

St Helens, near Liverpool

United Kingdom

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About Me:
Hi everyone, I'm Norm. I started losing my hair at 18, and it was gone by 24. At 22 I decided "what the L" and just shaved it all off. I've got MPB, or to be posh, Androgenetic Alopecia... AGA for short (which I suppose makes it the "cooking" type of baldness :) ). It's never bothered me - in fact I always really liked it - it's other people's reactions to it that fascinate me (which were pretty extreme back in the day). So if you'd like to chat about that - or anything, really! - say Hi and ramble on... :)
Do you have alopecia?
Male pattern baldness
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

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  • Robbi

    lol..well, at least I know who to consult when I'm trying to decipher English slang....:) I'll take dishy as a compliment then!
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hi Norm, The friend request was to keep an eye on you :) LOL!

    No, I couldn't believe that you weren't already a friend. Besides you TRULY crack me up! Keep it up!
  • Krissie

    Hey Norm, Just me, wonderin what u r up to. Krissie
  • JeffreySF

    Hey Norm,

    Stopped in to say hello.
    Btw I like your haircut.

  • JeffreySF

    Hey Norm,
    Thanks for willing to share the hair as well as your advice.
    I'll keep both under consideration. Lol

  • Gail

    Whenever I get sad about you-know-who, I go back and read your post response and it makes it feel better.
  • De'Andrea Freeman

    Hi Norm and thanks for the compliment....I too think that I look better bald, at least I feel better bald! But I didn't take the pics of myself, I had another person whom I had taught. He's gotten a lot of KUDOS since then!
  • De'Andrea Freeman

    LOL!! Norm that's one piece that won't fit in my purse!! LOL!!
  • De'Andrea Freeman

    I'm so honored to be your friend!!! Thanks Norm!
  • amy

    lol thanks i appreciate you caring and i really like this site it does make me feel so much better :)
  • Emma Sandell

    hey daddy norm
    hows things?? just got back from a week in lincoln where the weather was shocking grrr.
    now i am the proud owner of a nasty chesty cough. still no man on the scene but hey im out on the town on friday so who knows lol
  • Emma Sandell

    i was visiting a friend and her family. we went to a place called belton house a victorian thing i think lol it had a massive adventure play area so katie was happy lol.
    i think your right my chest my need looking at lol
  • Emma Sandell

    im sure you would lol xxxxxxxxxx
  • De'Andrea Freeman

    You're too funny Norm!!! Remember I've got the grand kids to prove it!! LOL!
  • Tracey Tiznor

    Norm, its so hot in S.B. I have to let the top down....(If you know what I mean ) ;-)
  • Gail

    39 again. You brat.
  • Gail

    I'd come back with a smart-arse comment, but it's late and I'm tired, so it will have to wait. When you least expect it.....
  • Laurie Price

    Or start a fire that could burn your house down! I am now the same age as the year I was born. Crazy, if I really would have thought I would have lived this long I would have taken much better care of the younger me!!!:)
  • Tallgirl

    Thanks for making me think. And laugh. Don't stop!
  • Kaz

    Hi, thanks heaps. Yeah, it can be super overwhelming at times, but family and this awesome website seem to make it abit easier!! Hope you're having a great week!!
  • Galvin

    NORM....Read they are selling Sherwood nothing sacred?
  • MiNAH

  • Gail

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY, NORM!!!! What? 39 again?? hahahahhahah
  • Petra

    ooohhhh How scary having a birthday on Halloween, especially at your age. :-) HA HA HA
    Happy Birthday Norm, hope you are celebrating it in style.
  • Gail

    Who ya calling "old???!!!" It's just a number anyway, and I feel about .... 32!
  • is your one stop myspace resource is your one stop myspace resource

    Happy B-day, Norm!! Have a blast! :)
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Animated Happy Birthday Pictures, Images and Photos
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    LOL! I hear you! I think I am going to start lying about my age and tell everyone that I am 10 years older! That way I get the, jaw dropping "No way" response. ;). I truly hope you enjoyed your day and know that you are loved!
  • Petra

    So, you really are a devil :-)
  • Diana Carter

    Ha ha Norm. I knew you were a character!! Actually, hubby has been great. He listens, and I Thanks for adding me...though I stalked you first..hope you don't mind..I read everything on here I can..and I've seen enough of you....well, I suppose that is coming out wrong..oh my...I like your comments :) Glad we can be friends..Sorry it's late, and I am tired...haha...that's my excuse, and I am sticking to is 2:50 am right now..whew! Think I will end with this one, and call it a night. Very nice to meet you Norm!
  • Angie P

    Noooorrrmmm!! Yeah, I'm a shrimp. Only 5'4". Butterah, I suppose I could just lower the tripod. There's a thought.

    Thanks for the add.
  • Sarah Eisenhardt

    I was laughing at you saying to your friends that you are a lesbian trapped in a mans body
  • Angie P

    Norm! New pic is up. I tried to spare you the horror. But, oh well, what has been seen cannot be unseen! Bwahahahahaaaa!!!
  • Lizzie

    Thank You Norm! How could I ever replace that old black cardie, nope it has pride of place in my uni halls wardrobe ;) Hope your doing well :)
    Take Care,
    Liz xxx
  • susan williams

    the comments were well deserved, not ready for Cardiff yet (may try Tesco tomorrow lol)...but i will get there thanks to your steps yet :)
  • susan williams

    you deserve it :)
  • MiNAH

    Norm...I MiSSSSS You Friend... we got to talk soon!!!
  • Angie

    What a cool dude, I'm glad we're are friends. Thank you.
  • Angie

    Ty Norm, yes I know what u mean. Got to love him!
  • Leah England

    Norm, you're SOOO right. I have to say, I have told myself this 1000 times since last fall, and I KNOW it to be true (it strikes this cord in my soul) but Im fighting my emotions so much, i can't seem to hold onto that for very long at a time yet. Maybe because I'm so constantly distracted with the physical discomfort, that seems to be what my brain notices a few times every few minutes. I think THAT is maybe what I should do, Norm, what do you think? Find a chronic pain group and talk to them about how they manage to look past the proverbial "bat in the face" that so constantly tap tap taps away.! I have heard about mental training to that degree, it can be done, can't it? It doesnt seem that alopecia world is really geared for or with people who live with such pain; I thought it was Alopecia that causes all of this pain in my scalp, but the more I read, the more rare it seems here. The torment I guess that I go through is whether or not to add to the pain with more painful treatments. Im only so frustrated because no where are there any results here nor there to judge anything by. It's like having to choose where to live with no knowledge of the place, or any other places, or any research to go by or anyone to ask, but still you must choose not knowing if it will harm you or better you. I hope that I can come to the level of acceptance that you have found, Norm. I'm VERY willing to listen and learn how you got to where you are.... Maybe it's so new to me still- the shock of the loss, but mostly the pain. the pain stops me, and my thoughts. Any experience to share with me here? I welcome it, that's why I'm here. :o) ..
  • Angie

    Thank you Norm! I'm going have a ball today. No dancing! had spinal sugery in Aug.
  • Leah England

    Thanks, Norm!!! I'm a bit stuck in my somewhat new (and young-girl-inspired) emotions, but I really am not a complainer by nature- although sometimes I really do need to just YELL it out and Cry too, SUCH AN ANNOYING side effect of being female, I really do get tired of myself at times, but ALWAYS - ALWAYS! looking for experience, learning, growth, and betterment. I believe in growth and strength, ...I just get tired, lay and cry time to time. I have shame over it too, being the strongheaded (redheaded) stubborn type, but with this experience of AA I am trying to allow myself to feel bad without guilt- if anything- to get through it faster by not ignoring it. Anway, my schedule is also terrible, so no worries- hear from you when I can, and read you when I can, and Norm..THANK YOU. :o)
  • Gail

    Hi Norm! Long time, no talk! Hope all is well with you!
  • T.J.R.

    I've read quite a few of your comments on this site and I just wanted to say YOU ROCK! I love your sense of humor and how you make me feel better by what you say to others. You are a sexy beast! Thanks for uplifting us all! Oh yeah by the way, very cool pictures.
  • Angie

    Hey Buddy!

    I had a great day, did some shopping , went out to eat, more shopping. The family made dinner at home for me. Happyyyyy, cause this girl is tried.
  • Gail

    Yeah, I'm full of advice - haha. Job front, I start a rehabilitation tech job for a veterinarian next month. Will work with dogs in a clinic that does physical therapy, acupuncture, and chiropractic. We will also do nutrition and weight management. This has been in the works for a while, I just haven't been able to start because the facility is being built and won't open until mid-February.
    On the man front, that's for me to know and you to find out! Ha!
  • Gail

    Alas, no one special, but starting to test the waters a bit. Got to get my head screwed on straight before I venture out into the relationship thing again.... I suppose I'll just have to keep you guessing!
  • Gail

    My tough outer shell covers a soft and sweet center. Kinda like M & M candy!
  • Alison

    Hi Norm. Thanks for the Birthday wish. When is yours?
  • Alison

    LOL .. do you have a preference for plastic or sweet ? I dont think I will be meeting a real vampire anytime soon :)