April & Alyssa
  • Female
  • Jackson, Michigan
  • United States
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  • Nicole O'Brien-Dupye
  • Raychelle
  • Tracy Hild.
  • Misty Boggs
  • Jose L. Sanchez
  • Laura
  • Paula Bowman
  • Jade J'adore
  • Merari's Page
  • sharon
  • gabe inostroza
  • Jasmine and mommy
  • Frank
  • Carmen Dayhoff
  • abby lawson

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God only makes a few perfect heads;he covers the rest with hair!

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About Me:

My name is April and I have 4 children. My little girl has had Alopecia since she was 1. She has no eyebrows, eyelashes or hair. She has little white hairs around her mouth and ears and that is about it. She is a outgoing little girl, very full of energy and loves everyone, however,she does sometimes get starred at, and comments made, mostley by adults which you think they would know better.. :o) I am so glad I found this.. because I thought alyssa was alone out there:O) and I see that she is not.. :o)
Do you have alopecia?
Parent or guardian of child with alopecia
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

My photos

I put the most recent on here of Alyssa. The one says date stamped 1-1-04.. that was taken on 7-21-08 :o) .. Then there is a pic of her and her siblings..

Alyssa is a great little girl.. I took her to U of M and that is when they told me what she had and that there is a 2% chance that she will ever grow her hair. She is a funny little girl. She makes me smile and laugh. When I first found out that she had this, I was devastated. I cried for days.. But as she has gotten older, it's alyssa :o) She knows she doesn't have hair, she told me the other day that she dont want any because it would make her sweat.. but she says "fweat" lOL.. She starts kindergarten next school year.. 2009-2010 so I am hoping she will have a wig or what not by then.. :o)Or I may opt out and let her be her!:o)

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April & Alyssa's Blog

Wig or not to Wig

Posted on October 5, 2008 at 8:29pm 2 Comments

Well, I have been talking with alyssa latley about maybe getting her a wig.. She wants one some days.. other days she doesnt want one.. she says if she had hair it would make her "FWEAT" lol..

I think she has been acting out a little bit towards her baby sister allison. She watches me comb her hair after a bath and pull it up in a pony tail holder and I see her little face and she gets that look like.. "what about me" .. it breaks my heart and latley she has been pulling hair ..… Continue

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At 1:15am on August 1, 2012, Cheryl, Co-founder said…

Hi, Alopecians in Michigan will celebrate International Alopecia Day with a late lunch at T.G.I Fridays in Livonia. We will be meeting at 3 PM on August 4th.
Come for lunch, come for dinner, come for an appetizer or just come for coffee and dessert!
Let's Meet!
T.G.I Fridays
20120 Haggerty Road
Livonia, MI 48152-1087

Please RSVP below so that we can make reservations if needed.


Thanks and we really look forward to meeting you!

PS: Please note that this is a dutch treat and everyone is responsible for their own bill!



At 11:22am on September 19, 2011, Sarah Eisenhardt said…
At 8:24pm on July 28, 2011, Cheryl, Co-founder said…
Hi April, Alopecians in Michigan will celebrate International Alopecia Day (August 6th, 2011) with a late lunch at T.G.I Fridays in Livonia. We will be meeting at 3 PM.

Come for lunch, come for dinner, come for an appetizer or just come for coffee and dessert!

We want to meet you!

T.G.I Fridays
20120 Haggerty Road
Livonia, MI 48152-1087
(734) 464-8443

Please RSVP on the Events page:

http://www.alopeciaworld.com/events/international-alopecia-day-det, so that we can make reservations if needed.

Thanks and we really look forward to meeting you!

TGI Fridays has been kind enough to offer our group a 10% discount on the meals.

PS: Please note that this is a dutch treat and everyone is responsible for their own bill!
At 2:40pm on November 24, 2009, Mallory Crowner said…
I see that you're from the Jackson area. I have a petition filled out to present to Mark Schauer...I believe we share him as a congressmen. ;o) Would you be interested in collecting signatures and going with me to present them to him? We are hoping to get Mark Schauer to co-sponsor HR1142 (bipartisan bill in the US House that would make it easier for a person with AA to get medical coverage for a wig). Let me know if you're interested in doing this!! Thanks so much. ;o)
At 9:18am on October 30, 2009, Mallory Crowner said…
Hi there..my name is Mallory and I'm from Michigan. Just looking for some others with AA around the state. ;o)
At 9:04am on June 16, 2009, Jamie said…
Hi April, My name is Jamie. I also have a daughter that will turn 6 tomorrow. Zoe started kindergarten last year. This is coming from an experienced mother. if she is comfortable then dont make her wear a wig. she will be more embarassed and ashamed if something happens at school and it falls off. My daughter wears colorful bandanas to school. They all know she lost her hair and why. The teacher asked me if it was ok for her to take it off. I said yes if she is comfortable. The 2nd day of school she took it off and Zoe herself educated her friends about Alopecia. I have spoken to Zoe about Alopecia so she is very edcuated herself. So if someone says something she can tell others. I was a worried and concerned mother. But when I look at my beautiful bald beauty She is no different than any other child in the world. Actually I think she is the lucky one. She will never have to shave her legs, her arms, bikini lines. When school dances and things like that comes up she can do anything she wants. So my opinion for you is to tell your daughter everything she needs to know about it. Let her go as she is. She is a beautiful little girl. She already looks brave to handle all. Good luck Alyssa with kindergarten may God bless you everyday.
At 2:59pm on April 23, 2009, Jose L. Sanchez said…
Thank u for letting me meet such a precious little girl... God Bless :0)
At 12:09pm on December 14, 2008, sharon said…
your daughter is lovely xxits hard and i know how i would feel if it was my child i have been bald since 7 and now 45 some times it is easier if it happens young u get so used to have n no hair or wearing a wig u forget or i do that every body is not the same kids are so adaptable i did every thing when i was a child i wore a wig from the start thats what i wanted an i chose a long long farrah fawcett one lol my mum could not change my mind obviously every one knew it was a wig . i wnt swimming in it just pulled it tight down over my ears like a hat lol i found u can swim under water and dive in head first but the hard bit was come n up again the wig would come off i also was a fast runner so again wig down over ears like a hat and the same with gymnastics ther will be hard times and sad times but u all will get through it my mum told me it doesn matter what any one thinks of u as long as your family and friends love you the rest can go to hell x i was forever getting into trouble or my mum when i was a child i would stare back or ask if the wanted to take a picture lol
At 12:20pm on December 4, 2008, Merari's Page said…
Hi April and Alyssa thank you for becoming our new friend on Merari's Page. Merari is from Lansing MI, kinda close to Jackson. Just like you April we felt Merari was alone,til we found this site, so far it has been a great experience for my family. Alyssa is very cute!! We hope to keep intouch with you guys.

God Bless
At 10:52am on December 4, 2008, Jade J'adore said…
I will reply back via myspace email!



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