
, Female


United States

Profile Information:

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About Me:
I am 34 years old, married to a wonderful man and have 3 beautiful children, with a 4th on the way--due end of April 2009.

I found out I had AA at age 14. The loss has been up and down: age 14-21 AA (spots that could be covered), age 22-23 AT, age 24-31 minor AA (just a few spots), 2006-present AU.

I never thought I would say this, but I am truly grateful that I have AA because it has pushed me and stretched me and made me so much stronger. I am more confident in myself now than I have ever been because I finally realize that the true me does not reside in my hair or any other part of my appearance. The true me is the soul that lives within. Letting go of the world's perceptions of beauty, a mold that so few fit, and accepting myself for who I am as a person has made me so happy. I no longer envy others the way I did (with and with out hair). I know that I am beautiful and it does not come from what I see in the mirror, it comes from within. It has been a long climb getting here, and I still have a long way to go, but it is sure a magnificent view!
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia totalis
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older
Your Website (Leave blank if you don't have one):

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  • jennifer

    so how old are your children? the reason i am asking is because i lost all my hair after i had our first child. i think i started losing it around 4 or 5 months after he was born. i believe my pregnancy triggered my alopecia since i never had alopecia before in my life. i think hormones played a role in m y case. anyway, i think it's wild that your hair came back with each pregnancy. and then it got patchy and then came back again. did you ever do any treatments when it got patchy? you asked how i was accepting it, i have accepted it now. but i fear i may regrow it if i get pregnant and then lose it again and experience the depression all over again. have you known anyone who had regrowth during pregnancy and then it stayed?
  • jennifer

    yes, i think we want to get prego soon. our son is 21 months and he keeps us very busy. but i think he needs a sibling. i think just one more. i am not sure i could handle anymore! ;) so have did you do any treatments ever? or just let nature take over? by the way, i love the last pic you have. who is that in the pic with you? so moving that photo is!
  • jennifer

    my computer is getting ready to run out. i will write you tomorrow. but i have the same wig as you! :) the short one in your first pick, but mine has bangs. the katie holms look. ;)
  • jennifer

    Wow! you have been through alot! i understand why now you are not interested in seeking any kind of treatment. You seem like you are a very strong person. your story inspires me and gives me strength!

    i hope to keep in touch with you and maybe one day we could meet? where do you live again?
  • Jenn

    Yea! It is a great site, I am happy to be a part of awareness and association. Your pics are great! I am happy to see that you found some wigs that you like. What kind is the short bob? Way cute!! I loved the pic with your dad and that you have necklaces that match your scarves.
  • Jenn

    All mine are synthetic. They hold up great and are way easy to take care of.
  • Jenn

    Lots of places. I have been to Robert's for quite a few and, I agree, the owner is an angel! I just read your blog (I feel kind of like a vouyer), how wonderful. I downloaded the song, about not being defined by my hair. What an inspiration! I will get some pics of me in my various head dresses and of my family.
  • gerald

    You are gorgeous!
    I love your look in a feminine headscarf, or your bald look, with earrings!
    My wife is also bald and beautiful with alopecia universalis. I like her in her headscarves and her bald look.
    To me, women are often more beautiful bald than with hair. You can really see an attractive lady's feminine features when she is bald.
  • Salmezan

    Hi Shannon, you are gorgeous yourself. I think you look better bald then with a wig on. Don't you just hate it when people think the reason you don't have hair on your head is cos you are undergoing chemo? Do you have AA or AU?

    By the way, your children are beautiful!~
  • Kate

    Wow Shannon, you look amazing! I am just starting to get used to being bald or with wig, as back in January I had a full head of my own hair...and by March I had AU! Ooops!
    You are so pretty though and you have such lovely children - gorgeous family! Hope to be like you someday but the wig wearing and bladness does take a wee bit of gettign used to! I'm enjoying it though! I have spend many summer in Utah - downhill moutain biking with my Dad! Love it! xxx
  • Zoey

    You are soo beautiful!!!!
    I love your pictures!!!

  • François

    Wow !
    What a beautiful woman you are & you look so healthy.

  • Salmezan

    Well good on ya for having your eyebrows and lashes! You're really lucky to have them back. I have to draw my eyebrows everyday and check on them now and then to see if it fades. A bit tedious if u ask me but what to do :)

    I get my scarves here in Brunei, we have loads! Plus they are really cheap here. I used to buy them at Tie Rack (whenever I go overseas) I'm not sure if you have it in the states though. I used to buy mine at London, Kuala Lumpur and Montreal, Canada.
  • Salmezan

    I thought about it, but only old chinese women tattoo their eyebrows here and they don't look very nice lol. After a while drawing eyebrows have become quite an art for me, but sometimes like bad hair days you tend to get bad eyebrow days too!
  • Salmezan

    Thanks! I try ;)
  • Kate

    No my Mum and Dad are both from the UK and are still here, but we used to holiday a lot in the US. I remember when we came to Utah actually, the security guy at border control thought we were a kind of strange family coming all that way just for some really good mountain biking!! We had a great time though, well worth it!
    I do feel very lucky that I have managed to come to terms with it really fast. I thought maybe I was kidding myself and was worried that I wasn't worried about my hair enough! But I did have a few days when I just could not stop crying as it all seemed so alien. But I got lots of cuddles and figured that things could be worse.
    Now I really love my head and my hair, though I am not confident enough to show anyone my bald head yet other than family and my two best friends, who are as good as family anyway! I also think that I am not aiming to be able to go blad. I am not hiding away, I just feel better when I have my hair on - just like wearing make up really.
    Anyway, hope you are all having a great weekend! x
  • François

    Hi again Shannon,
    Yes you saw my 14 year old daughter & my 9 year old son.
    Thanks for the good words they are really appreciated...

  • Katiebug

    Hey! I'm doing pretty good, how are you? I never had aa until about 10 months after I had my baby but I think all the hormonal changes was what set it off. It makes me a little nervous to have another one but I really want another baby so I try not to let that affect my decision! Well, I hope you're doing well, you look so beautiful in all your pictures!
    The hardest part of this whole thing is not knowing, and I think the in between stage is the hardest, but it seems like people adjust really well once they come out on the other side of this. I have to admit I get pretty upset sometimes still, but I try to focus on the positive things in my life!
    Well, hope to hear from you soon!

    Oh by the way, my daughter is 2 and I was just wondering if you had any advice on how to explain this to her. I never want it to freak her out or think I'm not normal or something. Thanks again! - Katie
  • Julia

    Wanted to stop by to say hello since I was on here...

    Everything is on track!!!

    Take Care!
  • Billie

    Hi! Stopping by to say hello and let you know I went to your blogger page. I have enjoyed reading thru Perla's parlor!
    Thanks for sharing the link. You have a beautiful family whom I will bet have alot of fun! Nice to meet such an inspiring person!
  • Lori D.

    Hello Shannon! I'm still figuring it all out...but it looks great. Everyone is so positive! Personally, I can never get enough of that kind of thing. I hope you are enjoying the summer. We're leaving early Saturday morning for Moosehead Lake in Maine...(and yes, there are MANY moose!). take care,
  • Lori D.

    Hey girlfriend! I finally left some pics so you can put a face to "Lori D." I hope you are enjoying the summer so far.
  • Lori D.

    Thank you Shannon! Such nice comments.... Maybe someday we can really hang in person even. We had a great time in much wildlife; we saved a baby raccoon and watched baby robins from just after being hatched to flying off on their own...and then of course there were moose, deer, horses, loons, mink, so many animals. It was a great dose of mother nature that always leaves me feeling good inside, you know? We came back to humidity, ick!!! I hope everyone is well on your end. take care, Lori
  • Diane

    Bonjour Shannon,
    I just went to your website and read your post about 'Coming to America' and 'A Special Connection'.... I have tears in my eyes... Building a family through adoption is sometimes (always I shall say!!) very hard but the joy we have after!! :)))
    Again, congratulation for your familly!
    Pround of mom of 2 daughters from China
  • Diane

    Hi Shannon,
    I don't mink you asking me question: you are from the 'big' coalition of adoptive-parents and you are an alopecian ;-) )
    My girls are both from Gansu, a province in the Northern-West part of China, on the Silk Road. If you want more details about adoption in China, do not hesitate to e-mail me: even if I'm from Canada, all the procedures are the same in China, no matter where you are from and I have a lot links to interesting web site about it.
  • Jessica

    Hi Shannon thank for accepting me as a friend. love your picks you look great!!! I too have 3 kids 2 girls and a boy like you.

    hope to chat with you soon.

  • Jessica

    Hi Shannon,
    Wow you've really been through the ringer with the hair ups and downs. I've had total regrowth aside of a couple of spots but still you never know what will happen. So I don't get too excited. I do enjoy everyday with my own hair but actually after seeing so many beautiful people living with AU wig or no wig really gave peace with it. I too have much more to chat about but will email later because Aiden is up from his nap.

  • Jessica

    Wow!! It looks like real hair. I actually got a real hair wig and I really don't like it at all the texture is not the same as mine was. Looked really bad on me so didn't wear it much. The email address on my page to myspace has a picture of what I looked like before the AA started. Then on my friends list my friend Jenn has a picture of me after I shaved my head with the regrowth so you can put a pic with a face think it's on page on her last pic page. So did your wig come with a style or do you have to get it cut? Also where do you find such pretty head covers.

  • Jessica

    Thanks this a picture from back in January 2 days after may 30th b-day maybe one of the only ones I've got. I've never been a picture person even with hair. You look beautiful with and with out hair my oldest daughter was next to me when i was writing you once and she said mommy she is really pretty.
    I've been getting shots now for gosh 10 months had complete regrowth but around April i didn't go in for shots for about 10 wks and that's when it started to fall out again in spots. I'm really not sure if I should keep getting them if it's just gonna fall out again.
    Who knows I may not even had that choice to make anymore seeing that they're not working that great anymore and now my eyebrows are thinning and female hair has started to fall out. Guess that last one isn't all that bad.
    I would love to know of to make the head covers they are really pretty. It's very cool how you have them in colors to go with your clothes.
    I to will go with a synthetic wig next time like i said before the real hair one was so much money thought it was gonna be like my own hair but didn't like it at all. Rene of Paris seems to be a very popular brand. Do they get very hot in the summer guess thats a dumb question? Have you ever used a Vacuum wig wonder how they feel? Guess thats what I'm most scared of getting used to having something on my head and looking silly in a wig that looks really wiggy. Your wigs really look great and so real. I really don't want to sound creepy but you've really made an impact on me. Just seeing you your beauty and confidence really come out in your pictures. It really gives me peace that if I go AU that maybe I will get to the same place your at with myself.
  • Samantha

    Ummmm you look amazing w/ no hair!
  • Samantha

    I know! It's great to be able to shower and go! I actually just had my follow up appointment today for eyebrows and eyeliner. Having them done made me feel whole again. And, I too, am getting a lot of regrowth in my eyebrows. Very excited! My hair is also growing back in places that I had lost it...but I still remain hairless everywhere else (but who's complaining about that).
    BTW...I was reading on one of your webpages that someone said they "hated" your son's mohawk...makes him look like a gangbanger???....Mohawks rock and if I ever have to shave my head I'm starting w/ a bright pink mohawk! And I work w/ gangbangers everyday and not one has a mohawk.
  • CSue

    I really enjoyed your photos. Love the blue scarf. I haven't mastered the "art" of wearing scarves yet. Anyway, lovely photos.
  • rj, Co-founder

    Hi, Shannon. I believe I just read an article about you wanting to help others cope with alopecia, if indeed you are the same Shannon mentioned in this article. Either way, I'm grateful that you are a member of Alopecia World and certainly wish you great joy and good success in your endeavors. :-)
  • Jessica

    Hey Shannon,

    Hope all is well.

  • Jenn

    Hi Shannon,
    Yes!!!! it's a wig....I love it....just me and my dad have Alopecia....thank you for adding me.....take care
  • jamie1

    Shannon, I love the photo of you and your dad. Does he have alopecia or does he shave? Either way, what beautiful parent/child bonding!
  • Jessica

    HI just wanted to stop by and say hi.

    hope all is going well. and wanted to tell you i added more pic's of my kids and wanted to share them with you.

  • CSue

  • Daria

    Hey girlie. Just wanted to let you know I just got a copy of Julia's book and I really liked your essay. As usual, your pics are stunning, too! You should be very proud of yourself.....I am (and of me, too!!)
  • Jenn

    Shannon, good to hear from you! My little family is doing well, we are super busy but very good. Just completed our 4th grade science fair entry (tons of work) and our family is still intact. That says something! Been writing my little brother, the one with alopecia, who is serving a mission and loving it. How is your family and your health? I think of you often.

  • Jenn

    Shannon, A baby? Congrats! How wonderful. Nothing is more exciting than bringing a new little one into this world.
    I love the charicature. Your friend did a beautiful job. Looks just like you.

  • Jenn

    Oh, I forgot. My brother is in Oregon.
    I miss him horribly, but he is super happy.
  • Kathy

    Shannon, Thank you for adding me as a friend. When I found Alopecia World last year, I read your profile and you were such an inspiration to me. You are beautiful in and out! I finally shaved my head in August and I have to admit it, I finally felt free of worry about my hair. It has been a journey of self-acceptance and I am just beginning compared to others.
    I admire your love of life and positive outlook.
  • Natalie

    Shannon- Thank you for your kind comments! Your family is so cute and I absolutely love the picture of you and your father! Your alopecia history sounds identical to mine: I started noticing spots at 14 and only recently at the age of 22 has my hair reallllly starting coming out. It has been such a crazy ride so far, especially making the decision to shave it all off. I can no longer go about my daily activities without constantly worrying about my spots showing (like going for a swim, going out on a windy day, wearing my hair down) so I have decided that it's time for me to take back some control and no longer let alopecia make all the decisions in my life. I'm getting my first full lace real human hair wig on Saturday, and to say that I'm excited is an understatement! I have a consultation with a Freedom wig lady on Friday and will be shaving my head then, so I am really ready to start fresh! It is really uplifting to see how confident you are (with or without hair) and I hope that I can exude that confidence as well. I have one quick question for you: where do you find all of your head scarves? Do you buy them online or at a department store? I feel so silly asking, but I honestly cannot for the life of me figure out where to find them! Thanks so much and talk to you soon.
  • Natalie

    Hi Shannon! Yes I am so excited to do the shave and get the lace wig! My entire family will be with me for the "big shave" but I just hope that my Mom can keep it together and not get too emotional (she has been kind of upset about the whole shaving business, but still supportive). I have also recently told my closest friends about my bald decision, and not only were they supportive and happy, but they said that they love the idea that I can wear whatever hair (or scarf or hat or nothing at all!) I want and have so many options! I suppose I never thought of it that way, but I'm starting to think I will have a lot of fun with it and wear lots of different looks.

    I looked on your blog and saw the pictures of you new baby- he is soooo adorable :) I love little kids but I always get nervous around babies because i feel like I am going to break them! I'm sure that once I am a mother I will be fine, though. That is great to hear that your hair is growing back. I will definitely send positive energy and thoughts your way to help the hair keep growing :)

    I would loooove one of your homemade scarves! I'm sure that you are plenty busy though with your kiddies, so in the meantime I think I may copy your idea and buy my own fabric in a homemade scarf attempt! What a great idea! I have another quick question for you: when your hair falls out, do you get an itching/burning sensation on your scalp? And if you do, does that go away once you shave your hair? Because my scalp is so irritated and painful right now that I cannot wait to get rid of it! I'm must hoping that the sensation goes away once I shave it off......

    Thanks again and all the best wishes for your new hair and your new baby :)
  • Natalie

    Hi Shannon! Yes, it feels amazing to have it all shaved off! Thank you for all your advice and support :) My lace wig is real human hair, so it feels and looks like how my hair was a few years ago before the alopecia really got bad. I love how many options I have now: when I'm in a mood to be a little edgy/chic then I go bald- I've gotten only compliments so far! When I'm dressing up and bald isn't quite as appropriate, then I opt for a scarf- they are so much fun! And when I'm in a mood to be bubbly, then I go for my wig! All of my options are great. This is the happiest I have been in a very long time- it is such a good feeling. And the pain on my scalp has definitely subsided; it still hurts once in a while, but nothing like how it did before the shave. Is it spring yet in Utah? We just got tons of rain this past week, so hopefully everything will turn green soon and some flowers will pop up! I'm ready for summer! Talk to you soon, Natalie
  • Tracy and Amanda

    Hi Shannon,
    How are you?
  • Mary

    Hi Shannon,

    I'm doing fine - getting ready for a gig with my band in LA this weekend...I'm a drummer as you can see from my photos. I think I'll make my bald debut in LA. Up to now I've worn a scarf there since I lost my hair.

    Have a great weekend!
  • MiNAH

    Hello pretty girl...just love that picture with your dad!
    As you must have seen my one with my mom...who has Dementia.
    I was there with her in Australia, and returning to the USA has been a great loss.
    Yet, I'm glad to have taken a photo with her.
    Check out the new group my son is putting out, although this is a club/dancing techno version...a lil' bit different than the original listening version.
  • Sweet Mary HiLL

    i've seen that smiLe...somewhere before... :]