Michelle's Blog – July 2011 Archive (4)

The trials and tribulations of an alopecian

Ok.... so when I first started to accept that I was losing my hair and it was not going to come back, I thought, well at least wearing wigs and scarves will be easier to maintain. Boy was I wrong!!! I thought that I could just slap on any kind of wig and go. There is human hair, synthetic hair, straight, curly, short, long, lace front, mono top, vacuum, priced from $40.00 to $5000.00. Good Lord! At least with my hair I could put it in a ponytail or bun, where it down, straight or curly, it was… Continue

Added by Michelle on July 28, 2011 at 7:30pm — 12 Comments

Have a little compassion

I have heard from people with Alopecia that we need to be strong. Stop being so weak minded and move on. It may be easier for those who have had to deal with this condition for most or all of their lives. Of course they have adjusted and moved on. For some, Alopecia is all they know. Let's have a little compassion for those that have went their whole lives with a full head of hair and then lost it within a few short months. In my eyes there is no comparison. I consider myself to be an extremely… Continue

Added by Michelle on July 23, 2011 at 9:00pm — 17 Comments

You never know what you have until it's gone!

I'm talking about nose hairs. Really!! I never knew what the purpose was until I lost them. Now if my nose is runny, I better be really close to a box of tissues or it will drip right out of my nose. Not only that, I always have something in my darn eye now too. Good grief, if nothing else grows back..... please Lord give me my eye lashes and nose hairs. Amen.

Added by Michelle on July 11, 2011 at 10:30pm — 4 Comments

Self-conscious about my wig

Hello Fellow Alopecians,

I'm new to Alopecia World but I am thrilled to have found a site like this. I was feeling like I was the only person in the world with this condition. I was first diagnosed with Alopecia when I was 16. (I'm now 36.) I had a couple of spots in the back of my head. After a few rounds of shots, the hair grew back. 20 years later, the same spots appeared after taking on a new and very stressful job. I figured I would get some shots and they would grow in again.… Continue

Added by Michelle on July 7, 2011 at 9:30pm — 6 Comments


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