

United Kingdom

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About Me:
Alopeica, well what can i say, yes it makes us all different but it makes us all special in our ways.
im sick and tired of people staring and making the stupid comments, and i understand that ill get them for the rest of my life, but there so old now it starts to annoy me!
I love my condition though, its made me the person i am today, ive got the worlds greatest family who support me with every thing i do, the best inspirational friends who guide and support me through everything. Im not saying its easy for people with the condition as its not it is hard, people that dont have the condition will never understand how hard it is to live like this, sometimes putting on a brave face when people stare at you, when all your thinking inside is im no different to you, i just have no hair? so please dont staring, its like theyve never seen anything like it before.
I have such a posative outlook on this condition, ive had no choice ive grown up with it and its my bestfriend, as i said before its made me the person i am today, it doesnt stop me from believing in my self and fullfiling my dreams! I hope if people read this that they will stop and think that they have the same right to enjoy their life as much as everyone else, ignore the people that have something to say, its them that are jelouse, as they have to start on someone elses life.
Please be proud of who you are and your all beautiful. ignore everyone else and just believe in yourself, trust me, if you believe in your self other people will start too!
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

Comment Wall:

  • Claudia

    hi kim thanks for the request
    yeah i just suscribe to alopecia world
    hope we can chat someday!
    take care
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hi Kimberley,
    You have a wonderful attitude!
    I just wanted to say hello.
  • rj, Co-founder

    Hi, Kimberley. Welcome to Alopecia World! This is a great place for great people, so be sure to make your positive presence known. :-) - rj, Co-founder
  • Cherylnz

    Hi Kimberley
    Welcome to Alopecia World
    You have a great positive attitude, good on you
  • Amanda

    when i read your abot me section i literally cried. ive been strugling soooo much latley with my condition. thank you so much. you literally changed my outview on all this. its my life,i dont have to please them.
    your beautiful.
  • Hayley Burton

    you look stunning in your prom dresses pic xxx
  • Nikki Mans

    i love ur prom dress
  • Jose Medina

    You're about me is very inspiring. Thank you very much. - the "new guy" to the alopecian world
  • Nezz

    Hey lovely, your about me is really insipiring :)
    Thank you :)
    Nezz xxx
  • Karina

    Ho Kimberley...I´m from Argentina much older than you and I´m still worried about how people react about this. I admire are really very brave and beautiful..
  • JenNy

    hey girl.. i'm doin aight.. not as well as you though.. ur terms of acceptance are there and in tact.. i'm still coming to terms with my situation/disease.. :P

    but you're right about people having it worse.. i feel like such a douche cuz i let it get me down so... well c'est la vie right>>?
  • Tracy and Amanda

    Hi Kimberley,
    How are you?
  • JeffreySF

    Hi Kim,

    How are things with you?
    All is good here.

  • alyssa

    your very strong.
  • alyssa

    oh well i love the idea of being bald... i would love to have more eyebrows and nose hair ( lol... i inhail everything). but i wouldnt be able to stand being the way i was before i shaved the rest off... i had no hair in the middle on hair, like a skunk, but instead of white, it was none. i wasnt able to deal with it like that.