
44, Female

Corona, CA

United States

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About Me:
I am 28 years old.I live in California. I married with 3 beauitful children. Ages, 1, 2 and 3!!! I am a stay at home mom, and have the best husband in the world! I've had alopecia since I was 5 years old and it was always spots that would always grow back, until recently. I always knew that one day I would lose all my hair, and that day seams to be fastly approaching. I'm almost completly bald. I have hair only on the top of my head which, when its down you cant see anything. Hair extensions cove rthe bottom, if its not windy at all. I am in the process of looking for my first wig. My eyebrows are tatooed and my eyelashes are gone. I wear the sticky ones all the time.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?
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  • Ev

    Oh man!! thats bad! Ya I saw the add even on your page!! I dunno if it is here now! but they had eyelashes and eyebrows......
  • Drew

    Thanks for the comment on the writing. I think I suck but if you say different then alright, since I wrote that at almost 3am last night. I guess its just a way for me to vent and for me to feel like I fit in with all this because everyone's going through the same thing. And maybe it will show other people that are also knew to it that they aren't alone either.

    But thanks again and hopefully talk to you again sometime. Btw, your kids are really cute
  • Mandy

    Yeah! Literally I just woke up one morning with 2 bald spots! At first I kind of knew something was wrong but was in denial I guess. Then a couple days later 2 HUGE new spots. It was very scary at first, but I'm doing much better. :)
  • Jennifer

    That is so crazy! I would freak out, I kind of do anyways whenI still get new spots. I'm always like "what the Hell! " Do you ever wonder where the freaking hair goes? I never find a huge bundle of hair anywhere, It's just gone! I always have a lot in my brush, or in the shower, but not enough for a huge bald spot!
  • Mandy

    OMG yes! I don't know where the hair goes either! LOL. It just vanishes!
  • Katiebug

    Hey, how are you? I have a 2 year old little girl, I was looking for someone on here around my age with kids! I'm looking for some advice on how to explain this to my child... Well, I hope you feel like chatting! Let me know!
  • Tina

    You and your family are beautiful!! Wigs are the best things ever! You'll be really glad if you decide to buy one! :)
  • Tina

    no, not at don't have to be completely bald. I am not bald..never have been. I have patches all over, and I was tired of trying to hide them all the time. I just cut my hair really short (you don't have to though) and they can actually put a clip on the inside of the wig so when you put it on, you can secure it.
    That doesn't fly off from the wind or whatever. It's really great. You should go to a wig store and just try it out!
  • Drew

    NY is nice, I'm willing to bet the wig place is in NYC and I live about 5 and a half hours from there. But where I live is beautiful during the summer. And it kind of becomes a tourist trap, but thats ok. Hows everything going?
  • Daria

    Hey Jennifer. Your kids are too cute. I'm also a married stay at home mom with 3 kids (all girls) only mine are 3, 7, and 9. I also babysit for some of my neighbors to bring in a little income. I've had aa for the past 11 years and lost it all last year. Just got my eyebrows and eyeliner tattooed on last month. If you ever have any questions or want to talk, I'm here! Take care, Daria
  • Daria

    It was pretty slow. I've heard of people who lost it all over a weekend....I can't even imagine! It actually took several months and then it just got to the point where it looked so ridiculous that I had my husband shave off the rest. The brows went slowly too. I used to use a brow powder to fill them in....when I realized they would all be gone soon, I went and got them tattooed (which actually looks pretty natural).
  • Daria

    Well, it's hard to say. I guess it depends on how well you can cover it up, and how comfortable you are with the way it looks as of now. If you keep on losing, you might want to consider it. You can always get a less expensive one, and that way, if the hair grows back and/or stops falling out, you're not out a lot of money. The human hair ones are the nicest, but I got a synthetic one from Revlon's Simply Beautiful line and it's my favorite!!! Cost me less than $125 and I get compliments on "my hair" EVERY SINGLE TIME I wear it!!!! It's synthetic which means it won't last as long as human hair will, but at that price, I don't care. And I'm just real careful to brush it from the inside, not the outside -- to help prevent damage as long as possible. But it's sewn exactly the same as my $1000 wig and the Revlon Simply Beautiful line is designed specifically for medical hair loss so it's not as itchy as some fashion wigs can be. I bought it online from I did a lot of shopping around and this guy had the best selection, cheapest prices, and the wig was delivered within a week - free shipping! If you go to the website, scroll down to Simply Beautiful and see if you like anything. Mine is called "Encounter." Best of luck to you!!!
  • Emma

    you are right kids can be cruel. i had a saying that generally shut them up i suppose they didn't know what to say it went

    I might be bald but you're ugly and at least i know my hair will grow in but your face will never change.

    sometimes ignoring them just does not work, i am glad you have hair rowing in now and that you have found a product that works for you when i was losing my hair i used a product called couvren it is basically a thick cream in a variety of different shader that you apply to your scalp and it hides the thining.
  • Babe

    hey jennifer! just saying hey and your babies are precious and so adorable! :)
  • Drew

    I'm sure you'll be able to do it. I know what you mean about the back getting so bad. Mine has gotten even worse. I never see it, so once every few days I use two mirrors to look at it, and it's bad. I finally decided to order an electric shaver because it was cheaper online then in the stores, so I'm going bald probably tomorrow when I get it.

    But I couldn't imagine being in your shoes. I feel bad about how I complain about this when there are women like you that are losing their hair too, and yet they remain so strong. It may sound funny but people like you give me strength.

    I hope everything works out for you. Like you've realized theres some really good wigs out there, I can't get over how real some of them look. Good luck.
  • Daria

    Yay! I love those things....I just don't have anything to clip them onto these days! I bet they'll be perfect for you now, though. I'm happy for you! :)
  • Babe

    yep good ol' cali! :) what about you? whats your story?
  • jennifer

    Hi Jennifer, Did your hair come out worse after each baby or just with the last one? i am guessing just with the last one since you got prego again quickly each time. Most people I talk to say their alopecia either starts or gets worse after they have a baby. So did you get a wig yet? I just got a really cute one called Codi, made by Rene of Paris. Google lori's wigs, they have cute one on there. Jenn
  • Katiebug

    Hey, how are you? No, my daughter doesn't have it, I was diagnosed with aa about a year after I had her. It's so wierd how that happens... Well, hope to hear from you soon! - katie
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hi Jennifer,
    If you want to know a lot of good stuff about wigs and camoflaging spots, I have tons of experience with that. I wrote a book -- it's just out and it's called "If Your Hair Falls Out, Keep Dancing!" It's got a lot of info in it and it's fun to read! Go to my page to find out more, and there's a link at the bottom if you want to order...good luck with the pesky spots.
  • jennifer

    I never had AA before I went AU after I had our first and only child so far. I am at peace with it all now. It has taken me almost 2 years to get to this place though. I hope you are feeling ok about it all. I was a complete mess! i still miss my eyelashes sometimes. The only thing that really helps is time. If you are ever having a bad day, just zip me a message and we'll chat. ;)
  • Katiebug

    Hey! I think all the hormones that come along with having kids really can set this off... I would really like to have another child, and I don't want this to stop me! But it is very scary, although alot of people on here look really good in their wigs/hair pieces!
    So how do you explain this to your children? Right now my daughter doesn't even notice anything odd because she's 2, but I know I'll probably have to explain as she gets a little older. Well, hope to hear from you soon! - Katie
  • Mandy

    Yeah, it stinks. Getting more difficult these days to cover my spots with the ponytail. I use sooo much hairspray! LOL. Honestly...I'm just waiting for a new big spot to come along to make it impossible so that I don't feel guilty shaving my head.
  • Mandy

    Yeah I totally do want to shave it...I just don't really want to do that as long as I have enough hair to cover it by pulling into a ponytail. Just feels wrong. I mean...I can't have lost too much...maybe 20% of my hair? Seems wrong to just shave it all at this point. Still hoping for a miracle, I guess.
  • Babe

    oh no smog is never good! you have 3 little babies, must be a handful!! haha
  • Katiebug

    Hey! Yeah, I definitely feel the way you do.... I really would like more kids, and I hate that this is even making me think twice about it! I think my worst fear about the hair loss is that it will change people's perspective of me you know? And I definitely don't want to freak my friends or family out! Oh well... Well, it's good talking to you! Hope to hear from you soon...
  • Mandy

    Hi chica! Just dropping by to say hi!
  • Mandy

    LOL didn't see it yet. I've gotta watch the last season first according to my roommate. We're gonna do that this weekend so that I'm prepared to go see the movie. :)
  • Mandy

    Thanks for commenting my blog, too. :) I have heard many good things about the vacuum wigs and a lot of good things about freedom hair. I actually found a freedom hair rep that lives like 10 mins from me! So once I go the vacuum route I'm definitely going to her. However those wigs are like $6,000! And I don't have that kind of money. So for now I need to go to a store and check out cheaper wigs that still look good.
  • Drew

    Hey, haven't heard from ya in a while, how are you and how is the family?
  • Drew

    Thanks, it's been a change. I think I need some sun though because the bald head sticks out with it being so white. haha.

    Glad you're doing well, I go back to my cottage next week so it will be relaxing and I'm hoping the weather is still nice. Other than that I've just been busy with work, but it's money so I can't complain.
  • Mandy

    I do like the wig, but I'm so much more comfortable without it. I wore it to work last week, but decided to stop wearing it to work cuz it was just so hot and uncomfortable to wear for 11 hrs straight. So this week I'm going to just start wearing bandanas to work. How have you been?
  • Mandy

  • Mandy

    Hey darlin!
    The hair is fine...I hardly ever wear it though. I rock the bandana about 95% of the time. I do still wear the wig sometimes when I go out though. I'm sorry bout your lashes. :o( Wear eyeliner instead of messing with those annoying fake lashes. My friend has AT and she wears eyeliner and you can't even tell she has no eyelashes. And as for the eyebrows...I say GO FOR IT!! :o) If I lose my brows, I'm totally gonna tattoo them. My right eyebrow is slowly starting to creep away from we'll see!
  • Mandy

    Good luck hon. Just make sure whoever you go to has previous experience and see samples of her/his previous work.
  • Melissa Harris

    Hi there! Ok on the wigs, I will keep you updated, I went to try on some "regular wigs" synthetic, and I hated them. But, I know people who like them a lot, so I think you need to try them on yourself and you'll see what I mean. I'm looking into a few places on the net that sells wigs and I'll pass to you the sites that I thought were good. I haven't ordered anything yet. Ok, there's,,,, and Check them out and let me know what you think if you like. You lucky your in California, there's got to be good places there, look them up on the net! Some places will even help you with cutting your wig and application. Let me know if you find anything. One more thing, my doctor told me not to use extentions with clips on the hair because it's too damaging and you have to let you hair heal, so maybe you should get a wig better than the hair clips. The wig is ok because it's not pulling on your hair and they have medical caps (lace) so your hair can breathe better too. Look it up on some on the sites that I gave you and they explain a lot of it there. Wish you well. Take care!
  • Melissa Harris

    Hi Jenn,
    Forgot to mention, my friend got her eyebrows done too. They look good. She had to do them twice because the color didn't take on her so she wanted them darker. She did have some swelling and scabs for a few days but she said it was worth it. Post your picture after you do it! Blessings!
  • Drew

    Hey how are you? I sorta lost track of time this summer and unfortunately one of the things that got cut off the things I do was this site. Nothings too bigs changed for me, not that I cant handle. But I'll try to get on more and get caught up with everyone except I'm so busy with school, work, and coaching. But I really hope everything is going alright with you, keep your chin up...

  • Drew

    Jenn, how is everything... haven't talked to you in a while. Hows the family?
  • Drew

    Hey glad to hear you finally got them done... as far as tattoos go, give them a little time to heal (at least 10-14 days I've found) and also dont forget sunscreen in the future since UV light breaks up the color pigment (but I'm sure you've heard that). They look great from what I can see in the picture and I wouldn't even guess they were tattooed. Its gotta be nice not having to worry about always drawing them on and worrying about them rubbing off.

    Everything is going alright with me, just busy still but I guess thats life and I'll deal haha. Hope the family is doing well and everything else is good.
  • Mandy

    Hey chica thanks for the comment! How have you been? Haven't talked to you in forever! What's new?
  • Mandy

    Hey girl - I'm good. :) Just super duper busy with school and work. I miss home so much!!!
  • Nini

    Hi Jen,

    Just read about you and just wanted to share something with you and ask you something. I also did my eyebrows and it made a HUGE difference to me. About my eyelashes I do not do anything about them. Where do you get the fake ones and how do you put them on? I know that will help me alot.

    By the way, I also read your blog about the hair extensions, you do look great with them on. I have to wear a wig, and am very greatful we have them available, I have to get a new one, I ma starting to be the "ugly" one in the pictures and it is because of "my hair" it is indeed the frame of our face.

    I see my hair growing back and have faith in my Almighty God it will re-grow and if it doesn't I pray my faith grows stronger. God knows why things happen.

    Well just wanted to share that and hope to hear from you soon.

  • JeffreySF

    Hi Jennifer,

    Stopped in to say hello.

  • Lori D.

    Hi Jennifer,
    You have a beautiful family! I wish I had had my eyebrows tattooed way back when...I didn't have any eyelashes or eyebrows for years. They grew back when I was in my early twenties, I think it was. I have them both now, but haven't had a full head of hair since I was 8. I hope you're well.
  • SoCalMommy

    Hi Jennifer~
    Always nice to meet fellow SoCal mommies :0)
  • Karina

    Hi Jennifer!! You are very pretty and you have a nice family? I read your blog about hats.....I have telogen effluvium and I lost a lot of hair..It´s very hard for me to go out now....sometimes with a hat but I don´t want to tell people what ´s going on with my hair... How did U deal that?Dis somebody ask U about your hair and wearing hats?
  • Paddy Clarke

    Hello Jennifer ,Nice to hear from you keep hoping and pray to Padro Pio maybe you`ll get your hair back someday, but they say you can get used to anything in time....... Lots of love
  • Donna DeHoog

    Hey Jennifer! I am Donna! How are you? Wow three little ones...1,2 and 3 years old! Wow!!! I have a 3 and 5 year old....thought I was busy....hahahah! Hope to talk to you soon :)
  • Donna DeHoog

    Hey Jennifer! that a wig in your photos?? I have been really considering getting the tatooed eyebrows too but just scared to death. Are the false eyelashes difficult to put on? Thank you for the information!