Jennifer Krahn




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About Me:
I have AU and an adventurous spirit! I love running, camping, hiking, fishing, waterskiing, volleyball and anything to do with the outdoors.
I wear a Freedom Wig and am very excited to be a Rep for Freedom Hair up here in Canada! Visit my website
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia universalis
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older
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  • Karina are very beautiful with a fresh smile! Congrats for your nice family! I´m from Argentina and I want to know waht type of wig you wear and if it´s comfortable.
  • Karina

    Jenn..I bought a natural hair wig which has elastic strops and when I wear ot for a long time it hurts. Now I go out with the little hair I Have and sometimes with a hat but I don´t like my image and I don´t know what to tell people that chjange of look. How did you manage that?
  • Karina

    Thanks Jenn...probably it ´s like a nightmare thinking that your hair is not there and that you have to wear wigs for life..I may feel a bit different..
  • Melinda

    Hi Jenn
    Thanks for the friend request! Hope you are good!
    Yeah i'm really liking Tatum. Its my first wig and once i got over first nerves i've lived in it since. Rachel did say she cut her bangs/fringe and it ruined it her wig so based on that i've just swept mine to the side and so far thats cured it. Its a very neat and tidy long bob so my hair has never looked better hehe! Hope you get on well with your purchase... let me know how you get on.
    Take care, Melinda x
  • Amber Lounder

    Hi Jenn Thanks for sending me such a nice comment. You are a gorgeous woman who looks fantiastic regardless -hair-or not_ My art is a big part of my life and I love being an artist I paint from photos,but only ones I think can be painted -got to go now,but i'll send you a mesage with more info about the art
    Take Care xox
  • Marie

    Thanks for making me your friend! I also love your attitude; I think we are on the same page regarding wigs. Keep the faith!
  • Marie

    Jenn, thanks for the compliment on my hair. Even thought I'm confident and have it together most of the time, once in a while (as I deal with turning 50) I need some some enthusiastic positive strokes from some gal pals! I wish all the people on this site lived near me! Have a great day; you made mine. :-)
  • Kara

    Hi Jenn! I have decided to stop all treatment and just see what happens with my AA. If it gets out of control, I also plan to shave my head. I was wondering though, how often do you have to shave yours since you obviously don't have AT. Hope that is not too personal. I just don't want my bald head (if and when I have one) to require a lot of effort. :)
  • mandy p

    Hi. Yeah I'm from the peg. I'm so new to this it's nice to know there are more of us out there.
  • spaganya

    hey there :) thanks for the complement!

    the piece im wearing in my profile pic is a human hair lace front mono top wig. i like it but its starting to get that old look so im looking for a new one, this time a full lace wig, so i can wear a pony tail. i havent worn a pony tail in over 5 years! lol what kind of piece do you wear? i see from your blog that you shaved your head - that was such a traumatic moment for me - i waited until i literally had just like ONE patch of hair left to do that. very very strong of you!
  • MiNAH

    Hi Jenn!
    Wanted to say hello and see how you are doing.
    How's the HAIR going..or I should say little to no hair"SMiLE"
    How are the kiddies too?
    Am I correct, had you been put on Anxiety medication at one so terrible.
    Did I read that some where?
    I find that those drugs get used too often.
    When you feel digs a deeper hole.
    Can cause paranoid episodes.
    I won't take that stuff ever..cause when your's gets you ever further into the dumps.
    Hard to deal with life and getting on top.
    Getting stronger to cope with self esteem and self worth.
    So if you haven't been on it..never go on it.
    Doctors are so fast in prescribing medication, to dull the sadness which they call "anxiety and stress"
    In turn create another hell.
    I know that the elderly especially with dementia, get put on that so often and then lose all control..ending up passing away sooner.
    Reason I say because I have seen it happen now too often.
    They are so addictive and there is no quality of life with Benzos'
    I have had numerous experiences with close friends and family who had been given mind altering drugs for pain anxiety, stress and depression.
    Now they are gone!
    When one family decided to stop the drugs..then that gave the person one whole extra year.
    Until old age finally took them away.
    Yet the year ahead after the drugs gave so much life..along with a clear head.
    To say goodbye!
    Scary thought!
  • natalie n.

    I thought of something else to tell you....
    I am so glad you know about MAC makeup. The products I like best are the eye liners and eyebrow products. They make these little pots of eyeliner that you apply with a angled brushed. I like using it so much more than any pencil or equivalent. It goes on so smooth and you can put it right where you want it. My eyes would get sore from constantly scraping the regular eyeliners over them. You literally paint this stuff on and you can hardly feel it. It again, takes some skill to get used to, but it is truly not that hard. Just make sure the MAC people show you how to do it well. They also have a cool eyebrow product that allows you to "feather" your eyebrows on so they look more real. But I have to confess... I got my eyebrows tattooed right away (almost too soon). I am not going to either recommend or discourage tattooing because I think that has been the hardest part of all this for me. But it has been a year and a half and I have finally accepted the way they look. They take forever to "simmer" down to a reasonable look... and I'll leave it at that, if you want more info on my experience with this, let me know.
    But my whole point and what I really wanted to say was this makeup may seem self-indulgent if you aren't used to it and especially if you are a busy mom.. but here is the thing, my mom taught this to me... Use the time you used to spend on your hair (shampooing, conditioning, blow-drying, styling, brushing etc...) and invest it in something that makes you feel beautiful again ie. Makeup! I think this is wonderful advice and it really helps strengthen your confidence as you accept your new looks. SO don't feel bad if you spend more time on your face, you deserve to feel beautfiul (and you'll probably still be speedier in the morning than most husbands!)
    keep me posted as to how things are going!
  • Leon Johnson

    Honey, you wear the bald look well. You've got friends out here givin' you the thumbs up.
  • Diana K

    I love your blogs! I too had my boyfriend (now husband) shave my head when I first got it (10 years ago). And I just had my first wig store experience, so you are way ahead of me when it comes to that. I went by myself, and the attendant looked shocked when I took off the wig I was wearing at the time.

    Keep writing, and I will keep reading. You are hilarious! And a sense of humor is what got me through this.
  • Ashley Nicole

    Thank you for the comment you, are so beautiful, and this site is helping me so much already :)))
  • Leon Johnson

    Sure thing. It's what I do...I make days! Cheers!
  • mandy p

    do you know if there are any events like BGDL in winnipeg? it looks like such a fun thing to do.
  • mandy p

    also i just read what natalie said about mac products and not sure if you know but at polo park you can make an appointment for a free makeover from them all you have to do is spend $40 on their products. they are really nice and won't pressure you into buying stuff you don't need. and they tell you what they are doing and let you try to copy it so you learn how to do it when you get home.
  • Ellen Chinery

    hi jenn. thank you very much. this is all so new to me but the support helps. i just wanted to say that you are very beautiful yourself. hope youre having an awesome day!
  • mandy p

    I went to Mario's in polo park. It was kind of expensive. But looks nice. Wish I could find nice wigs for less money.
  • Shannon

    Hi Jenn,

    Thank you so much for the nice comment on the photo of me and my father.

    You are beautiful!!!

  • Stephanie

    Hi Jenn
    Just wanted to see how things were going with you? I am back to school so you know what that means!!!
  • Stephanie

    Hi Jenn
    Yes you know exactly how I am feeling. Trying not to over stress myself because I actually have had some hair growth this summer which is good, but I am cautious because I know it could all fall out tomorrow! I too feel like I have gone through hell and am on the other side. This summer I finally accepted this, and now I can move on. I must admit I still have an occasional bad day though. Glad things are looking up for you too!!
  • claudine

    Hey Jenn. I was reading your story and I find your strength very inspirational. You have a beautiful family and a great spirit and I wish you all the best.
  • maria m

    Hi Jenn! Thank you, thank you, thank you, you are very sweet. You are beautiful and you have great pictures! Your kids are adorable, they are like baby models!!!
  • Karina

    Jenn.I want to ask U how U attach your wig and If it is comfortable weat it every day.Thanks.
  • Karina

    Thanks Jenn a million!! I value a lot your answer..I don´t want to become depressed and feel that there is a solution.
  • Ashlie LeBlanc

    Hey Jenn, Just wanted to pop in a say Hello. Hope things in your world are going good ? Things here are Ok Im starting to deal with this ( Alopecia) much better Just wanted to know if you have any tips for the stress that comes along with all of this? Anyways Have a Wonderful Day!!!! Ashlie
  • Ashlie LeBlanc

    Thanks Jenn Thats the best advice I can get...And one day I'll be there. Your outlook is very inspirational....And so is this site...
  • Karina

    Jenn...I read that you are cery active with the wig..did you tape it?
  • Joan Gibson

    Thanx for your kind response. Actually I'm arranging for a freedom wigs rep to fly toCalgary to use the new laser tech(precise) for wig measurement for ie current order or to have the measuements if you consider for future. A women in Calgary who is without freedom wig re:repairs attempted to wear her non suction wig and couldn't stand the irritation.I'm doing the arranging because my daughter is slammed re:law articles. I'd like to see available to all re:prohibitive cost. I recognize a soulful indiv.,yes. Joan
  • Melissa Harris

    Hey Jenn! Where did you get the hair piece that you have now? How do you keep it on? I was thinking of getting one soon. Thanks for any help!
  • Karina

    Jenn..It´s Kary again..I want to know how many houts one can bear a wig on.. I want to work outside home and I don´t know if I can..
  • Natalie

    Thanks for your kind comments, Jenn! My new vacuum wig is AMAZING! It is so comfortable that I literally forget that I am wearing it! And the hair is soft and silky and I love love love it (can you tell?) haha. As much as I loved my lace wig, there is no comparison. It is definitely worth the time/money. How are things going for you? Have you lost all your eyebrows/eyelashes? My eyebrows are completely gone and my eyelashes are quickly on their But life is good, so I try to smile it away :)
  • Donna DeHoog

    Hey Jenn! How are you? It has been a while since I have chatted with you and thought I would drop you an email! I saw your post on Natalie's profile about losing all your eyebrows and lashes :(. Do you pencil them in? Do you mind telling me what you use? Can you believe how beautiful Natalie's wig is? WOW! Totally makes me want to get one too! I havent lost all of my hair yet so not quite to that point yet. Have you ever heard of continental hair....they are in canada and suppose to be pretty awesome! There site is I am probably going to go to them at least till I lose my hair or maybe to a guy names Brian Blanchard in chicago that a friend of mine uses....her name is Andrea and her piece is absolutely stunning!!!!!!! Anyway enough about me! How have you been? I hate to hear that you have lost your eyebrows and lashes too...:(
  • Margeaux

    Hi don't know me, but I am a young thirty year old woman living in Oakland who was diagnosed with AA August 2009. I have slowly emerged out of my denial and have been accepting this process. Part of what helped me with acceptance was this website. There was something about your blogs in particular that was always calming for me. I guess I just wanted to share that. Your candor and emotional expression was very real and comforted me in knowing that I wasn't alone in the emotions I was going through. You seem to have taken this diagnosis with such grace and dignity. I guess I was curious about your faith. I grew up in a very strict scientific household and words such as faith and hope were never given much credence. I was always secretly trying to find my spirituality despite my parents skepticism. I was wondering if you could tell me more about the concept of hope and how you understand hope?
  • Natalie

    Oh my gosh Jenn that is so exciting!!! You are going to LOVE Karen! She is fabulous! And she is so great to talk to because she has been through our same experiecne and can relate. Good luck!! Thank you for the compliments, too - I feel fantastic in my new hair. It is crazy comfortable and the hair is sooo high quality. Let me know how the meeting goes :) And tell Karen I say hello!
  • Melissa Harris

    Hey Jenn, Keep us posted on your FW experience! I would love to know what the process is like for you! Karen is awesome, I talked with her on the phone once before. Wishing you well on your journey!! Take care! Melissa
  • Margeaux

    First of all, you so don't sound preachy. If anything it sounded like you spoke from the heart. Speaking and knowing from the heart is daily practice I try to hold on to. I loved your idea of God being loving and accepting of you no matter what. I am trying so hard to allow that into my heart right now.
  • Ella

    Hi Jen, I have not posted in a very long time here, I have been pretty much reclusive. Here I am, November, months ago making a promise to myself to work on moving forward, instead, I have been stagnant and dwelling. I came upon your photo of you in Codi and suddenly felt a weight lifted off my shoulders. Something about your picture, your smile. You look so in love with life. I have been so disengaged and I am now taking my life back. I am so tired of the feelings of shame and while I understand that there will be times of sadness, I also realize that it does not need to dictate how I live my life. Anyway, I saw your picture and really like how Codi looks, would you mind telling me what color she is? Thank you, Ella p.s. I hope to someday be able to take a picture of myself again, its been over 5 years.
  • Ella

    Good morning. Thank you for the reply. Codi is really pretty on you. I am having a really hard time with the colors on line, from website to website they are a bit different. My natural hair when I had it was brown with some goldish highlights along with a bit of reddish. I am looking at the medium brown, the ginger brown and the toasted brown (that is the color I was guessing your Codi was). I know its hard to describe, but could you describe the ginger brown? The color does not look flat at all on you, in fact it looks like there are some highlights, but the color samples have it looking really really dark and very monotone in color and on you it really comes to life. I apologize for all of the questions, I am just so nervous and want to pick a good color. Thank you for all your help
  • JeffreySF

    Hey Jenn,

    How's it goin'?
    Ever saince all my hair fell out it slowly started coming back. For a long time it was all white. Now it is coming in dark on top but still white on the sides of my scalp. It's a game of patience I tell you.

    Hope all is good with you.

  • JeffreySF

    Hi Jenn,

    I'm glad you are doing well. I am sending growing power to you and all over Alopecia World.
    Stay positive!

  • Ella

    Thank's so much for the description. I ordered her this morning, and if she looks 1/2 as good on me as she does you I will be happy:) I am so excited and yet scared and a bit sick to my stomach at the same time. This is such a huge step for me. Hiding in my house is no longer an option, nor is it desirable....been doing it far too long. Again, thank you and I hope you have a wonderful day
  • Ella

    You are a very sweet person. Your words of encouragement mean the world to me. Thank you :)
  • Ella

    Morning Jenn, thanks for the friend invite and message! I apologize as I just saw that you sent it a couple of days ago. The whole concept makes me smile, brings me back to wonderful simpler times. I would love to be your friend :)
  • Margeaux

    Jenn, I am having one of those days were the pain and sorrow feel like it might make me burst. Sometimes I don't know when to give in to those emotions. It feels like a tricky line between wanting to move forward by not giving in to alopecia and at the same time wanting to give in. Any advise?
  • Ella

    Oh Jenn, I just got my Codi wig and I look so terrible:( I knew I had too much riding on this emotionally. I tried playing with her and rearranging her but no matter what i do I look awful. The last couple of years with hiding out in my house, losing contact with friends, waking up every half hour to hour in a panic for fear my stupid head scarf has fallen off have really taken a toll. I had no idea how much I aged until I put her on. I wanted to be okay, to feel okay and I now feel somewhat hopeless. I need a good slap, a need to not let this bring me too far down as my goal is to regain my life. I know its only hair, but it was my hair and I miss it. I am in a stupid panic, I feel like I will always be the stupid freaky lady who hides in her house, who runs faster than lightning to the mailbox, who can't open the door, who can't go shopping with her children, out to eat, to the movies. That stupid freaky lady who no longer goes swimming, or on walks or dances with her husband, the one who has allowed fear to rule her life. I am sorry, you don't need to reply, I just needed to vent a bit, hoping by writing my thoughts out I will see how silly I am being. I just wanted to look okay for thanksgiving, for my daughters birthday, for Christmas. I wanted to not run away from family when the camera comes out. I wanted to have a picture with me and my kids, my husband as it's been over 5 years. No pictures, sometimes I feel like I don't exist:( I look at all of the people here, some with wigs, others without and the strength of all of you guys is so amazing, where did I go wrong? When did I become so weak?
  • Ella

    I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for being so kind, you don't even know me and you are so warm and caring. Your reply meant the world to me. I want to properly respond to what you wrote, but first I am going to try to get a little sleep, I think today was just too emotional for me, and hopefully a new day will bring a new perspective. It is because of people like you, that people like me, don't give up. Thank You.
  • Ella

    Hello:) Doing much better today as I was able to get some sleep and take a bit of a mental break. I think it was just overwhelming yesterday, things came together and I just had a mini meltdown. Buying the wig and then finally getting her then all the feelings of fear and anticipation and excitement, then putting her on and seeing someone almost unrecognizable....well, it was just hard.
    As I was falling asleep last night I ran through my thought processes and saw how I was distorting things, overgeneralizing, black and white thinking. It is really easy to spiral downward with negative thoughts as they just feed of each other and multiply.
    I read over the post I sent yesterday to you, I was so scared, felt hopeless. I had a very fatalistic attitude. I was simply feeling sorry for myself, and while I believe that sadness and fear are normal and healthy, I took it to a whole other level and I believe I actually trained my brain to think in certain ways, I would routinely think negative thoughts, I became a negative person, it no longer was truly about my hair, sure I kept telling myself if only I had hair I would be happy, if only I had hair I could go out, or go swimming or dance, but in truth, I made my own reality, the only one keeping me from doing the things I wanted to do was me. It became easier to not live than to retrain my thoughts. I had expectaions of not being able to do things and met those expectations with flying colors, setting myself up for failure all too common.
    I wanted to touch base with you as you were so kind in helping me and let you know I am okay. There will be hard days, but that is all they are, and they are normal and healthy and they are not the end of the world. I will make it top priority to continue to work on my cognitive distortions.
    Going to play with Codi again later on, see if I can do something with how the front hangs, she does not go over like yours does. This time though I am not in the same mindset and realize if I don't like her, it's okay, that I'm okay and that I will continue to move forward. Did you have to wash yours and style it first or did the sweep always go over to the side so nicely for you?
    I hope you have a wonderful day, and again, thank you!