot alike.
    I could rob a bank and they could lock you up... or vice versa.
    Nice to see you.
  • Melissa

    I agree with Ashley, I think you look GREAT bald!
  • lanz

    Hey Matt.. Great Profile. that bit of chest hair sounds hot! LOL
  • Kelly

    Hey Matt, smooth is SEXY! :o) Sounds like you have an accepting attitude about it all. It's a challenge for me, but I'm always progressing...
  • Kelly

    Hi Matt, I think have AU goes hand in hand with self-esteem issues. Particulary for those of us who grew up with it - we didn't have a chance to get a solid self-image BEFORE having to face hair loss. Who would I be without it? Probably not who I am today and that I would not change. I keep on fighting the good fight and am determined to make peace with what still hangs on from those growing up years. Hope you will stay in touch as we take this journey together.
  • Sally

    Your 'About Me' really made me smile!
  • Sara

    I totally watched that Powder movie when it was on TV like 10 years ago
  • Rebecca

    Hahaha your name is halarious, where do u come up with this stuff ??
  • Hayley Burton

    Hey there!
    Loved reading your about me!!
    How's it going over there?
    Hayley xx
  • Carol

    Thanx for sharing your humour, I needed to smile this morning! I noticed you'll be at work during our Palopecia meeting this month, we'll miss you! If you are interested in coming to our meeting though, we'll be discussing times and dates so just let me know what works better for you and we can try and accomodate that.
  • Carol

    Yay! Yes, please do let me know - we need some men!!! I only have one other guy from Cambridge that might be coming (so far). Thank you so much for your consideration, it really means alot.
  • Alex

    great about me...i love how u described ur hairlessness =)
  • Julia


    Would love it if you were apart of my Book Project. Please Read about it under my forumn on my page. If you are interested, email me at

    I will involve men...

    Take Care
  • Julia

    Thank you!
  • Mandy

    Thanks for responding to my blog, Matt. Your advice was very helpful and it made me feel a lot better to hear you say the divots are temporary. I mean...the dr told me that before, but I just needed to hear someone back that up. ;)
  • Carol

    Hey Matt!
    What's up? I haven't heard from you in a while just wanted to make sure everything is going well. Hope you've been good! ;)
  • Dominique

    Hey Matt :c) read your response to Tim's masculinity post and it occurred to me I'd never considered the age thing. I think it has the same affect for girls... I've been told I look like a teenager too :c) lol.

    Anyways - your attitude is awesome so I thought I'd say hey.

  • Carol

    Sorry to hear about work and your wrist but I am glad to hear you're good otherwise. I'm living on my own now with my girls and although I do get a bit lonely from time to time I am able to start doing things I wasn't able to before which is great. It's like being a caged bird, set free! I am going to try to get a support meet together for November, hopefully I'll see you then! Take care of yourself!!! :)
  • Johnny Q

    Great intro man! Awsome!
  • Hayley Burton

    love your attitude...x
  • JeffreySF

    Hey Matt,

    Stopping in to say hello.
    How is everything with you?

  • Roger

    Hi Matt.

    How are you doing? Carol told me about you. Youre the guy living in Kitchener?

  • Roger

    Yes, I heard Carol told me you have like -20. Brrrrrrrrrr =(
  • Amber Lounder

    Hi I see your from Canada Is it cold enough yet? :)) It is for me.