Started this discussion. Last reply by Jane Lucinda Mar 8, 2013. 7 Replies 0 Likes
Its like without hair my skin has gotten so much greasier. I'm not really getting zits. I'm getting bumps all over my face blackheads and comedones. On my cheeks, chin and in little clusters under my…Continue
Sheena Tha Cody has not received any gifts yet
Posted on September 5, 2014 at 1:30am 3 Comments 1 Like
So I'm at work and a haircut walks through the door. It's my turn and I go up front to greet them and take down there name and the women says to me, "Do you do little boys haircuts." I say back, "Yes, what's his name." So that I can write it down. She looks me right in the face and says, "I will wait for the next stylist. I think you might scare him." My manager went into protection mode to stand up for me. She asked, "What about her do you think he would be scared of?Her bald head?" The…
ContinuePosted on April 9, 2013 at 10:00pm 7 Comments 0 Likes
Today I signed up for a gym membership and the only reason Im saying anything about it is because something funny happened. I was changing directions of the machine to do the other side of my body and this guy comes running over to help me. I had it under control and he said to me "How long have you been fighting the good fight." It took me a couple of seconds to figure out he thought I had Cancer. I responded but saying I don't have Cancer it's Alopecia and it fell out about a year and a…
ContinuePosted on April 9, 2013 at 10:00pm 1 Comment 2 Likes
Changes are part of life. Instead of fighting it, embrace it. Sometimes, it can be the best thing that ever happened. Just breathe, and keep moving forward.
Posted on November 9, 2012 at 6:30pm 7 Comments 0 Likes
Today at work it was my turn next for a haircut. So i walked up to the desk and Lindsey said, "OK mam your going to be with Sheena today." Before i could say, "ok come on back." The women looked at Lindsey and said," i would rather her not. in a very rude and disgusted tone." I have never cut this women's hair before or met her for that matter. I honestly think she didn't want me cutting her hair
because I'm bald. Like she was afraid she was going to catch it or something. The thing…
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Sheena, How's it going? If you have a big pic like the one in your profile photo. I'd appreciate it as a screensaver as you look beyond amazing - a genius alien, far superior to earth women! I promise that I'm not dangerous. Mad - possibly. Dangerous - only if invited. Ivan
E: sanderslongdrive@yahoo.com
Welcome to the Hair is Overated group.
God bless,
I think I would be more trusting in a hairdresser without hair! To someone without it, it is that much more important and precious. I just went to a wonderful salon for a consult a few days ago where they work with people who have hair, those who don't, and everyone in between. What I really liked about the woman I worked with was she wore a hair topper and popped it off to show me what it was like right at the beginning of the appointment! Before she did that, I had no idea her hair was not her own so it only made me more confident in their work. You are super gorgeous and don't need hair for that. I hope to be the same way!
"how much trust would you have in a hairdresser with no hair".. One could think that if you don't have your own, you would be (hmm.. trying to find the correct english word) picky.. Accurate.. Careful..? when doing someones elses..
Hi and welcome to the Head Adornment Group! I LOVE your henna tattoos. I've been wanting to try it, but I've been nervous about it. Last year I was at a music/dance camp and someone was doing henna on hands but they refused to try it on my head because they were worried it might not be healthy. Cheers! Mary
That is a wonderful memory!
Oh, I didn't mean to make you homesick...but it's such a great video of Portland, isn't it! Where did your uncle live? I also live on a hill and have a view of the city.
Here's a fabulous 2 minute video of Portland done in March and April!
Wow, you used to be an Oregonian! Do you miss Portland? I have never been to Oklahoma, but of course I loved the musical!
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